Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 157: strange reversal

"I'm Major Hu Xinya, I can make the decision here, you see..." This woman looks very young, with delicate features, fair and clean, with short ears and beautiful black hair, wearing a white shirt and suit shorts, she looks fashionable and capable. Spreading his hands, he went straight to Lockhart: "I didn't have a weapon, did I."

She can attack people without a weapon, but it is limited to relatively strong wizards. This woman is obviously not good. But Lockhart doesn't know Chinese wizards. Who knows what they can do.

Lockhart was very regretful in his heart. The last time he faced Voldemort, he still had more than a dozen solid and reliable teammates, and Dumbledore could appear at any time, so it was not hopeless. But this time, he was careless and was surrounded by dozens of wizards from foreign countries. The other party did not even have diplomatic contact with the British Ministry of Magic, and it seemed that he had never heard of the International Wizarding Secrecy Act. Do you know how China deals with such criminals?

He never thought that he would be so embarrassed one day, or bring his girlfriend... I wonder how he will be described in tomorrow's newspaper? A foreign terrorist who took hostages at gunpoint in Tiananmen Square, fought with the police, was shot dead after wounding several police officers, and his accomplices were arrested?

It's not that I made a fool of myself, it's that the Chinese do things out of the way! Lockhart was extremely regretful, and was also very annoyed: at first, he searched carefully, and then he deliberately tried. In the end, he was unscrupulous in Shanghai, and no one paid any attention to him. As a result, they came to Beijing, and the other party dispatched such a big battle, fishing and law enforcement, right?

After carefully recalling his own situation, it seems that there is no reason to convince the other party to let him go, and he does not have any treasures like the protagonists of the novels, who can buy his own life.

No way, let's see if we can break out. Lockhart was trying to find a way to leave, and the woman who had just spoken had walked a few meters in front of Lockhart, and looked at him sincerely, - since she was so sincere, then Lockhart was also rude. Staring into her eyes quietly used Legilimency.

Actually, he did not have any ill will towards him. Lockhart suddenly realized that his guess was wrong, and this time he might be embarrassed. He had no choice but to push the hostage out of his arms, and then pointed his wand at the woman, protecting Pandora and backing away, trying to get out of here slowly, but the circle surrounding him moved with him.

The woman didn't even look at the "hostage" who was released, and followed Lockhart eagerly: "Sir, you see, we have surrounded you with so many people, but only you and the lady behind you take the Arms out..."

When Lockhart saw it, it was true. Although some people had things in their hands, they didn't aim at him. Could it be that Lockhart is taking the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain? No malice, why did you dispatch so many people, welcome yourself?

"Then let me go!" Lockhart said loudly in Chinese.

"You can speak Chinese!" The girl's eyes lit up, and she continued to walk towards Lockhart with her hands open. This little girl was sure that she didn't dare to do it first! Lockhart stepped back a little embarrassedly, but obviously not as fast as the other party. She kept closing, one step, one step, until Lockhart's wand was pointed at her head, and she stopped.

She was also very nervous. The power of this foreign cultivator has exceeded expectations. If they really want to run, they are not allowed to attack. There is really no way. She rested her forehead against Lockhart's wand, and her hands slowly raised, tremblingly, reaching for Lockhart's wand-holding right hand, holding it lightly, then trying to depress his wand.

Lockhart could feel that the other party did not have any malicious intentions, otherwise he would have no hostages, and they would not have used such a stupid way to deal with him. Lockhart could only watch as her hand gripped his wrist softly, slowly depressing the wand, and finally dropping it.

Seeing Lockhart finally put down her weapon, the uniformed woman waved happily to signal the crowd to disperse, then grabbed Lockhart's hand with both hands, and said an inexplicable line with unconcealed joy: "I represent the Chinese government and practitioners. , sincerely welcome you to China!"

