Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 128: Exam Begins (Part 1)

Summer is approaching, and the wizard rank exam is finally here. Lockhart, together with other professors in the school, greeted the examiners who came for the exam in the lobby. They're all old guys, most of whom even served as examiners for Lockhart back then, and now they're all eating at the same table.

Lockhart will be in charge of the off-site tour of the exam that starts the next day.

"Professor, I'm so nervous..." Pandora nervously grabbed Lockhart's arm before entering the first door, the test room for the Charm exam.

"Don't worry, those professors are all the old gentlemen who took the exam for me back then," Lockhart comforted. "They are all very kind and talkative."

Snape shouted gloomily, "Gidro, you can let go of my students, and gather by the academy!"

"Okay...I'm going..." Pandora stammered after being kissed by Lockhart, then walked over tremblingly and joined the Slytherin candidates, led by Snape into the examination room . Lockhart looked funny. He remembered what he looked like when he went to the examination room. At that time, he was full of confidence and entered the examination room with pride. Boys and girls are totally different.

As soon as Pandora entered the examination room, the Salvation Trio also came to the entrance of the examination room.

"Professor!" Hermione noticed that Pandora had entered the examination room, and immediately ran over and pressed close to Lockhart, "I..."

"Don't say you're nervous." Lockhart put his hand on Hermione's small shoulder. "You're so nervous that your grades are so good, so other people can't live?"

"I can't help it..." Hermione said sadly.

Harry couldn't help complaining next to him: "Hermione asked me to ask her questions. But she kept grabbing the book to read, and it hurt me..."

Ron was still flipping through a book, his mouth kept moving, carrying something on his back.

"Harry still wants to buy brain supplements!" Hermione unceremoniously exposed him, "He was almost cheated."

"Harry - it's better to practice Occlumency if you buy a brain tonic." Lockhart glanced at Harry, "I won't attack you for the exam today."

Harry's mouth twitched: "Thank you... Professor."

When Lockhart saw Mag looking at him, he patted Hermione on the shoulder: "Okay, hurry up and gather, I wish you all good grades!"

"Then we're over..." Hermione said dryly, then shrank her neck and followed behind Harry and Ron to gather, as if she was really scared.

After the Gryffindor candidates also entered the examination room, Lockhart walked leisurely to the edge of the balcony and looked at the scenery in the distance. What is the patrol supervisor? For the students, this is a once-in-a-lifetime event, but as a professor, he has sent several groups of people into the examination room. He didn't believe that anyone could help the students on the court to cheat outside the court, patrol and patrol, just paddling.

The black lake in the distance glowed with sparkling spots, the trees were blown by the wind, the leaves and waves rolled, and the clouds seemed to have been burned by the sun and disappeared without a trace. The weather is not too hot, the warm wind blowing on the face is itchy, very comfortable. If there is no Voldemort, there is no war, quietly here as a professor for life. When Dumbledore is so old, he might be able to become the headmaster, and being looked up by all the children makes me a little excited just thinking about it.

Lockhart was leaning against the fence thinking wildly, unaware that someone walked behind him: "Gidero, why don't you go in for the exam!"

Lockhart was taken aback and was questioned. Turning around, it turned out to be Professor Flitwick, the dean of Ravenclaw. "Uh...Professor Flitwick, I have graduated, and now I am a colleague with you..."

"Haha, I'm just joking with you." Flitwick looked up at Lockhart with a smile, "The primary school bully of the past has become a powerful person now, and you drove Umbridge away two days ago. handsome."

"Thank you, Professor Flitwick, you taught me well..."

"Don't make trouble, I didn't expect you to have such achievements at the time. I always thought you were a pushy young man." Professor Flitwick did not accept Lockhart's compliment.

Lockhart was a little sweaty: "Actually, your impression is right, I'm just a pushy boy..."

"It's normal for young people to be pushy," Flitwick wanted to pat Lockhart on the shoulder, but only got his upper arm... He put down his hand helplessly, "You're so tall..."

Lockhart was speechless, maybe he should crouch down and talk to Professor Flitwick? That seems so unnatural...

Flitwick continued: "Now I'm hearing from Penello Clearwater, who works at the Ministry of Magic, that you've been reported for illegal use of Veritaserum against others, and Professor McGonagall has said someone from the Ministry of Magic will come in two days. Investigate you and get ready."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine..."

"Speaking of which, no one has been able to stay as a professor of defense for many years. I hope this investigation is not a sign that we continue to change professors."

"I really don't know, how many people have been professors of Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Lockhart asked curiously.

"Since the mysterious man failed to apply for this position~lightnovelpub.net~ no one has been re-elected. I guess it is the mysterious man who let his subordinates do bad things to the people in this position." Flitwick guessed: "After all That's a lot less than the actual cost of the next curse."


"Stop chatting, I have to go to gather the Ravenclaw candidates, relax, I went to Headmaster Dumbledore, and he said he would say hello to the Ministry of Magic."

"Well, thank you and Mr. Principal!"

Lockhart watched Ravenclaw's students enter the examination room, and lamented how quickly time passed. The scene when he was sent into the examination room by Professor Flitwick was still vivid in his mind, and now he is chatting and laughing with Professor Flitwick. .

Bored, Lockhart found a place to sit outside the door, took out his notebook, and continued to think about his next book.

He plans to "slightly" expand his story of dealing with giants into a novella. Of course, in this book, he even participated in the campaign to drive out giants more than ten years ago, anyway, he has listened to Moody's dictation - Voldemort has just disappeared, and the Auror department has not started to lay off staff, whether in numbers or combat power The Aurors, who were all at their peak, were dispatched at that time, killing almost all the giants who had appeared on the battlefields of the Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic, and then let the other giants obey the arrangements of the Ministry of Magic and went to live abroad.

Of course, Lockhart couldn't have wiped the memory of all the Aurors who participated in this operation, and he couldn't take the credit alone, but the operation of continuing to relocate the French giants not long ago could barely be regarded as his command - Mu Neither Di nor Dao Lishi would jump out and grab this honor from him. This book is expected to be a fire after it is published, but Lockhart, reluctantly, still has to hide the book until Voldemort is dead before he can get it out.
