Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 842

"That's a population of hundreds of thousands!" Tiera said in an extremely bewitching tone, "The basis of power comes from population!"

"Power also comes from population." Tiera looked at the wizard officials behind him with a smile. "The quantity and quality of population are crucial to the acquisition and maintenance of power."

“Population is the basic component of a country or community. The size of the population determines the influence of a political system and the power of resource allocation. Having a large population means having more labor, knowledge and creativity, which provides the country with More development opportunities and potential. At the same time, population is also an important source of political support. Political leaders need the support of the population to effectively implement policies and exercise power." Tiera said, "In addition to quantity, the quality of the population is also very important. . Educational levels, skills and talent reserves are crucial to the exercise of power and economic development. A high-quality population can promote economic innovation and growth and provide more opportunities and resources, thereby further enhancing the country's power status."

"Therefore, the quantity and quality of the population are important factors that determine the power and influence of a country or region. Political leaders and the political system need to pay attention to and attach importance to population issues and promote the development and prosperity of the population through reasonable policies and measures, thereby Enhance your own power and competitiveness." Tiera concluded.

"This is the content of "Population Theory", written by the Muggle political scientist Thomas Robert Malthus." Seeing the officials of the Magic Federation behind him looking at him in confusion, Tiera said with a smile. , "If I remember correctly, that book has not yet been included in the list of 100 books that Magic Federation officials must read."

"Read less, your comrades." Tiera said in a dogmatic tone, "then they will find that the world is much smaller than what they see."

"So look outside, your comrades, look outside." Tiera stood at the end of New Tynum Village and pointed at the entire village and said, "What is outside?"

"It is the starting point of their power." Tiera said with a smile, "You will give them the management of that diplomacy. The power they obtain will come from the small population of that village."

"How many resources they can capture for their family also depends on this."

The so-called politics is not about making a few friends and making many enemies.

How do you make so few friends?

As for the corruption issues caused by this...

The desire for power, the desire for profit.

Please, look at how few wizards there are in the world now.


Because I haven't heard the restless desires of the current officials.

"There are not many similar villages." Tiera paused before adding, "You need a very large population to fill those villages."

If everyone lay flat, Tiera would really have a headache.

Corruption is bad. Corruption shows that we have not yet given up.

It's very bad if you get that head started.

Before Tiera finished speaking, she looked at these ancient officials again.

Give enough benefits and delegate enough power.

Tiera is even afraid of our corruption.

Just these few crooked melons and cracked dates, no matter how corrupt they are, how far can they go?