Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 273: way out

"Have you only discovered this problem now?" Scrimgeour looked more surprised than he was. "I thought you found the problem and came up with a solution as soon as you came in. Hurry up and search carefully. With your knowledge, you should be able to find it. The way to get out is the way to get in, isn't it the way you found it!"

"Don't worry, I'll take a look."


Lockhart became nervous. This room is sealed. I don't know where the breathable air came from. Maybe it was poured in along with the teleportation? That can't stay forever... and the fake Lockhart will come to work after ten o'clock. If I meet him when I go out... I really have to cut a **** path.

He first observed the floor, then the surrounding walls, and found that they all had a layer of protective magic that was exactly the same as that on the middle frame, and it was the same every inch - that is to say, anyone attacking in any direction, As long as the magic attack strength per unit time reaches a threshold that can threaten it, it may trigger the counterattack of the energy supply system, and then it will unceremoniously let everyone in the room lie down and remember their loved ones.

Noticing that there was only space in the room and no no-fly spell, Lockhart cast a spell to float himself, went up a few dozen meters and approached the dome. After checking around, he looked at the trunk of this big tree—everything they could The parts touched are the same.

"Do you want to use magic to attack every inch like the last room?" Lockhart guessed wildly.

"Then you will fall asleep in the dream of the love of your life until Merlin comes to pick you up..." Scrimgeour sneered. "Think of a serious way!"

Lockhart was a little flustered. If he couldn't find a way to get in, it would be fine. He could just go back the same way, but it would be different if he couldn't find a way to get out. He stood under the big tree again to see if there was anything different under the frame.

"You said, since this thing doesn't kill the intruder directly, but wants the secretaries to come in and subdue those people, there must be a way out..." Lockhart said nervously.

"Nonsense, the energy supply system still needs to be repaired and maintained occasionally. It can't be repaired and a group of people will die..." Scrimgeour couldn't think of how to get out. "Maybe, it is timed, and when the time is up, we will be automatically sent out?"

"Then let's wait?" Lockhart stared at Scrimgeour. "Impossible. If this device needs a major overhaul or modification, how does it know how long it will take..."

"Could it be voice control?" Lockhart remembered some special magic and needed to say special words or codes to get out. "Let's get out! Teleport! Open the door! Activate!"

Tried for a long time, no movement.

"Don't try it. Think about it with your head. If a normal staff member comes in for maintenance, repairs or renovations, what will they say when they're done?" Scrimgeour reminded.

"Didn't your friend tell you how to get out!" said Lockhart annoyed. "He must know."

"We didn't ask him, and you didn't even think of it! I'm not in charge of the interrogation, and I'm not that careful, and I didn't expect that the energy supply system is not entered through the channel, but needs to be transmitted in..." Lin Jie also regretted a little, "I didn't ask. Of course he couldn't tell me, or he would break his oath."

Lockhart didn't continue to complain, and he didn't think to ask how to get out after asking how to get in. He subconsciously thought that entering through that door would naturally mean exiting through that door... Let's think about possible passwords , if it is not a mechanism that is triggered by voice, it is very likely that a special spell is needed to get out.

"It's repaired...the modification is complete!" The two tried all possible passwords, "The mission is over! It's done! Fuck...let us go out."

"If you can't, contact the people outside and ask them to go to Randu and ask how to get out?" Scrimgeour said helplessly, "Or let someone pick us up..." He took out a note: "Damn, sure enough. It's blocking the signal."

"We're going out to save the world. Aren't we just stuck here?" said Lockhart, twitching his cheeks uneasily. "I also want to go out and meet my two sisters and tell them to their faces that I love forever. they!"


As soon as the voice fell, the power supply device suddenly burst into a strong white light again. A huge white light curtain was projected not far in front of Lockhart. After a few seconds, the light curtain stabilized. It was no longer white, but seemed to form a door, and even the wall tiles and ground opposite the door could be seen.



Lockhart rushed through the door first, stepping on solid ground. Scrimgeour followed, and rushed out. When they looked back, they had emerged from a huge arch on a huge stone plinth, with steps around it, and a door to the other room of the Department of Mysteries.

"It's not..." Lockhart looked shocked.

"The arch in the death chamber is generally used for special executions." Scrimgeour affirmed Lockhart's conjecture. "How did we get out of here?"

The door they had passed through, connecting the energizing chamber to the death chamber, disappeared in a white light, revealing the worn drapery hanging from the arch.

"What's going on? Did all the people who were executed went to the energy supply room?" Lockhart was puzzled.

"No, it's supposed to be a coincidence," Scrimgeour dismissed the idea. "Those who pass through this veil will be banished into the void, some say they'll be half-dead, I'm guessing it's no place to be buried. .And the reason why the energy supply room opened the space door here may be that the space in this arch is the most fragile and unstable, and can use the least magic to send us out-what did you say to trigger this door?"

"Could it be that I said I love my sister~lightnovelpub.net~ to trigger the portal?" Lockhart was also puzzled, "Maybe this is the story about the locked door being the most important thing in the world. The great power - the origin of the rumors of love? Only those who have love in their hearts can come out of that room!"

"Okay, don't disgust me, it's almost ten." Scrimgeour looked at his watch and said in shock, "Let's get out of the Ministry of Magic or we might be found out."

He took another sip of the compound decoction, turned into the batter, and hurriedly walked with Lockhart to the elevator going up the Mystery Department. The Department of Mysteries is on the ninth basement level, and the Ministry of Magic lobby is on the eighth basement level, so you don't have to worry about meeting people on the way.

The fake Lockhart hadn't arrived yet, and they didn't show any flaws, and left the enemy-occupied area smoothly. Scrimgeour went straight back to the hiding place, and Lockhart had to go to the place where the striker was lying, and give him He changes his clothes, modifies his memory, and then wakes him up so that he can go to work at the Ministry of Magic so that he doesn't get caught.


(recommended ticket)

——(To be continued.)