Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 229: Auror

For Hermione, the greatest benefit of adulthood is the ability to legally Apparate and immediately come to headquarters to meet Lockhart. She lied to her parents that she got a job in the wizarding world so she could even spend the occasional sleepover at Lockhart. On the other hand, the owner of the house, Blake, often does not go home at night, and it seems that he has finally found a girlfriend.

After hearing Lockhart say that he was trying to persuade the Malfoy family to free Dobby in order to support her cause of liberating the elf, Hermione was so moved that she felt that there was no more than Lockhart in the world. A more perfect man. While regretting not monopolizing him earlier, Hermione also fell in love with Lockhart even more.


Lockhart reluctantly went to the Ministry of Magic's Law Enforcement Division to report, and then led to an Auror office of his own. ——He also went to secondary school back then. After graduation, he ran here with confidence, signed up for the Auror, and successfully became an Auror with his talent and learning ability——Then he discovered that being an Auror Not so hot-blooded and interesting, and even life safety is not much guaranteed.

So he resigned and went to sea, started cheating, and finally made a fortune by writing books... But no matter what, this was his first official job. After many years, he actually returned to his old business. I have to say that many things in the world are like this. wonderful.

Lockhart's arrival made everyone in the Auror department happy, but he heard bad news as soon as he arrived - Auror Joe Hudson's son was bitten by a werewolf and has been sent to St Mungo's Yes, but it is estimated that he will have to rely on wolf poison for the rest of his life.

"Didn't the Auror rule tell us to hide our family, how did the werewolf find your son?" Seeing that Joe, who was always cheerful, became depressed, Lockhart couldn't help but ask the situation.

"It wasn't the werewolf who found my home! It was my son who was attacked by a werewolf when he was out to play. He was just affected!" Joe said angrily, "I'm going to apply for an extinction order for the werewolf too!"

"Don't be so extreme, Joe." Anna shook her head. "We sympathize with your experience, but there are good and bad werewolves."

"Yes, I know a good werewolf. He's against You-Know-Who." Lockhart also chimed in.

"You are right, but have you ever thought about it! They are destined to be good people, whether they are bitten by a werewolf or not, they are good people, but ordinary people are bitten. There is a reason to be bad!" Joe said angrily, "you guys Always tell me that there are good werewolves in the world, but have you ever thought that if there are no werewolves in the world, then those good people will not become werewolves!"

"Good point. Joe." Gadwin, the current Auror Director, walked into the Auror's office. "But the idea of ​​exterminating the werewolves is unrealistic. There are too many werewolves, and they are scattered, and if they don't change, there is no way to tell them apart. - Now all the people here, come to the restaurant, and give Gide first. Luo had a small welcome dinner, and then discussed the new tasks above and below, and avenged Joe by the way!"


More than a dozen Aurors left at the Ministry of Magic, all gathered in the department's dedicated dining room and sat together.

"Okay. Now let's toast Gilderoy and welcome the first Auror in history to receive the First Class Merlin Medal to return to our big family!" Gadwin raised his glass.

"To Gilderoy!" Everyone stood up to toast Lockhart, except for Joe, who was a little languid, both men and women with a dry mouth.

"Thank you, everyone." Although he was reluctant to temporarily serve as an Auror, he had to say it nicely when he came. "Actually, everyone here is eligible to receive the Merlin Medal. I know that it is only for confidentiality and safety that I am the most famous... I am very ashamed."

"Since I completed Auror training many years ago. After I received my Auror certificate, I have always made it my duty to eliminate dark wizards and cut off the inheritance of dark magic... Although I have not worked for the Ministry of Magic for so many years, my battle with dark wizards has It never stops!"

Lockhart also raised his glass: "But I did it alone. After all, it's not as big as a team of Aurors, and now I'm very happy - to be back and fight alongside the best and most selfless great wizards in the world. Here I want to give a toast to the dark wizard's greatest enemy - including all the Aurors who are present and performing tasks outside, a toast to all of you!"

"Guidero said it well!" Anna praised coquettishly after drinking. "Even I was made to feel proud."

"Gildrow is right. Thank you for his affirmation of the Auror department." Director Gardwin put down his cup, "Now, the scourge of the werewolf is intensifying, and Scrimgeour has given a mission to us to find a way to catch it within a month. Capture or kill the current Death Eater werewolf leader - Fenrir Greyback."

"How is this possible..." Immediately, some people were dissatisfied, and Statham Lee complained: "My team has been chasing this werewolf for more than a year, and I have only seen him once, and let him run away. Not even a month? You must find him!"

"You said no before the mission started?" Gardwin snapped. "Are you an Auror, or a team leader!"

When the supervisor got angry, no one spoke immediately, but Lockhart was a newcomer, so he wasn't afraid of being criticized: "With all due respect, Gardwin." He put down his knife and fork, "It's difficult to kill a werewolf leader within a month, werewolf. Always hide in the dark, only the full moon will come out to act."

