Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 113: Medicine (top)

After returning to school, Pandora went to the study room again. Pandora's grades were not as good as Hermione's. Now she has to work harder to get better grades.

Lockhart went back to the office and continued to guess the questions that the Ministry of Magic might take in this Defense Against the Dark Arts class for his fifth- and seventh-year students... for short, guessing questions.

Someone knocked on the door again, Lockhart guessed who it was, and let someone in.

"Hey, Hermione, what's the matter..." What Lockhart was thinking at the moment was that Hermione would not be the same as last time, pitifully saying that she hoped to spend Valentine's Day with her favorite person.

This is really possible, but fortunately isn't--

"Professor, I have no books to read. I want to borrow some more."

"Well, the exam is coming soon, don't read too many books that have nothing to do with study." Lockhart nodded, "Go to the bookshelf and pick it yourself."

Hermione put something on Lockhart's table: "Ginny and I learned to make snacks. Professor, let's try it."

Lockhart raised his eyebrows, did he want to be virtuous and capable to attract his attention?

"If you're interested, then I'll try it~" Lockhart picked up a small piece and put it in his mouth, tasting it carefully, "It tastes good, Hermione, did you really make it yourself."

"Of course!" Hermione answered affirmatively while standing in front of Lockhart's bookshelf, looking for books.

"Keep working hard. In the future, I hope to be able to eat desserts made by you in the Order of the Phoenix. Jasmine's dishes are good, but it's a pity not to provide desserts after meals!"

"Will do!"

Lockhart was just not full, so he drank the water and ate what Hermione sent. Then continue to help the students guess the questions... Now that the Ministry of Magic has acknowledged the return of the mysterious man, it is very likely that the knowledge points related to black magic need to be tested in detail, and they will be reviewed in detail; maybe there will be a test of black magic creatures, The children must be given a list of black magic creatures and the corresponding treatment methods, so that they can memorize it...

Seventh grade students have to take more exams, and even have a basic understanding of the Unforgivable Curse. This is a big subject...

Lockhart turned to look and saw that Hermione was still reading in front of the bookshelf.

"Hermione, what are you looking at?" Lockhart couldn't help standing up curiously and walked to the bookshelf. "You can take it back. Stop standing."

Hermione woke up like a dream: "Ah, professor, I haven't finished reading this book, so I don't need to take it with me."

Lockhart leaned over: "The Complete Book of Practical Black Magic." How can this book be finished in such a short time?

At this time, Lockhart suddenly smelled a strange fragrance coming from Hermione's hair. He couldn't help standing behind Hermione and sniffed carefully.

It doesn't smell like sweat, otherwise, wouldn't Hermione become a fragrant concubine? It is also not the smell of shampoo, such as musk orchid. The faint fishy smell is slightly sweet and sweet, not musk, but more like my favorite lavender fragrance.

"Professor, why are these spells allowed to be used, but called black magic?"

Lockhart just took the opportunity of Hermione's question to get closer to Hermione and continued to distinguish what was going on with the smell, and it seemed that the smell of milk was mixed with Hermione's fresh and fragrant girl's body after getting closer. people feel happy.

Of course, Lockhart did not forget to explain Hermione's problem: "Dark magic is called black magic, not because it can cause damage and is not allowed to use, like smashing bones, cutting, piercing, all can put people It is deadly, but it is not called black magic. Generally speaking, black magic refers to the spell that will affect the user's mood during use, and in severe cases can change a person's mind. With this feature, even if Not a killing spell, also known as black magic."

Strange, the smell on Hermione's body was always what she liked, and Lockhart suddenly became alert. Could it be an aphrodisiac? No, the scent of an aphrodisiac is strong and constant, and works quickly...

"Affects people's psyche? Then why is some black magic still legal?"

"There are very few magics that can permanently affect people's hearts. Only black magic at the level of the Death Curse can significantly affect people's hearts, so even Aurors try not to use Death Curses when performing tasks."

"Oh—" Hermione nodded.

It's not an aphrodisiac, it's a perfume, right? What brand of perfume is this, I have to ask Hermione and buy a bottle for Pandora. Lockhart put it behind Hermione and took a few sips against her. My heart suddenly throbbed violently, this could not be because I fell in love with Hermione, but how could it be so sudden. But if this is not love, how could this smell make my heart beat faster? The impulse just now was more exaggerated than first love. Oops, must have eaten too many weird things at Weasley's toy store~lightnovelpub.net~ causing a problem with the taste system.

"Hermione, what perfume do you use?"

"Perfume? I... don't use perfume." Hermione stammered. Lockhart was so close that she could even feel his body temperature. Hermione couldn't help but get nervous, her back was tingling. Stiffened, trembling slightly.

"It's getting late, go back with the book, Hermione..." Lockhart said with a dry mouth, the smell was frightening! No, he couldn't help it. Lockhart pressed Hermione's shoulders from behind, put his head on the back of Hermione's neck, and greedily inhaled the peculiar smell against her hair.

"Yeah—" Hermione was startled, and the book in her hand fell, almost hitting her foot, hitting the floor with a muffled sound. Luckily she took a quick step back, dodging the impact of the book—but then she slammed into Lockhart's arms.

At this time, Lockhart was like taking drugs. He was no longer satisfied with smelling the smell from a distance. He passed his hands through Hermione's armpits from behind, hugged Hermione's slender body, and buried his head fiercely in Hermione. Between Min's collar and hair, she even sticks out her tongue to lick her oozing sweat...

Hermione was hugged from behind in this position by the person she liked, and she suddenly softened without any resistance. She didn't know where to put her hands, and tremblingly turned her head to look at Lockhart, who was holding her, as if I wonder why he buried his head in his collar.

At this point, just smelling the smell was no longer enough to satisfy Lockhart. He raised his head and saw Hermione also turned to look at him, with bright eyes, white teeth, red lips, there was a seductive and unintentional charm in the innocence, he raised his head slightly, and kissed Hermione with his mouth. No, not kissing, but sucking Hermione's saliva frantically, only Hermione's bodily fluids could ease Lockhart's restlessness.
