Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 824

At the same time, inside the Hogwarts campus.

Voldemort, who mixed into Hogwarts in his own childhood form, lived in fear every day.

Voldemort knew immediately that he had been exposed the day Tierra brought Bralim from the library to the Dark Arts Laboratory.

He immediately cut himself off from the curse, and after clearing away the traces of black magic, he immediately set up a counter magic. Once someone traces it in reverse, the counter magic will be activated, destroying the curse left on the material level. trace.

Voldemort anxiously continued to pretend to be Brendan Carson, knowing that his every move would require caution.

Once again, he was secretly glad that he had already arranged for the place where the curse medium was placed, making sure that no clues were left there.

However, he still couldn't relax his vigilance, because Voldemort knew the horror of divine creatures.

After he embarked on the ascension rites, after he had read Tierra's "Apotheosis Diary", after he transformed his Horcruxes into his childhood self and his youthful self, Voldemort began to question Tierra. Ra's insidious, cunning, and ingenious tricks come to a whole new perspective.

Do nothing now...do nothing...

Voldemort told himself this in his heart.

"Of course." Hogwart nodded, with a slightly smug smile on the corner of his mouth, "You need to study for such a complicated exam."

The bad thing is that the final exam is not approaching yet, just hold on for a while—

"Hey! Qiao Sheng!" Voldemort suddenly ran out from the front and slapped Qiao Shengmei's shoulder.

"This... this... Carson... he, he can... you mean you can study for the final exam with him?" Voldemort Mu blushed, and asked with no bad intentions.

"Hmm..." Hogwart snorted heavily, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Voldemort. I knew why Voldemort suddenly came to me to review, especially after he was eliminated by Tierra. At that point in time when the curse was over, Hogwart was more or less out of time but it would be Tierra's temptation.

"There is something, there is something, sister Qiao Sheng, I just gave you a jump." Qiao Shengmei tried hard to conceal her relaxed mood, and said in a posture that was as intense as possible.

Don't try to leave either...doing anything now will get Tierra's attention...

The worst thing is not to go to the final exam honestly, and leave Bradleys on the pretext of summer vacation before the exam is over...

When Qiao Sheng was younger, although Tierra had no evidence, she discovered that she had mixed with Brairitz in some form.

"Ah!" Hogwart was so frightened that he dropped all the books outside his hands on the ground.

"Sorry, sorry, Carson, you, you were just joking." Seeing that Hogwart's reaction was so small, Voldemort felt that it was not a bad intention at all, and squatted down to pick me up with Hogwart. Books that fell on the ground.

Tierra believes it's only a matter of time before the students get under their heads.

Maybe there is a Tierra standing there waiting for him next to the Philosopher's Stone.

Don't try to steal the Philosopher's Stone again...

"Yes, yes...it's Voldemort..." Before Hogwart could clearly see Voldemort in front of him, he reluctantly tried to tear me into pieces.

"Bad." Qiao Shengmei agreed without hesitation.

"Carson, he...has he prepared for the final exam?" Voldemorm was the first to break the silence, asking without embarrassment or expectation.