Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 85: spiritual fire

Tiera is now lying on the bed, with her left hand controlling the worm and chatting with Tom Riddle, and her right hand on "Ancient Black Magic Rites" to learn how to fire.

Although the Three Unforgivable Curses are called Unforgivable Curses, their intrinsic power is not that strong.

The life-suppressing curse is because there is no counter-curse, it will kill you if you touch it.

The piercing curse is because the person who casts the curse must contain great malice in their hearts. Legally speaking, this has already achieved the crime of subjective and intentional harm.

Although Imperius Curse is a little worse than the previous two, it is disgusting enough.

I've done something bad - ah, I'm under the Imperius Curse.

I want to do something bad - ah, I'm going to control someone with the Imperius Curse.

The initial elements that make up an artificial life form determine its later properties and three-dimensional power.

The Three Unforgivable Curses are indeed profound black magic, but they are not powerful black magic.

In terms of power alone, it is far less powerful than Fiery Fire.

According to Merlin's notes.

Li Huo can also be called spiritual fire.

Just like a flame burning requires three conditions: combustible, oxidant and ignition temperature.

The burning temperature of fiery fire is a spell.

Oxidizers are the continuous output of the will of spiritual latitude to destroy.

And the flammable substance of fierce fire is the black magic power of a wizard.

In other words, the fire itself is the flame that burns the spiritual dimension.

Because the magic of the wizard itself is produced from the spiritual latitude.

Ordinary non-black magic spells are only fuel for Flaming.

That's why it is so unstoppable that it can even ignite the Horcrux.

After all, a Horcrux is essentially an external black magic battery.

If the battery catches fire, it will explode and leave you.

Of course, Lihuo is not invincible, it also has its nemesis——

Spiritual spells.

To be more specific—

For example, the mantra stops immediately or all mantras end.

The principle of these two types of magic is very simple. The output of the spiritual existence strongly blocks or changes the magic configuration of the spell, causing the spell to be disturbed from the inside, and then directly dissipated.

These two spells are also the only two spells known to stop Fiery.

Of course, if you use your own fire to devour the enemy's fire and let it dissipate, it is also a method.

But generally, if you have this ability, you will directly burn the opponent to death with fierce fire, so why do you need such trouble.

In addition to the fierce fire, Tiera also saw another magic in the "Book of Anonymous Sacrifice", called "spiritual fire".

Similar to the principle of action of fiery fire, spiritual fire uses spiritual existence, that is, soul as fuel, spell as ignition point, and spiritual existence as the flame of combustion accelerant.

There are two sources of soul as fuel—one from others and one from oneself.

Spiritual fire is different from fiery fire. Because it is a flame that relies entirely on the soul, the caster's control over the spiritual latitude as the raw material directly determines the caster's control over the spiritual fire.

Ignite the spiritual fire with the spiritual existence of others, even if there are various curses and black magic methods to control the spiritual latitude of the other party, but due to the huge pain caused by the burning of the spiritual fire, the spiritual existence that is used as the raw material is out of ten. Nine will still get out of control.

Although this kind of spiritual fire is powerful, it is not used very well in actual combat.

Unless it is a desperate fight, igniting one's own soul and perishing with the other party.

But obviously, the way is better than the difficulty. Tiera read about a method that can skillfully use the fire of the spirit in another book of black magic in the library, which is quite safe, "The Book of the Red Priest". martyr".

Use the dark ritual to summon the demon, use your body as a container, let the demon possess, and sign a powerful binding contract with the demon——

Make a wish to the devil, asking to enhance his magical ability, the price is that his body, soul and magic power will be completely owned by the devil ten years later.

Demons... or devils, are very unique two-dimensional creatures.

Just as Muggles have only spiritual and material latitudes, demons only have spiritual and spiritual latitudes.

Like Dementors, they have no physical dimension, so they can only be felt by Muggles, but not seen.

However, the difference between demons and dementors is that dementors, wizards, and Muggles can be observed in the main material world due to the high overlap of spiritual latitudes.

However, due to the great difference in spiritual latitude from Muggles and wizards, demons can only exist in a certain spiritual world called hell.

If you want to enter the main material world. Demons can only choose to possess—

That is, to have a spiritual connection with a wizard or a Muggle, and then occupy the body of the material world.

However, due to the heterogeneity of the demon itself, the body occupied in this way will soon collapse, forcing the demon to return to hell.

Or the devil can deceive a wizard to allow his spiritual existence, and the spiritual existence is bound to the wizard's spiritual existence through a contract, and gradually merges in the process of completing the contract——

In this way, the demon can occupy the body of the wizard, obtain the physical latitude, and complete the evolution from two-dimensional life to three-dimensional life——

The spiritual existence and spiritual existence of the devil must be much stronger than that of the wizard, but in the initial stage of fusion, in order to better adapt to the material latitude, this fusion must be dominated by the will of the wizard——

This leaves a loophole for wizards.

In the early days of fusion, when the wizard was still able to suppress the demon's consciousness, through a series of complicated calculations and precise operations, the spiritual fire was ignited with the demon's spiritual existence.

Use the huge energy generated by the spiritual fire to fuse your own spiritual latitude with that of the devil.

And if it goes well, the wizard will eventually merge into about fifty to seventy percent of the demon's original spiritual existence.

Even if the selected demon is just an ordinary low-level demon, it will gain twice the magic power of an ordinary adult wizard.

If it weren't for the fact that demons can only live in a spiritual world called hell, and their spiritual latitude is very different from that of wizards and Muggles, I am afraid that wizards and Muggles in this world will be the same as house-elves. enslaved by demons.

The advantage of this "martyr" ritual over "dark magic evolution" is that there is no limit to the number of times "martyr" can be used.

Just like the first step of alchemy is to use powerful flame, magic or chemical reaction to remove impurities and get pure three-dimensional matter~lightnovelpub.net~ The powerful energy of spiritual fire can eliminate both wizards and demons. The spiritual latitude is large. Part of the impurities, allowing the two to combine with each other in a relatively pure form.

This also eliminates the problem of being unable to carry out with the second person due to the conflict of black magic power in "Dark Magic Evolution".

Of course, the shortcomings of "martyrs" are also obvious.

That is, the success rate is too low.

Most demons are not stupid, so how could they leave no loopholes in the contract.

And it is far more difficult to control a demon than to torture a wizard.

Unless you have a very thorough plan and a super high mind, you can deceive a demon into signing a contract with a wizard.

Therefore, the method of using the "martyrs" to quickly improve their strength is not in Tiera's consideration at all.

But if Tiera wants to go home, she must turn herself into an immortal existence, in order to pass through the endless barriers of space and time and cross the gate of ten thousand gates.

Tierra's only known path is alchemy.

But just by using the magic stone to brew the elixir of life, you can at most "live" yourself, but you can't make yourself immortal.

Unless you use alchemy techniques, like refining a magic stone, to remove the impurities of your spiritual latitude, spiritual latitude, and material latitude little by little, so that you can become a pure existence——

But if Tiera really did that, I'm afraid she would turn into an indescribable aggregate of light.

After all, his memory, the three views, and the composition of his thinking are all "impurities".

Of course, he can also use the power beyond the three-dimensional... For example, praying to the outer **** to convert his memory, three views and thinking into a pure form...

Unless he has enough to eat...
