Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 259: Find a Companion

Too frequent super long-range Apparitions made Lockhart a little dizzy and nauseous, but no matter how uncomfortable it was, it was better than being caught.

"After you Apparated and escaped, you definitely didn't leave the Apparition place," Lockhart said, grabbing Hermione's hand.

"Isn't it safe after Apparition? The teacher of Apparition said that there is no way in the world to track an Apparitioner unless he grabs his body." Hermione asked inexplicably, "They are How did you find me, fortunately, I remembered and called your name..."

"Apparation itself is untraceable, but that's when you're using your own magic for a long-range Apparition. But in reality, even Headmaster Dumbledore couldn't rely on the magic within himself. Apparitions even half a mile -- all super-long-range Apparitions are done with the power of the Floo network." Lockhart took Hermione all the way in one direction, figuring out where to Apparate. "As long as you use the Floo network, the Ministry of Magic can find out where you Apparated from, and if you haven't covered your name with the Confusion Charm, then you'll be found as soon as you look for it."

"I understand, every time I'm done Apparating, I have to leave the place where I'm showing up..."

"Yes, and unless there is a special emergency, it is best not to use magic power and walk away, so as not to leave traces of magic power fluctuations. Of course, it is not impossible to fly away directly in an emergency. You can track the wizard's profession based on magic power fluctuations. There are very few personnel, and the traces of the magic will soon subside."


"Also, when you meet other Aurors and the Order of the Phoenix, remember to check each other's identities." Lockhart warned her, "The method is very simple, it doesn't matter what you say, but only you or even both parties know it. You can't ask directly, it's better to have some skills to instantly distinguish between the real and the fake."

Lockhart decided to give her a demonstration: "For example, if you see me, you can ask me. Why didn't I take off your pants the first time you slept with me."

Hermione blushed all of a sudden: "Because there were knots on my pants, I took them off myself."

"That's right, so it's easy to tell whether the other party is real or fake."


Lockhart walked with Hermione for a while before stopping. All the while, Hermione held onto his arm nervously, as if Lockhart would Apparate away if he let go.

There aren't many people around here, but the environment in the magic tent is not bad. The bad thing is that Hermione hasn't eaten twice. Fortunately, Lockhart brought her some bread toasted by Jim. Barely filled the stomach.

Hermione had finished her dinner, and it was already midnight. Protected by the alarm magic, the Confusion Charm, and the Protection Charm that Lockhart himself had cast, even Voldemort himself was unlikely to kill them in their sleep, so he didn't. Or keep Hermione at night. Hermione was finally able to sleep under the covers with Lockhart, and she squeezed hard into Lockhart's arms, clinging to him for security.

"What should we do next, I guess the next agreed meeting place has been exposed." Lockhart felt her unease and put his arms around her tightly. "Do you have any ideas?"

"The rendezvous is exposed. Is there any way of contacting everyone?" Hermione thought, "Either we fight alone, or we can wander around the rendezvous, maybe they will too."

"It's too unsafe..." Lockhart asked uneasily.

"If there is an ambush in the Ministry of Magic, it must be near the assembly point. The staff of the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters have less than 1,000 people, and they are not capable of squatting in a large area." Hermione moved, Only wearing pajamas and being held in his arms by Lockhart, the two could feel each other's body temperature and heartbeat. The panic and anxiety that she was about to be caught gradually disappeared, and instead, her whole body became hot. "No matter how dangerous it is. It's better than just two of us to complete the original plan."

Hermione's real first time not long ago was too intense, she was afraid of being tossed, and she didn't dare to go to the headquarters for the night during the summer vacation after that, but she escaped from death and thought about what to do with food and clothing. She recalled that feeling now, and it shouldn't hurt now...

"Well, you're right." Lockhart felt Hermione's little hands and feet in her arms, she curled up, squeezed one leg between Lockhart's legs, and hugged his waist tightly, wishing to put herself Squeeze it into Lockhart's belly. Lockhart put his arms around her small ass. The girl's body is soft and elastic, with a good smell. But Moody is dead, and he really can't be in any interest now, so he squeezed the tip of her hip: "I'm tired, go to bed earlier, my dear."

"Oh..." Hermione was slightly disappointed, but obediently buried her head in his arms and narrowed her eyes.


The night passed like that.

"Eh?" When Lockhart woke up, he found that the sky was already bright, and there was no one in his arms. It seemed that he was used to being lazy and couldn't compare with energetic girls. Hermione was already making breakfast with the contents of her bag... well, there's really nothing to do, just boil a pot of boiling water and eat it with bread.

"Really diligent, Hermione." Lockhart walked out of the tent, "but can you eat these things, you are still young and not fully developed yet, you need to eat something good...I can go to a family to get some A hearty breakfast, I'm not wanted by the Muggle world anyway."

"I'm not too young! Let's try to contact people as little as possible." Hermione shook her head. "It's best to get some compound decoction before contacting people and turn into a Muggle. We can't take any risks now."

"Okay, just listen to you once." Lockhart nodded, sat down and started nibbling on the bread. "I didn't bring the compound decoction, Mad Eye always carried a lot..." Lockhart suddenly remembered that Mad Eye was dead, and did not continue.

"I brought a little..." Hermione whispered. "Get it from Professor Slughorn."


After breakfast, Lockhart packed his things, and after discussing it with Hermione, he decided to go to the next agreed meeting place to find other people who might escape.

The two Apparated again, and for their safety, they Apparated to a distance of more than a few miles from the agreed location, and then walked closer.

"Hermione, take out the compound decoction." After walking for a while, the trees began to thin, and they approached the edge of the woods, approaching the town of Keith. Before walking out of the woods, Lockhart suggested to Hermione. , "If we get closer to the wizard who may encounter stalking, we will all drink."

"Just a little...for five or six people." Hermione fumbled for a while in her beaded bag and took out a small bottle. "What about the hair?"

"You wait for me here, I'll go to the town over there to get two people's hair."

Lockhart walked into the town, found a blond girl and a middle-aged man, used a Confusion Charm to get their hair, and returned to where Hermione was waiting for him.

"I purposely found someone about your age to get her hair done~lightnovelpub.net~ Lockhart put her hair into the small cup in Hermione's hand, "Remember not to look around later, Act like a native Muggle. "


The two drank the compound decoction and walked into the town holding hands. According to the agreement, the next meeting point was in a two-story house behind the church in this small town in Keith. perceived wrong. After the magic affinity was improved, the sensitivity to magic fluctuations was also greatly improved. Hermione hadn't noticed anything abnormal, and Lockhart had already noticed that there were several wizards standing on the side of the road in the town.

"Don't look at anything, go in." Lockhart calmly took Hermione's shoulder with one hand and pushed her into a store on the side of the road. "Pretend to be shopping, there are a lot of wizards out there."

The two entered the store and pretended to pick something from the shelves.

"There are a lot of wizards out there?" Hermione looked nervous. "I didn't find anything."


(Continue to ask for recommendation + appreciation~) (To be continued.)