Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 254: Day 2

"I'm willing to make this oath." Dao Lishi made the second statement. He had doubted another person just now, so he naturally wanted to express his position.

"The Auror Manual states that an Auror can surrender at a critical moment, in order to save his life..." Scrimgeour said. "Is surrender counted as a betrayal? Most importantly, forcing a person to swear with his life is very important. Bad manners."

"But Gilderoy swore just now!" Hermione said angrily, "It's very simple, swear voluntarily, and change the content of the oath to not take the initiative to betray, won't it be enough?"

"Well, I'm willing to swear, too." Scrimgeour's heart actually supported Hermione's idea from the beginning. There is no safer way to ensure loyalty than swearing with life - but it can't directly show that forcing everyone to be The idea of ​​swearing, now that there are steps, I immediately go down. "Then voluntarily swear that I will not take the initiative to join the Ministry of Magic under the control of the Death Eaters, and I will be the first to come!"

"I can swear too!" Kingsley no longer hesitated.

It is said that it is a voluntary oath, but the content of the oath is so loose... If there is no special idea, most people are willing to take the oath - once most of the people around have sworn, the rest will be bound by something similar to "morality" In this unknown grove in the Scottish wilderness, more than 40 outstanding wizards, all swearing by their lives, decided to fight the Death Eaters to the end. This time, the Auror Department and the Order of the Phoenix were united as one, truly sharing honor and disgrace, life and death.


"Why don't we go back to the Faithful Charm..." Harry said sadly. "Not at headquarters, but anywhere else."

"With the Ministry of Magic taken over, the Curse of Faithful Faith is no longer safe!" Scrimgeour explained with a sigh, "The greatest protection of the Curse of Faithful Faith comes from the power of the Ministry of Magic, and now our Ministry of Magic has collapsed - new The Ministry of Magic won't protect us with the Faithful Charm, which means that all of our Faithful Charms have become pirated copies, and the most powerful obfuscation and protection abilities are ineffective. Although it can still make the house invisible, other wizards know the location. It has been possible to forcibly attack the house, and even break the Guardian Charm and walk in directly through the gate."

"So we can't stay in a fixed place for too long, we have to keep moving all the time," came Kingsley's dull voice.

"Well, why don't the Aurors go home and settle their families? The mysterious man may capture your family members and threaten us."

"You'll know when you become an Auror. Aurors don't have family information on the documents left by the Ministry of Magic, and we all hide our family members. This has become a habit."

"Don't worry about the Aurors, Harry." Black patted Harry on the shoulder dotingly, "Auror Command is a great department, I was caught by the Aurors when I escaped from Azkaban. I've hunted them down, I know how powerful they are..."

Kingsley pursed his lips and smiled unkindly. He had participated in the pursuit of Blake back then, and even if he put some water in, Blake was almost caught by other Aurors. Fortunately Lockhart caught Peter, and after interrogating him, the Ministry of Magic vindicated Black.

"Thank you Mr. Black for your affirmation, it's getting late, everyone should rest early, there are not many tents, just squeeze them." Scrimgeour stood up, "We have to leave tomorrow morning to find a safe place to destroy this Horcrux. , and then find a way to expose the Death Eaters' conspiracy."

"Okay, let's rest, I slept for a while in the afternoon, and I'll keep watch first," Moody said.

Everyone stood up. In order not to attract the attention of the shopkeeper, the "purchaser" only bought three tents. However, wizards naturally have the means of wizards. The space inside the magic tent is still not small. human.

Hermione followed Lockhart to his feet and walked to the tent.

"Hermione, you go to sleep in the lady's room." Lockhart found Hermione following him.

"Why can't I sleep with you?" Hermione said sadly.

"Okay, don't make a fuss, I'm going to share a cubicle with a few guys. I'm not afraid of being taken advantage of." Lockhart shook his head, "Be good, don't be obedient."