"This is not a problem... The intelligence personnel have figured out that Fenrir Greyback has appeared in an area and participated in three attacks in a row, and all of them were not on the night of the full moon." Gardwin at the dining table Open a file and start explaining in detail.

To be honest, Lockhart didn't quite understand why the meeting had to be held during the meal, but he decided to respect the former colleague, the current supervisor.

"Three attacks on March 6, April 20, and May 1 took place within a hundred miles of each other, and this is a case in which witnesses have confirmed his presence. We can boldly assume that in this All the cases in the area were carried out under his leadership, or at least he was involved."

"So, we only have a dozen people who don't have a mission, and they are scattered in such a large area as your picture?" Nikita asked, picking up a piece of beef.

"The area on the map is very large, but there are very few wizards living in this area... Therefore, after we consulted and counted the Floo network usage records of the Transportation Department, we can see that——" Gardwin floated up with magic A form: "On the day of each case, there are several records of Apparition from Worcester to the crime site and back." Gadwin smiled smugly. "The Apparition records wouldn't have said much, but this time. They made the mistake of choosing to hide in a place where wizards were rare - Worcester, which took a lot of pressure off our investigators. Names appeared on Floo after the arraignment. According to the net usage records, as well as several wizards living in Worcester, we can be basically certain. The ones who used Apparition were several Death Eaters, including Fenrir Greyback, and they hid in Worcester."

"They are so stupid... Hide in places like London where wizards gather, who can find their hiding place from the Apparition records." Anna shook her head, not knowing that she was for a few Death Eaters Only sigh or what.

"Before, we checked the Floo network usage records. It was all to see which area the criminals fled to... This is the first time we used statistics to find the hiding places of the Death Eaters, and we happened to meet them hiding in a place where wizards are rare. place, it was definitely a lucky attempt."

Only then did Lockhart realize that in the years since he left the company, the Auror Department has begun to keep pace with the times and tried many new investigation methods. "This time, I believe it. It is indeed possible to find them within a month. But the premise is that the capture or kill must be completed cleanly at one time, otherwise the other party will definitely change places."

"Yeah. We don't have a lot of staff. We leave five for emergency at the Ministry of Magic, and nine Aurors. We will set off early tomorrow to hide among the Muggles in Worcester. We will try to find the werewolf leader, and we will start - arrest and judge. The effect is the best, but it can also be directly assassinated, you can decide." Gardwin put away the document, "It is impossible to kill the werewolf leader to immediately disappear the attack like the Dementor. But it can form a shock to the werewolves-- Let them have some concerns when they choose to join the Death Eater camp."

"It's easy, I'll just be a thug, I like it!" Lockhart smiled.

"I like this kind of work too!" Immediately other Aurors agreed. Aurors usually carry out special missions, such as this kind of search and arrest activities that know the other party's hidden location and are under the control of the British Ministry of Magic. A public tour.


"Professor!" A dozen Aurors were chatting and laughing in the dining room. When discussing the specific details of the mission, Pandora didn't know how to find it.

"Hi, Pandora." Gardwin and others greeted the beautiful granddaughter of the Minister of Magic happily.

"Hello everyone!" Pandora greeted everyone politely, and then threw herself into Lockhart's arms. Most people knew about their relationship, and the Aurors continued chatting and drinking unsurprisingly.

"Professor, I'm so bored. Grandpa said it's too dangerous outside, so he kept me in the house all day." Pandora sat on Lockhart's lap and acted like a spoiled child, "Fortunately, you've come to work at the Ministry of Magic, and I can come with grandpa during the day. Go to work and be with you."

"My God, it looks like I'm going to go out on a mission right now..." Lockhart said apologetically, "It may take days, or even a month."

"What!" Pandora was dissatisfied, "Uncle Gadwin, can't we let Professor Lockhart stay behind?"

"Miss Pandora, if a powerful wizard like Gilderoy came over to help, but let him stay behind, why don't you call him here~lightnovelpub.net~ Just kidding, although Gardwin is not a strong order, But it's impossible to hide a powerful subordinate in order to satisfy a little girl's wish, and the Minister of Magic can't blame him for such a reason.

"It's okay, I'll finish the task as soon as possible and come back to accompany you." Lockhart hugged her and kissed her dotingly. "Next month, Bill Weasley's wedding, how about I take you to the wedding."

"The Weasleys, why did they invite you to their wedding!" Pandora said angrily, "I'm not going, Ron Weasley used his wand against me this semester, when I was arguing with Granger! "

"Oh, yes, I forgot. If you don't go, don't go. I'll try to come back to accompany you during the day."

"I'm going home with grandpa tonight, and tomorrow you're going to go on a mission." Pandora whispered in Lockhart's ear. "Now let's go to your own office."

Lockhart got a hint, and immediately said goodbye to everyone, and brought the Minister of Magic's pretty granddaughter into his office. Their first time was in the defense professor's office, and this time they were made out in a familiar environment, feeling and passionate. Came very fast...

——(To be continued.)