Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 272: "Love of a lifetime"

"Gidro, Christine, it's time to eat!" their eldest sister, Emma Lockhart, shouted from the edge of the clearing. "Hurry up!"

The two children hurriedly stopped playing, and followed the eldest sister back home.

"It's Gilderoy's favorite grilled steak today," said Mrs. Lockhart cheerfully, while the Baron was smoking a pipe and reading the paper, making remarks about current affairs that no one in the family cared about.

"Why does he keep getting his favorite food," Christine exclaimed dissatisfied. "I want to eat chicken!"

Emma tapped her sister's head with a fork: "because he is a younger brother, do you have to love him and let him know."

"Sister Emma is so nice." Lockhart hugged her and kissed her happily. "Of course, mom is better!"

"Okay, let's eat..." Lockhart's mother said with a smile.

While the family was happily eating dinner, Lockhart was suddenly hit in the face, and he shouted: "Who beat me! Mom, someone beat me!"

The mother in front of him and the sister sitting next to him didn't seem to hear what he said. What's going on? He was about to repeat it when their appearances suddenly became blurred, and Lockhart reached out and touched his eldest sister's arm, but couldn't grasp it. No one noticed Lockhart's strangeness, and then the whole scene became more and more blurred, and finally everything disappeared like being sucked in by a black hole...



Lockhart felt a little pain in his face, opened his eyes in a daze, and lay down on the ground. Scrimgeour had returned to his original appearance, squatting beside him, looking down at himself.

"It turned out that you were hitting me!" Lockhart was suddenly a little unhappy, and he had the urge to never wake up from the dream just now, just like when he was a teenager in the Hogwarts dormitory, he was dreaming by his roommate in a spring dream. Wake up like.

He sat up, what a weird day today. He had fought Voldemort five or six times, and had only been knocked down once. Instead, he just ran over to visit the Ministry of Magic's energy supply system, and lay inexplicably twice within an hour.

There is something cold in the corner of the eye. He reached out and touched it, and it was his own tears—he cried. He was stunned for a moment, realizing that it was because of the dream he had just had. He still has feelings for his family - it turns out that when he was a child, he also played with his sister like an ordinary boy. Thinking back carefully, the three brothers and sisters have a good relationship... What happened later?

Oh. Yes, when he was 11 years old, he received an acceptance letter from Hogwarts, and the two sisters chatted excitedly for a long time at first, seeming to be very excited about having a wizard brother... Then he went to school and lived in After leaving school, I gradually lost contact with my family. Every time I went home, I would see my mother and my father arguing... Although the two sisters were not doing well, they seemed to be a little alienated from him.

When he became an adult, the relationship became even more distant... By the time he returned home from his Auror training, both sisters were married. He was not touched by this. Wizards can live to be nearly two hundred years old. How can a Muggle be in a hurry to establish a family. After that, he began to write books, and after he became famous, he was immersed in the wizarding world, only befriending wealthy and powerful wizards, and hooking up with young ladies of pure blood families...

As for the Muggle sister and father? People from two worlds, what is there to connect with? Go back to see his mother occasionally. His goal is to make a name for himself in the wizarding world and marry the best pure-blooded witch. Establish a wizard family surnamed Lockhart, so that his descendants can also call themselves pure-blood wizards, and have a voice and a place in the wizarding world!

Lockhart appeared to be a gentle, kind, and polite gentleman. Behind others, he is a despicable, shameless, unscrupulous liar... But inwardly, he is actually a sentimental and gentle person. He is bad but not evil, with clear love and hatred, who treats him well. Who is he good to. After experiencing some things, some partings of life and death, the emotions in his heart broke out, and he suddenly found that he still loved his family.

He was reminded by his own memory how good his two sisters were to him when he was a child. At this time, he suddenly had an uncontrollable urge to run out to find his two sisters and tell them in person, I love you both.


He stood up and noticed that Scrimgeour's eyes were also a little red. Could it be that he was dreaming just now?

Scrimgeour seemed to hear his voice again, and he nodded to Lockhart: "This is an indiscriminate mental attack, did you notice that there is no offensive magic to protect the power supply system, it's all about delaying time means to ends.”

"You were also in a coma just now?"

"Well, I woke up half a minute earlier than you. The two of us were in a coma for less than half an hour, and it's almost half past nine." Scrimgeour showed a slightly nervous expression, "The defense system here is and secrecy. The two complement each other, if instead of holding the key, we force our way in..."

"Entering this room, plus attacking the power supply system and being knocked out, we lay down twice, and this time was enough for the secrecy to catch or kill us a hundred times." Lockhart also understands the power supply. The design concept of the system is gone, "But why doesn't he just get some attack magic."

"With the development of Muggle technology, the Ministry of Magic is constantly adding new equipment, of course, modified..." Scrimgeour said, "At that time, the energy supply system needs to add more power supplies. If you can wire it, then you have to disassemble it... It seems that it can only be disassembled forcibly, and the comatose reformers will wake up before they start tossing - they can't be killed later... So he chose not to set any attack traps , but let the secrecy perform the task of protection—"

"But why don't they set up a spell or something that can open the frame with a single thought?" Lockhart asked. "Did they have to call dozens of wizards in to force the outside defense during repairs?"

"Think about it, if we got the spell to open the protection - wouldn't it be very easy to open the protection and remove the crystals inside? This thing can only be demolished, maybe it is to ensure that only those in power at the Ministry of Magic can send a few The one who comes in with ten people can do anything here." Scrimgeour said: "This also coincides with the principle of secrecy, and the secrecy and what they protect, both serve only those in power and have no position. The above is just a guess, as for the original designer of this system, what he or they thought at the time, no one knows."

"I see..." Lockhart accepted this statement, "Just now, the one among us should be an illusion magic, the name seems to be 'the love of life', which can make the person under the spell dream of the person he loves the most... But this The spell, like the Imperius Curse, needs to hit the human body directly~lightnovelpub.net~ and that person does not have Occlumency. The power of this spell from the energy supply system is indeed extraordinary. It turns out that the rumor is not completely wrong, the lock There is indeed the most powerful force of love in the world in the door where I live..."

"This is completely a coincidence of Yili... With the level of mental shock just now, even if Dumbledore or the mysterious man stood here, he would have to lie down for a while." Scrimgeour smiled slightly, "The energy supply system The mighty power of a man cannot be resisted by manpower, maybe we can lead the mysterious man here and let him attack the power crystal?"

"Hehe, good idea, why didn't I think of it - you said that the mysterious man has a lover, Dumbledore Jiang said that wizards born because of aphrodisiacs can't feel love..." Lockhart sneered dryly After a while, "Don't talk about it, hurry up and observe the topographic structure here, draw a sketch and leave-" Lockhart looked around again, it seemed that there was no need to observe, it was a room with a large artificial tree growing in the middle. Well, the structure is very simple, but...

"Wait, how do we get out?"


(→Recommendation ticket)

——(To be continued.)