Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 185: Conversation with Draco

The whole of the UK, from the wizarding world to the Muggle world, is caught in the panic created by the Death Eaters. The incident continues to escalate and the panic intensifies, but the proliferation of Dementors has caused the temperature to get lower and lower. Only at Hogwarts, under the protection of powerful magic and Dumbledore, can everyone enjoy school life in peace.

Of course, there is still a lot of trouble for some people who have made unbreakable vows.

"Draco, what are you going to do?" Lockhart called Draco into the office and asked as kindly as possible. It was a weird feeling to sit face to face with a little Death Eater and discuss how to assassinate his headmaster. Lockhart couldn't help but admire Snape who was a spy, wandering between the strongest black and white wizard.

"Professor, I really don't know..." Draco has been told by his mother that Lockhart can be trusted, so he doesn't pretend to be strong in front of him, "What the **** am I going to do, the Dark Lord told me to kill the Headmaster ...he can't do it himself..."

"It's not your turn to do this kind of thing, Draco, the Dark Lord is taking revenge on your father." Lockhart followed Draco's words, "The best thing you should do now is to do your best. , it’s normal that it can’t be done, what do so many adult Death Eaters do to eat?”

"Vengeance on my father..." Draco's handsome face turned pale all of a sudden, "Am I not valued by the Dark Lord?"

"Important?" Lockhart shook his head. "Did he say what would happen to you if you couldn't finish it?"

"He's going to kill me." Draco seemed to want to speak for Voldemort. "He's like that with his men who can't get the job done."

"Draco, have you never thought about why the Dark Lord keeps failing?" Lockhart did not continue the conversation just now, but changed the subject, "The entire Malfoy family is so loyal, what did they get in the end? The benefit? I don't understand, what do you get from following the Dark Lord except fear?"

"However, the Dark Lord is so powerful...and he has mastered the method of immortality..." Draco said hesitantly.

"Lies!" Lockhart said firmly, "I took risks a lot when I was young, and met many powerful wizards, but most people, no, almost all wizards, agreed that there is no way to live forever. , that even those we think have eternal life have to succumb to death."

"But he showed evidence. All those who tried to kill him failed in the end..."

"Everyone who tried to kill Dumbledore failed in the end. It's strength, not immortality, Draco." Lockhart said to him earnestly, "Remember what I've been emphasizing in class. ."

"What?" Draco's mind was also muddled.

"All incantations have their principles, remember." Lockhart coaxed, "similarly, not just spells, everything in the world has its principles, why do people die?"

"Because of... aging?" Draco returned uncertainly.

"That's right, constant aging leads to death, so how to achieve immortality? The answer is to use some kind of power to overcome this aging - it can be potion, it can be magic."

"That's right, isn't it theoretically feasible?" Draco asked.

"Theoretically possible! But Nicole Lemay told me that the rate of aging is accelerating, and I personally suspect that this 'acceleration' itself is also accelerating... You know what I mean, you have always been very clever."

"Nicole LeMay?" Draco said with a shocked expression, "Didn't he find a way to live forever?"

"Unfortunately, after fighting death for six hundred years, he still lost." Lockhart told him without concealment, "We said above that to achieve immortality, certain resources must be needed to overcome aging. And aging is getting faster and faster..."

"More and more resources are needed." Draco would also rush to answer.

"Yes, then, do you think that after the Dark Lord has successfully conquered the wizarding world, he will share the opportunity and resources of immortality with all Death Eaters?" asked the Loha trait, "and that's assuming that he On the basis of really finding a solution to immortality. Actually—I'll give you a minute to ask yourself, do you believe in such a thing as immortality?"

A long minute passed, and Draco gave what Lockhart thought was the correct answer: "I don't believe it."

"Very good, then our next communication will be much easier." Lockhart said happily, "Right now, we think there is no such thing as immortality. Then... and assuming that the Dark Lord successfully controls the wizarding world, then, What will the Malfoys get?"

"Pride, money...power?" Draco replied incredulously.

"Whatever, I'll ask you, which one did the original Malfoy family not have?" Lockhart pressed step by step, "Status, aren't you the nobles of the Muggle world, you even have a large fief! Money, I doubt it There is no richer in the whole of England than your family, and power, as one of the last remaining pure blood families in the wizarding world, a financial sponsor of the Ministry of Magic, and a director of Hogwarts, yours There has always been a right to speak in the magical world. - What do you want?"

"Maybe... Fame?" Draco's voice got lower and lower.

"Which is more famous for helping the Dark Lord gain the wizarding world, or defeating the Dark Lord and saving the wizarding world?"

Silence...thinking...Lockhart leaned back comfortably in his chair, waiting for Draco's answer.

"Okay, Professor, you're always right! But..." Draco hesitated, pulling up his sleeves, revealing his dark mark. "I have no turning back now, Professor!"

Draco seemed to be extremely remorseful: "I can only go one way now, either to become the Dark Lord's most trusted Death Eater, or to become a prisoner of the Ministry of Magic!"

