Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 122: Little giant

Harry and Ron stared at the giant, retreating all the way to the point where they couldn't retreat any further. Hermione clutched Lockhart's arm tightly and hid behind him. Goobo knelt down between two trees that he had not yet had time to uproot. They looked up at his astonishingly large face, which looked like a full gray moon in the dimly lit clearing, and his features as if rough-hewn on a giant stone ball. His nose was stubby and shapeless, and his mouth was slanted to one side, full of deformed yellow teeth the size of half a brick. His eyes were small by giant standards, and since he had just woken up, his brown-green eyes were only half-open. Goobo raised his dirty fist the size of a ball, rubbed his eyes fiercely, and then, with astonishing speed and agility, suddenly stood up.

Lockhart was also startled, took out his wand in one hand, and backed away from the screaming Hermione in the other.

The big tree on the other end of the rope tied to Gubo's wrists and ankles creaked terribly. Indeed, he told Hagrid that it was at least five and a half meters high. Looking around with sleepy eyes, Gubo stretched out a hand the size of a beach umbrella, grabbed a bird's nest from a tall branch of a huge pine tree, turned it over, and roared in dissatisfaction because it was There are no birds in it. The egg inside slammed to the ground like a grenade, and Hagrid put his arms around his head to protect himself.

"Little Goobo," Hagrid shouted, looking up nervously to check that no more eggs fell, "I brought you some friends to meet you. Remember when I told you I would bring them? Remember, I told you I might go out and let them take care of you for a while? Do you remember, little Gubo?"

But Gubo just roared again. It was hard to tell if he was listening to Hagrid. He might not even hear Hagrid talking. He was now grabbing the top of the pine tree and pulling it towards him, apparently enjoying seeing how far it would bounce off when he let go.

"Listen, little Goobo, don't do that!" Hagrid shouted, "that's how you uprooted those trees—"

Lockhart finally solved his doubts when he saw the giant's habitat in France - he asked Moody, why are these giants pulling trees...

Sure enough, the soil next to the roots of the tree began to crack.

"I've got you a friend!" Hagrid shouted, "Look, my friend! Look down, you big stupid man, I've got you a good friend!"

The giant let go of the pine tree, which shook dangerously, and the needles rained down on Hagrid. He bowed his head.

"Gobble, this one," said Hagrid, pointing at Lockhart, "it's Lockhart! He'll come here to teach you English if I'm gone, understand?"

"I don't promise..." Lockhart was now determined not to let Hagrid leave Hogwarts at all costs.

"And these! It's Hermione, and Harry and Ron!"

The giant then noticed they were there, and he lowered his huge stone-like head and looked at them with sleepy eyes.

Coupo's hand suddenly stretched out to grab Lockhart, Lockhart swiftly gave his hand the obstacles, and then pushed Hermione narrowly away.

"Gobble, bad boy!" Hagrid shouted, and Hermione held Lockhart tightly behind him, trembling to cry, "You bad boy! You can't catch people!"

The little giant pushed Hagrid away impatiently, stopped looking at them in disinterest, and Hagrid got up from the ground.

"Okay," Hagrid said vaguely, covering his nose with one hand and standing up with his bow in the other. "Well...well...you saw him and- and now he'll recognize you when you come back...yeah...okay..."

Goobo was now pulling the pine tree, his stony face full of gleeful expressions, and the roots creaked as they were pulled away from the ground.

"Well, I guess that's it for today," Hagrid said. "Let's—er—let's go back now, how about that?" ~Lead them into the woods.

"I said, giants are ferocious creatures!" Lockhart protested dissatisfiedly. If he was caught by the giant just now, he would either be injured or he would wound the giant. In either case, it would be extremely troublesome.

"I'm sorry, Gilderoy, he doesn't want to hurt anyone," Hagrid said apologetically, "he's just a little restless."

"Hagrid, we know you're a good half-giant," Hermione said seriously, "but you can't think that all giants are good because of that."

No one spoke for a long time, and after a while they heard a loud noise in the distance, apparently Gubo finally uprooted the pine tree. Hermione's pale face was gloomy, and she was worried. What happens when someone finds out Hagrid is hiding Goobo in the Forbidden Forest? Also, Professor Lockhart seems to have agreed to try to help teach the giant civilization. Hagrid, even if he has amazing tolerance, can believe that fangs are cute and harmless, and shouldn't fool himself into thinking that Goobo can live with humans.

"Wait," said Hagrid suddenly, and Lockhart nearly ran into him again, drawing an arrow from the quiver on his shoulder and placing it on the bow. Lockhart had no choice but to raise his wand, and after stopping, they could now hear movement nearby.

"Why," whispered Hagrid.

"Hagrid, I think we told you," a low male voice said, "that you are no longer welcome here?"

For a moment, a man's naked upper body seemed to float towards them in the dim mottled green sunlight. Then they saw that his waist was attached to a sorrel horse. The centaur had a proud, high cheekboned face and long black hair. Like Hagrid, he was armed, with a longbow and a bag of arrows slung over his shoulders.
