Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 274: assassination plan

"We've already visited the power room, but we can't think of a way to break the power line." Scrimgeour called the remaining nine Aurors, the two children, and Black together. "But this is not in a hurry. I have thought about it. The trump card of destroying the energy supply system is reserved for the crucial time of the decisive battle. Now we will think of other ways to destroy the Horcrux. Anyway, the crown is not the last Horcrux, so we There's no rush to destroy it at all."

"Well, are we going to team up to find other Horcruxes now?" Ana asked with her head lowered. She was younger than Lockhart and had never experienced such a fiasco like him. She still can't believe the Auror's experience. After a siege that almost wiped out the entire army, almost all of the Aurors who were familiar with her died, and she looked lost.

"Well, but before that, we have to do one more thing to declare to the entire wizarding world: that Lockhart at the Ministry of Magic is a fake, the Ministry of Magic is now under the control of the Death Eaters, and we continue to resist !"

The twelve wizards looked at each other and then focused on Scrimgeour. Kingsley asked, "How exactly?"

"The easiest of course would be to kill the fake Lockhart in public," Scrimgeour said, "but that's a little trickier, but we've got people from within the Ministry of Magic now on the line...every time. Keep an eye on him, now our only advantage is that the enemy is in the dark. The impostor works from the fireplace, but keeps in touch with the informant, and once he leaves the Ministry of Magic, he will do it immediately, one blow If you don't get hit, leave immediately, and never give the mysterious person the chance to block us again."

"Hermione, is there any way you can help, in terms of public opinion..."

"Yes, Luna's father, doesn't he set up a magazine? Come visit him in two days and let him publish some articles about us." Compared with Anna, who was ashen-faced and extremely depressed. Hermione's face was like a peach blossom and her face was radiant. It was not that she was heartless. She was also very sad about the sacrifice of so many Aurors, but the physiological phenomenon of hormone secretion could not be concealed. "And Rita Skeeter..."

"Rita Skeeter doesn't need to be contacted," Lockhart said. "Although we have some clues about her, the Death Eaters can threaten her with their lives...the Death Eaters would not be without her. Others will be found to do things for them, and we don't have to embarrass her."

"Well, very good, then let's contact the people from the Ministry of Magic to organize an assassination of the fake Lockhart in the next two days," Scrimgeour nodded with satisfaction: "The most important thing is you. Gilderoy, you must be positive. Appearing in front of people and showing the overwhelming strength of a real anti-black magic fighter over counterfeiters, killing him is not the purpose of this action, the momentum must be big, so that people can see you."

"Well, I get it... You just say let me pretend to be a b in public."

"Finally, when the operation starts, Harry, you need to lift Occlumency. Make sure that the mysterious man is not near the fake Lockhart." Scrimgeour went through the operation process again, and after thinking about it, it should be correct: "We Twelve people are divided into three groups, I will bring three, Gilderoy, you will bring three. And Martin, you will bring three. We will stay here for a few more days, but we need to pack up and be ready to leave. For safety, The assassination must be over within a minute. When the time is up, regardless of whether the guy is dead or not, all Apparate to the pre-arranged area. Carry out the next mission."

Scrimgeour looked around at the other eleven people to make sure they were all listening: "The next task is to find the power that can instantly destroy the Horcrux, collect clues about the last missing Horcrux Gold Cup, and most importantly, protect the Under the circumstances of your own safety, try to get the support of more wizards... If there is anything, please contact me with a note, everyone has two notes from me and Lockhart."


"Very good, recharge your batteries, act immediately as soon as the opportunity arises, and stay vigilant at all times!"

After the meeting, Blake stopped Lockhart. "Just bring me and the two children as a group. I only know you well."

"Okay." Lockhart naturally had no problem with this. Hermione must be in a group with herself, and she felt quite secure with the Savior. At least Voldemort's hatred must be all on Harry. And Harry doesn't seem to have the passive attribute to kill his teammates as long as he doesn't commit two crimes.

Lockhart and Scrimgeour went to contact their respective informants. Arthur had safely hid the note at home, but there was no chance to send it to Hogwarts yet, and he had to wait until Christmas. En and Ginny gave them the holidays, leaving the children to McGonagall and Hagrid.

Lockhart asked him to pay attention to the whereabouts of the fake Lockhart. Once he went out of the door of the Ministry of Magic and ran to a place where there was no protective magic, he immediately informed himself, and Arthur agreed.