"Not really, don't forget my title - the man who is best at dealing with black magic," Lockhart said confidently. "It's easy to deal with this little trick on your arm."

"Really, Professor." Draco looked suspicious. "I think it would be very troublesome for you to get rid of the things the Dark Lord made."

"You can choose to believe me or not," Lockhart pretended to be deep, "if you are afraid of the constraints of the Dark Mark, you can try your best to kill Dumbledore, but it will definitely be futile. If you fail, you can come to me and I will help you remove the black magic mark."

"Really..." Draco was about to speak, when there was a knock on the door of the office, he immediately stopped talking and blocked the mark on his arm.

"Come in." Lockhart also sat up straight.

"Professor, what are you discussing?" Hermione timidly poked her head in and found someone.

"It's nothing, Draco is asking me a question." Lockhart waved his hand, "No doubt, you can go."

"Okay, thank you Professor!" Draco responded quickly.


"Hermione, I remember there was an arithmetic and divination class in the afternoon." After Draco left, Lockhart asked strangely, "What are you doing here?"

"It's nothing, I miss you!" After seeing Draco leave, Hermione boldly sat on Lockhart's lap, put her arms around his neck and talked to him intimately, "I carefully investigated Fudge's test scores. , to exclude all the courses she may choose, so that I can stagger the class time with her, and come to see you with confidence! Anyway, I am Quanyou!"

"You grumpy little goblin..." Lockhart hugged Hermione's soft yet elastic body and said with a wry smile, "You're very witty, can't you sit on a chair and talk properly?"

"No, I've been sitting on that chair since the second grade, and I'm tired of it!" Hermione said arrogantly, and continued to kiss Lockhart.

That day at the Burrow, the kind of thing Lockhart did to her made Hermione feel that she was already his woman, so she acted bolder. At the same time, the feeling of ecstasy made Hermione unforgettable. She had been looking forward to being able to do it again, but such a shameful thing could be said...

"Gildrow~, Harry didn't know where he got a Potions textbook, it has everything on it..." Hermione put her arms around Lockhart, looking for something to say, "It feels like Harry is cheating. …”

Lockhart gently hugged Hermione's waist and couldn't help laughing: "So, you're not convinced?"

"He's called the Little Prince of Potions! I don't even know what to do if he leaves the book!" Hermione said angrily, "He should have confessed earlier and returned the book, it's a deception."

"Dear, Harry, he is making good use of the wisdom left by his predecessors. I don't think this is a deception. You can also copy some of the notes on that book and look at it." Lockhart said softly, "the best The point is, you are with me, but you worry about another boy like an elder, which is too rude to me..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, Gilderoy..." Hermione was a little scared, she thought Lockhart was angry, "Let's stop talking about Harry, remember my House Elf Welfare Promotion Association."

"What's the matter, is there any progress?" Lockhart put his hand into Hermione's wizard robe and stroked it gently through the underwear. Hermione was so happy that she almost wanted to close her eyes.

"Well... a lot of people have expressed their willingness to be nice to house-elves, but when it comes to welfare, no one will stand up and set an example. What should I do?" Hermione asked in a low voice, leaning her head against Lockhart's shoulder. , but she didn't want an answer at all now, she just hoped that Lockhart would pick her up roughly and throw her into the sofa, strip her off, and then do the kind of thing that couples do to her.

"You'll need some support~lightnovelpub.net~Hermione." Hermione was soft all over her body, Lockhart enjoyed the happiness in his hands, but he gave her advice seriously, "Let them first announce that they are willing to provide house elf benefits, and then hyped it up to create a trend for house elf benefits."

"Good idea, Gilderoy..." Hermione was paralyzed in Lockhart's arms, and she was a little disappointed to see that he kept moving, but did not move further, "Can I sneak into your dormitory at night?"

"Uh... Pandora sometimes comes at night." Lockhart said embarrassingly, "Also, Professor McGonagall is very strict..."

"Then Professor Snape, the dean of Slytherin, didn't check carefully!"

Lockhart was at a loss for words, and of course he was strict, but Snape knew that Pandora would come to Lockhart's dormitory occasionally, so he turned a blind eye. Professor McGonagall was not so good at talking, not to mention McGonagall With the rigid character of the professor, if he finds his student as someone else's lover...

"I don't care!" Hermione exclaimed aggrievedly. "My seventeenth birthday is two days away. On September 19th, I want you to accompany me, and I want to drive Pandora back!"

September 19th is Thursday, right? Pandora has a class on Friday morning, so she probably won't come.

"Okay, I promise you."

"I love you, Gilderoy!" Hermione immediately recovered and kissed Lockhart again, "more than anyone else!"

"I love you too, baby." You can't love me more than myself and my mother, and Pandora would say the same...but Lockhart didn't want to spoil the mood. "Now, go back obediently, wash up on your birthday and wait for me~"

"Yeah!" Hermione's face turned red all of a sudden, she couldn't help pinching her legs, went to the ground, and left the office.
