Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 12: wake up

The origin of the universe is nothingness, nothingness is colorless, nothingness is nothing. Then darkness appeared, and darkness at least meant existence. In this darkness, I was like the creator of the world. who I am? where is this? Why is there no light?

Lockhart thought, there should be light here!

—Then the light appeared. Lockhart opened his eyes, at first the light was just a shapeless bright spot, and after a long wait, the shape of the world appeared. The newly resurrected consciousness was trying hard to distinguish. At first, what he saw clearly were a few transparent thin tubes passing through the sky, revealing a ceiling glowing with milky white light, and finally a human face appeared.

"Sleeping Beauty is awake!" Then came a bunch of disorganized voices. It took Lockhart a long time to remember who he was. Could this be heaven?

Who is Sleeping Beauty? Could it be that I, my God, these nurses didn't do anything while I was in a coma.

After being in a daze for a while, this state was broken, because a familiar old face appeared in front of him, "Welcome back, Mr. Sleeping Beauty." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Lockhart had been lying in St Mungo's for a few months, and he was angry to hear that he had become the famous "Sleeping Man" in this hospital, and all the nurses took pleasure in taking care of him. At the same time, he was also very happy to hear that a guy named Lupin took his class, and Sirius also escaped from prison smoothly. The plot he knew didn't seem to be messed up by Hermione.

"Ginny is under control, she is only 11 years old, and the magic power is not enough to complete the death curse, you know, the principle of the death curse is to draw the soul out of the body, your soul seems to be very strong, so Ginny has no ability to draw your soul out, You practiced Occlumency."

"Yes, you know, as an adventurer, one's skills are not overwhelming."

Dumbledore interrupted Lockhart: "Very useful skills, but your body is not so strong, but fortunately Nico said he has a way to heal your wounds from the death curse, you will go to his house later .I've already said hello to the Ministry of Magic."

"Wait, who is Nico, why did I go to his house to apply to the Ministry of Magic?"

"Nicole Lemay! He is now under the protection of the Ministry of Magic, because the Ministry of Magic suspects that the henchmen of You-Know-Who will come to him and ask him how to make the Philosopher's Stone."

"Oh." The long slumber made Lockhart's mind a bit unable to turn around. "What is the Philosopher's Stone?"

Dumbledore was so angry that he stood up and left the ward.

A blond young woman came in, "Senior Lockhart, I'm Intern Auror Nifadora Tonks, you can call me Tonks," after a pause, "I'll take you to Niko later. Mr. Lemay's house, which is currently under the protection of the Faithful Charm."

"Oh, nice to meet you, Tonks. I'm ready, let's go."