Twelve wizards were waiting for their time in the small hotel where they were hiding. The fake Lockhart rarely appeared outside the Ministry of Magic and his own home, but he was also a normal man in a place like London, and it was difficult for him to resist All kinds of temptations from the colorful world of Muggles. Scrimgeour's informants have provided a schedule for the imposter Lockhart to occasionally go out for fun, and the assassination plan is complete!

The fake anti-dark magic fighter, in fact, like Lockhart, seldom really participates in the pursuit of the Aurors and the Order of the Phoenix who insist on resisting... His duty in the Ministry of Magic is also to show up every day, and then You can sit in the office and rest, or even sneak into the bustling part of London to play.

Lockhart took the time to sneak into the relevant Muggle authorities and found the addresses of his two sisters. He was going to visit his two sisters on a whim.

"Why are you here." Emma Lockhart oh no, she should have followed her husband's surname now, but it doesn't matter, looking at him with a frown. "Is there a problem?"

"Can't you come if it's okay?" Lockhart smiled, and in his surprised eyes, he hugged her, "I miss you, Sister Emma."

"Oh... Gilderoy." The younger brother who had not been in contact for many years suddenly approached, and Emma's expression softened suddenly. Although the relationship was a little weak, the affection was still there, and she also hugged Lockhart. "Did something happen?"

"No, I just want to see you, I haven't seen you in years."

"Come in and sit, do you want something to drink, remember that you like unsweetened coffee the most." She said with a smile, "When I was a child, I always wondered why you like to drink bitter things, but my son also likes this... Boys are weird."

"Where's your husband, and my nephew?"

"One goes to work and one lives on campus."

"Oh..." Lockhart nodded, as if he had nothing to say. The two belonged to two worlds and had almost nothing in common. "Is there anything abnormal about the child?"

"You mean you can float things like you?" Emma pursed her lips and shook her head. She was nearly forty years old and she was still as gentle and beautiful as Lockhart remembered. "No, fortunately not, I don't want my child to become a wizard too. It's not good to be an ordinary person."

"Yeah, it's good to be an ordinary person..." Lockhart sighed deeply.

"What happened to your world?" Emma is the eldest sister, and she has been very careful since she was a child. He noticed Lockhart's abnormality, "Recently, the British government is also a little abnormal, and there are more strange and strange things in society... ...don't wizards have some kind of secrecy?"

"It's nothing, it's fine." Lockhart shook his head and took out a package. "This is a gift I gave to my nephew. Be careful no matter what you do recently, I'm leaving."

"Aren't you going to sit down and have a meal?" Emma was a little surprised. "I have steak at home. Isn't this your favorite? It's guaranteed to taste exactly the same as what Mom made."

"I still have something to do, so it's inconvenient to delay." Lockhart walked directly to the door. "I'm here to tell you: I love you, sister."

"What's the matter!" Emma's expression suddenly became serious, and her eyebrows were raised.

"The war between wizards...you can't help, if possible, move a house or travel abroad once." Lockhart shook his head again: "But it's unlikely to involve you, take care!" , disregarding her sister's questioning, Apparate and leave.

The process of meeting the second sister Christine was even more pleasant, because she and Lockhart were only one year apart, and they had been playing together since they were sensible. come out.

More importantly, at Christine's house, Lockhart met her entire family, her husband and a nephew and a niece to this uncle who suddenly appeared and gave them a gift, two of them. The kids are very welcome~lightnovelpub.net~ But Lockhart finds out that there is a magical riot going on inside his nine-year-old niece...that would have been good news, but these are special times, and her parents are Muggles ...

"Have you received a letter from the Ministry of Magic?"

"No, you said Imogen was a witch!" Kristin was startled and hugged her daughter tightly, "Is he going to that Hogwarts too?"

"It will be at the age of 11." Lockhart nodded, "but there has been a big event in the wizarding world recently, like the two of you... both Muggles have a child who is a witch. It's very troublesome. She was born in what month. of?"


"Then she should receive an admission notice to Hogwarts before her 11th birthday..." Lockhart frowned, "Perhaps sooner, there will be an email from the Ministry of Magic for her to be reviewed. Don't go, just find a way to send her abroad!" She patted Imogen's head and sighed: "Of course, the best outcome is that my faction won the Wizarding War before that..."

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