Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 112: Weasley's Witchcraft and Wizardry (Part

"My God, where did these two children come up with so many inventions?" Lockhart sighed, and he saw Umbridge's doll again, performing various tricks there. It seems that Umbridge is really good. Not welcome.

Everyone was dazzled in the shop, and even someone like Lockhart who thought he had read all the magic books was an eye-opener.

"Professor, how is it, don't worry about your shares now." The twins asked proudly.

"That's right, but I'd suggest taking the truant and Umbridge's dolls off the shelves first or selling them in a hidden place..." Lockhart really supports the twins now, so he won't write a book in the future. You can also eat enough with the shares of the toy store.

There was a row of crimson merchandise by the window, surrounded by a group of giggling girls, Hermione and Ginny were also around, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

"What's there?" Lockhart asked curiously.

"Over there," Fred said triumphantly. "The best love medicine."

"Aphrodisiac? I remember that it is forbidden for teaching students to make and sell it." Lockhart was a little surprised, it was illegal.

"No, it's Ecstasy..." Fred explained nervously, "This medicine can last for a few hours, but look at it, the effect and duration will vary according to the target boy's weight and willpower..."

Pandora also walked over to Ecstasy with interest and looked.

"...and the charm of girls," George suddenly appeared beside them. "But we're not going to sell them to our sister and Pandora," he added solemnly, "Ginny and Pandora have taken our savior and professor fascinated!

"Humph!" Ginny said calmly, leaning over and taking a pink vial from the shelf. "What's this?"

"Ten seconds to get rid of pimples," Fred said. "For all boils and blackheads, but not the root cause. By the way, Hermione, you can consider buying some ecstasy, you don't have a boyfriend yet."

Hermione blushed, dropped the Ecstasy and left here.

"What is this?" Ginny continued to ask.

"Puffy dwarf," said George. "It's miniature fluffy, and we don't have time to feed them. Ginny, won't you teach Hermione how to make boys like her."

"No need, she doesn't like any boys!" Ginny said, glanced at Pandora and Lockhart, then put a finger into the cage, and the fluffy dwarf wrapped her finger. "They are so cute!"

"They're a lot of fun," Fred admitted. "but…"

Ginny turned and stared at him with her arms crossed, like Mrs Weasley, "Don't mention Hermione needs a boyfriend, you idiot!" Ginny angrily ran after Hermione, Ron just showed up with a bunch of merchandise With George: "How much are these?"

"Five Galleons." Fred checked the box in Ron's hand. "Pay."

"Hey, I'm your brother! Cheaper!"

"Sale is a sale."

"But I don't have that much money!"

"Then you should put them back, sorry, please put them back on their original shelves, thank you."

"Alright, alright, Ron, those things are mine, take them away." Lockhart couldn't bear to see Ron being bullied by his brothers.

Ron gratefully put the things into the bag: "Just know that the professor is the best!"

Lockhart shrugged and walked to Pandora: "Dear, you won't need Ecstasy, let's go."

"Let's get some bottles to play with," Pandora raised his head and asked. After Lockhart nodded, he happily put a few bottles of Ecstasy in his pocket, "There are so many good things here!"

"There is a potion called aphrodisiac, which is more powerful than this." Lockhart and Pandora explained.

Pandora said, "I know, but my grandfather said it was a contraband, so don't ask children."

She suddenly approached Lockhart and whispered, "Actually, I wanted to use an aphrodisiac for the professor two years ago, but unfortunately I couldn't get it."

Lockhart stroked Pandora's hair dumbfoundedly: "That's really scary. For aphrodisiacs to work, they have to be used constantly. My God, I'm not still under the effects of aphrodisiacs, right?"

Lockhart's exaggerated tone caused Pandora to laugh wildly: "Yes, every day I see the professor, the first thing I do is to give the professor a large dose of aphrodisiac!"

Lockhart's teacher instinctively made her want to give Pandora Cope the dosage and method of using aphrodisiacs, but after thinking about it, it was unnecessary. Anyway, he must not have an aphrodisiac, and he definitely really liked Pandora.

"Okay, I got a lot of things," Pandora asked, "Why can we get it for free?"

"I paid the money to open the store..." Lockhart explained helplessly, then took the bag from Pandora's hand, "Let's go, it's noon, let's go eat something."

The two left Weasley's Magic Tricks Workshop, went to Three Broomsticks, and got something to eat and drink.

"When I go back this time, I have to prepare well for the exam!" Pandora said, "You can't play before the exam."

"Well, the test is better, and it will be easier for me to pick you up at your house..." Lockhart agreed, "Apart from divination and astronomy, you can ask me anything else you don't understand."

"Unfortunately, I'm not sure about these two subjects," Pandora said dejectedly. "If I fail the exam, will my parents shut me up at home?"

"If that's the case, I'll rush into your house and take you away," Lockhart comforted. "So, take it easy."

Lockhart's promise made Pandora smile with joy: "You are not allowed to hurt my family when you burst into my house. Also, our house elf is very powerful, but I may order him not to stop you."

"It's easy to say, but seeing how desperate I am, can't you change the name?"

"Gidro, Gidro, okay." Pandora pouted, "How many times have I said it, I just like to call you professor..."

"It's up to you, that's it, come on, cheers~" Lockhart raised his glass and touched Pandora.

"Professor..." Pandora ate something and lowered her body, "Did Granger have a crush on you? She's been watching you over there, not even wiping the beer foam on her mouth..."

Lockhart was taken aback and looked back, "No, she is a good learner, I guess she must be trying to ask me some questions..."

"Really," Pandora said suspiciously, "Actually, I think it's normal for girls who like you..."

"No matter how many girls like me, you are the only one in my mind!" Lockhart quickly coaxed Pandora with sweet words. Little girls like to hear this the most.

"Hmph..." Pandora was very helpful and didn't continue the topic.