——The world is really unpredictable:

Two hours ago, Lockhart and Pandora were sitting in the hall of Quanjude eating the same roast duck; an hour ago, Lockhart was surrounded by a group of menacing wizards. Now, suddenly sitting in the Great Hall of the People, facing a whole table of state banquets, next to the top leader of the country and a group of wizards who actually hold power, Major Hu Xinya - no, he will be the major immediately, also because the first Contact Lockhart and have the privilege of accompanying him.

Lockhart was completely bewildered. Contrary to the "Hidden Faction" encountered in Wudang Mountain, this group of sorcerers and Chinese leaders known as the Worldly Accession Faction were incredibly enthusiastic, and they didn't seem to mind at all. There are so many lawless things done by China's two big cities.

Even though there were no diplomatic arrangements and it was already off-duty time, the reception staff of the entire Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately returned to their posts and received Lockhart and Pandora as they did other leaders.

"Mr. Lockhart, are you a professor for this little girl? What do you mean by a professor? A professor at a school for people like you." The national leader wearing glasses asked amiably.

The other party completely disregarded previous suspicions, and was very enthusiastic, which made Lockhart completely flattered, and told him one by one: "Ah, yes, it is a school called Hogwarts, which specializes in training wizards, I He is a professor of defense, specializing in combat and self-defense."

"No wonder you are so powerful, Mr. Lockhart!" Another old wizard exclaimed, and at the same time cautiously probed: "There are not many wizards as powerful as you are even in England?"

This time, Pandora also enjoys high treatment - the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has assigned her an interpreter, so she can finally understand the conversation of these adults, she replied with confidence: "Of course, Professor Lockhart is the first British professor. The second wizard, the first wizard is our principal!"

After the interpreter told these Chinese wizards this, they looked at Lockhart more eagerly, and Colonel Hu Xinya's eyes lit up with excitement: This time I caught a big fish!

Lockhart felt helpless, but at this time it is estimated that telling the truth will be regarded as modest and meaningless. If you really want to rank, he should be around 50th, and the first place is definitely Voldemort instead of Dumbledore...

"I'll give you a toast first, Mr. Lockhart, the second wizard in England!" The old wizard stood up and wanted to clink glasses with Lockhart. Lockhart had memories of his previous life and knew the rules, so he quickly stood up and greeted the old man. Have a drink.

"Our government...was officially established a few years ago~lightnovelpub.net~The Special Affairs Department of the National Security Agency, which specializes in managing and practicing practitioners...the sorcerer you said, related affairs." It seemed to show respect, Everyone used the word wizard, following Lockhart's habit. "We tried to contact the wizarding organizations in Europe, but every time the people who were sent to the past came back, they couldn't remember anything..."

Lockhart was a little embarrassed: "Yes, there is a written regulation in Europe called the International Wizarding Secrecy Act. Once a wizard is exposed, the Ministry of Magic will send staff to deal with it and clear the memory of witnesses. However, As far as I know, it won't clear the memory of the person involved... Who did you send and how did you handle the matter?"

The Chinese wizards present were more embarrassed than Lockhart: "Mr. Lockhart, when you know more about the current situation of the Chinese spiritual world or the wizarding world, you will understand why we are eager to find other wizards, but other wizards are I don't care about us anymore."

"Okay, I think there will be opportunities in the future." Lockhart suppressed his curiosity, "I want to know now, why I entered China, and after searching for a long time, I couldn't find the existence of Chinese wizards, so I ran to Beijing, Encountering such a big pomp? I was almost frightened, and my head became hot for a while, and I did some very inappropriate behavior..."

"You don't have to take it to heart, we all understand your behavior..." Another wizard shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, Xinya, you can introduce the current situation of Chinese wizards to Mr. Lockhart now."

(Some people say that it is very uncomfortable for Chinese wizards to kneel and lick a foreigner? First of all, the protagonist I wrote is not a waste, he has some real skills, why can’t he be knelt and licked... Second, the author is a very realistic person, the protagonist encounters The powerful Chinese hermitage shaman is naturally kneeling and licking, and his strength is respected. Is there any problem?)
