Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 216: Burns Family Tragedy

For the next few weeks, Lockhart worked hard to improve his magical affinity according to the method provided by the old Taoist. During the day, he found an open space to practice some powerful spells, but the casting time was extremely long; On the bed, the magic power in the body flowed silently, and tried hard to "feel nature"... Not to mention, Lockhart can really feel the magic elements floating in the air while meditating.

The spell he practiced during the day was a spell called Heaven and Earth Shattering. This was the spell that Lockhart could find the most magic power he needed. earthquake. And his magic affinity has indeed improved, but I don't know which exercise method is working, but there is no conflict between the several methods, so Lockhart has no time and is too lazy to delve into it.


"In the first few lessons, we learned a little about the Cruciatus..." Lockhart resumed the class after a week's absence from work. "Now we have a preliminary understanding of the rest of the Unforgivable Curse..."

"The reason why I chose the Cruciatus first is because the Cruciatus is the only one of the three unforgivable spells that can remain awake after being hit. And the remaining two, one is absolutely unbeatable, and the other is , if you don't practice Occlumency, you will lose your ability to think..." Lockhart is in a good mood now, and even the atmosphere in the classroom is very relaxed. "Let's look at the meeting first, the content of page 140, I will ask questions later."

Lockhart was slowly patrolling the classroom to see if anyone was deserting. At this time, a figure suddenly flashed at the door of the classroom-Professor McGonagall. She stood at the door and stared at Lockhart. After seeing him notice her , nodding for him to come out.

Is there an emergency that needs to be addressed during class? Lockhart walked out of the classroom under the watchful eyes of many students, and even the children understood that something must have happened, otherwise they would not have to be called out during class.

"What's the matter. Professor McGonagall?" Lockhart asked curiously from a corner outside the classroom door.

"There's something wrong with Susan Burns' house."

"Burns, is it Amelia Burns' family?" Lockhart was a little shocked, the last director of the Magic Law Enforcement Department was dead. Why didn't the Death Eaters let go of her family, "What's going on?"

"The Death Eaters went to the Burns house to ask them to take a stand, and the Burns family made it clear that they did not support the Death Eaters..." McGonagall said uneasily, "So it started."

"Burns is also a big family, isn't it easy to be wiped out?" Lockhart asked cautiously.

"That's not true. They used magic to call the police..." McGonagall comforted him. "A team of strikers rushed to the scene immediately, but one of Susan's uncles died and her father was seriously injured. Susan may be asked to see him. The last time."


"Hurry up and call Susan out!" Mag urged.

Lockhart returned to the classroom with some unease. By this time, the students had already read the one hundred and forty pages and were whispering about what happened.

"Susan! Come out."

Susan of Hufflepuff, always an unremarkable little blond girl, never took the initiative to answer questions or participate in interactions in class. Named this time. Obviously beyond her expectations, she stood up inexplicably and walked to the door of the classroom tremblingly in the eyes of many classmates.

Lockhart put his hand on her shoulder, patted her lightly, and guided her out of the classroom, flattering her, but even more uncomfortable with Lockhart.

"Susan, something happened to your father, you have to go see him right now," Professor McGonagall said uneasy. But he mustered up the courage to tell her. "Professor Lockhart asks your classmates to take your things back with you. Come with me now."

"What? What's wrong with my father!" Susan looked up in horror.

"I'm sorry, but now is not the time to chat, Gilderoy. Go back to class." Professor McGonagall hurriedly left with Susan.

Lockhart's slightly improved mood was completely destroyed. Not long ago, the Ministry of Magic was a large-scale gathering point to destroy the Dementors, but this did not hurt the Death Eaters, but forced them to speed up their conspiracy. Harmony and rebellion... The scale of victory in the war is only slightly tilted towards the Order of the Phoenix, and it is far from being happy.

As Lockhart walked back to the classroom, the students were wondering what Susan was doing out. Only a few people noticed that he was coming in again, and they didn't care. Professor Lockhart had always had a good temper.

"Stop discussing it!" Lockhart patted the table. "Seamus! I think you had the most fun discussing it. Get up and answer me the principle of the Imperius Curse!"

"I... I don't know, Professor." Seamus stood up nervously, looking around, no one helped, only Hermione raised her hand high.

"Okay, Hermione, you answer." Lockhart didn't continue tossing innocent Seamus, and waved him to sit down.

"The Imperius Curse will make the person under the curse feel blank in their minds, and then they will feel extremely happy, and then the caster will let the person under the curse do anything, he will do it obediently. But the curse has been cast on a certain person If there are too many, it will generate resistance and weaken the power of the spell." Hermione got up and gushed, answering questions always gave her a special pleasure, and she couldn't suppress this urge at all. "It's not clear what's written in the principle book, but I guess based on what I've learned before, it's a powerful confounding spell that makes people shrouded in happiness for a short time, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling a person..." She paused After a moment, "The wizard's brain is protected by magic, so resistance will soon develop, making him more and more difficult to control, but only Occlumency can completely stop the spell."

Just asking the principle, Hermione answered a lot, but this class was just wasted by Mag. Hermione said everything he wanted to say, but he was able to finish the get out of class in time.

"Quite complete answer, twenty points for Gryffindor." Lockhart smiled reluctantly. "Student Granger guessed right, Imperius is a mutated Confusion Charm, with some changes made in order to control the victim for a long time. It is more powerful, but long-term control will cause damage to the victim's brain. Irreparable damage, so it's an Unforgivable Curse."

"If a person is determined, will he still be confused and controlled?"

"Good question, firm will can indeed resist to a certain extent, but it is not the solution. The reason why Imperius Curse is not divided into the scope of Confusion Curse is because of some characteristics - wizards can increase the magic power they use to increase The power of a big spell can force you to control you at the risk of hurting your brain." Lockhart added, "The power of a spell can be unlimited, but the firmness of a person's will is not. Theoretically, only using Occlumency, using Magical power protects their brains, which is the easiest way to resist the Imperius Curse. In addition, wizards and Squibs will gradually form resistance because of the existence of magic power in their bodies. If they are pure-blooded Muggles without any wizarding blood in their bodies, they can be forever Imperius controlled."

Bloodline is a sensitive topic~lightnovelpub.net~ The students below began to whisper again.

"Of course, just as there is no real pure-blood wizard in the world, there is no real pure-blood Muggle, so in fact everyone will be more or less resistant to the Imperius Curse." Lockhart knocked. Knock on the table to get all students to look up. "Wizards controlled by the Imperius Curse will have some less prominent features, and professionals can..."

Lockhart was about to continue his lecture on how to identify someone controlled by the Imperius Curse, when the bell rang for the end of the get out of class—it was rare for him to fail to finish all the knowledge points he was going to talk about in class, but he had no habit of procrastinating. After instructing Hufflepuff's students to bring Susan's things back, they still happily announced the get out of class.


The Burns family was attacked. This was not an accidental incident. If even such a large family would be attacked by Death Eaters, it would indicate that the activities of the Death Eaters were becoming more and more rampant. According to the news from other members of the Order of the Phoenix, this is indeed the case. The case of Dementors is no longer happening, but the cases of attacks by Death Eaters and werewolves have begun to increase. up.

The enemy was so arrogant, making Lockhart a little nervous, but he was still absolutely safe at Hogwarts. (To be continued.)