Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 840

As for what you said about wizard productivity...

Tiera didn't dare to give a guarantee.

Productivity varies from era to era.

Productivity before the Industrial Revolution referred to the ability to produce food.

After the Industrial Revolution, productivity became the ability to produce food and manufacture industrial goods.

As for the productivity of wizards...

Tiera can currently think of things that wizards can produce, but Muggles cannot produce for the time being, but there are only a few things that have great effects on Muggles -

The first is Bai Xian Potion. Bai Xian is a plant with magical properties that can be used to make potions. It also has a strong healing effect.

This is a healing potion that is currently beyond Muggle scientific explanation.

In addition to being used to rescue the wounded in war, car accident scenes, fires, major surgeries, treatment of chronic wounds and ulcerative skin diseases, etc...

Of course, these are just some of the more common uses.

If used for scientific research...

First author and corresponding author of "Research on Cell Regeneration and Repair Mechanism": Tiela

"Development of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine" First author and corresponding author: Tiela

First author and corresponding author of "Improvements in Disease Treatment and Trauma Medicine": Tiela

"Latest Research Progress in Cell Signaling and Regulation Mechanisms" First author and corresponding author: Tiela

"New Mechanisms of Cell Proliferation and Differentiation" First author and corresponding author: Tiela

First author and corresponding author of "Improvement of Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine": Tiela


Of course, the elixir of life also has the same or even higher value.

In addition to these two potions with purely positive effects, potions such as Polyjuice Potion, Love Potion, Fuling's Reagent, and Veritaserum will also have a very powerful impact on the current scientific and political systems of the Muggle world.

This is why Tiela registered a biomedical company in the first place.

If these magical potions were taken out directly, it would probably directly trigger World War III.

As for the wizarding society trying to control the Muggle society through these magical potions...


That is simply wishful thinking.

If World War III really breaks out, wizards will only be "commodities" snatched by various countries.

Tiera, who has completed nine years of compulsory education, is well aware of the delicate balance between wizarding society and Muggle society. She is also deeply aware of the shamelessness and terror of most Muggle governments.

New Tynum Village will be the first village where Tierra attempts to integrate wizards and Muggles.

In addition to the wizards from all over Europe that he requested, Tiera will also invite Muggle parents who can give birth to wizards and wizards to settle in New Tynum Village after the completion of the full wizard genome project.

People always have a natural yearning for novel things, which is determined by hundreds of millions of years of human evolution.

Tiera believes that as long as the initial friction period is overcome, wizards and Muggles will definitely establish a relationship of mutual learning and cooperation.

Wizards will share magical knowledge and skills with Muggles to help them better understand and apply magic. Muggles, in turn, share their knowledge of science, technology, and society with wizards.

A great man was right when he said that politics means making a few enemies and making a lot of friends.

Even with such great power, Tiera would not be able to single-handedly overturn the entire human society and forcibly integrate Muggles and wizards.