"Okay..." Someone else smiled kindly at her, Hermione blushed slightly, and turned back to find the compartments allocated to several female Aurors.


When Lockhart woke up the next day, several women had already prepared breakfast, and someone even stopped an owl and snatched two new copies of the Daily Prophet from it. When Lockhart emerged from the tent, a bunch of people were already drinking milk (from a nearby Muggle) and reading the news in the paper.

Hermione put her arm around Lockhart's neck and gave him a good-morning kiss, then brought him a breakfast. Lockhart also crowded around to see what new news was coming.

In the paper was a large photo of a familiar hook-nosed, dark-haired man glaring at them. The title above is:

Severus Snape takes over as headmaster of Hogwarts

Here are some of his inaugural testimonials...

"Severus Snape, senior Potions teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was appointed Headmaster today, the most important of several personnel changes at the ancient school. Muggle The research class will be taken over by Alecto Carrow, and her brother Amycus will replace Gilderoy Lockhart as the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"That man, he killed Professor Dumbledore and sat in his place again!" Harry was furious, "Snape is the most despicable and shameless guy I have ever met, but you all trusted him so much before. How many times have I said—"

"Okay, Harry, we trusted him because Dumbledore trusted him. Now Mr. Headmaster has paid for his mistakes." Black shook his head and pressed Harry down, "You're not angry now. Meaning, work hard to improve your strength and avenge the principal."

"That's right, Harry." Hermione looked at him, "I'll practice with you every day in the future."

Lockhart did not participate in the discussion about Snape, he ate his bread and looked at several other papers.

The Ministry of Magic continued to refuse non-employee visits today. Lockhart guessed that the damage caused by Dumbledore's "Arcana Nova" to the lobby of the Ministry of Magic has not been repaired. Some bad guesses, but that's when the fake Lockhart comes in handy.

"The new Executive Director Gilderoy Lockhart, with the support of Mr. Minister, began to implement a new policy, strengthen the supervision of non-human creatures, and at the same time prepare to conduct a nationwide investigation and registration of the identity of wizards. "Lockhart read another new policy of his own, and found that the fake Lockhart was still a very aggressive wizard, not very friendly to non-human creatures like himself.

"Are they trying to persecute the elf..." Hermione said sadly, sitting next to Lockhart.

"Well, Hermione, don't let your sympathy run rampant now... Do you know why the Ministry of Magic requires wizards to re-register."

"Want to catch the Aurors' families? I don't think it's okay to re-register."

"No, they're going to attack Muggle-born wizards..." Lockhart shook his head. "It might not show up when you register, and then you let your guard down and write that your parents are Muggles. , in two days you will be missing or arrested!"

"But why are they hostile to wizards born in Muggle families, aren't they all wizards?" Hermione didn't understand~lightnovelpub.net~ There are also very good wizards born in Muggle. "

"Because the Death Eaters believe that wizards are a better species than Muggles, wizards should rule Muggles completely!" Moody interjected, "Although the Ministry of Magic will have a little influence on the Muggle government before, but in general Wizards and Muggles still live in peace... If wizards are going to enslave and rule Muggles in public, then Muggle wizards are the biggest obstacle - because Muggle-born wizards can hardly help sympathizing with Muggles and helping Muggles ."

"No, the most important thing is the existence of the Muggle wizards, which challenges the pure-blood theory of the Death Eaters, and also proves that wizards and Muggles are the same species... In short, it makes the Death Eaters' theories impossible. Say it for yourself.”

"Actually, I feel that they just have nothing to do, let the brains of those big pure-blood families vent some excess energy... It is also possible that they feel that there are too many wizards, and they will allow wizards to rule Muggles in the future. The social structure is top-heavy and divides their interests?" More Aurors joined the discussion.

"Look here, there are already arguments in the newspapers condemning the International Wizarding Secrecy Act... One guy said it was a cowardly product of the wizarding world at the time, and wizards shouldn't hide themselves—"

——(To be continued.)