Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 280: "Offer"

"Well, it's okay, I don't care about this little misunderstanding, but now that you know the real situation, can you explain it to the public in detail in next month's magazine?" Lockhart asked, "I can put The ins and outs, the behind-the-scenes truth is explained clearly, you can just write a report..."

"I'm very willing to help, Mr. Lockhart..." Xenophilius nodded, "You wait, I'll go get something to drink."

The owner went down the stairs to the kitchen, leaving four people above.

"Guidero, can the spell you cast protect that horn?" Hermione still looked a little scared. "It exploded with great power."

"Don't worry, although I can't guarantee that it won't explode, the spell above will isolate the power of the explosion inside."

"Is it really going to explode?" Harry swallowed.

"Of course, I saw in the book that every year a wizard is injured by this thing!"

After a while Xenophilius climbed down the spiral staircase, his slender legs in boots, carrying a few mismatched teacups and a steaming teapot on a tray.

He placed the tray on top of the piled cabinet, making it look precarious.

"Want to try some Gordigan tea?" Xenophilius said. "We made it ourselves, you can't get it anywhere else, great tonic!" He began to pour out a lavender liquid like beet juice, He added: "Professor Lockhart, I really want to help, but the Ministry of Magic received a letter two days ago, prohibiting me from publishing any more detrimental remarks to the Ministry of Magic, otherwise..."

"You can't ignore the Ministry of Magic's warning this time." Lockhart nodded understandingly. "The Death Eaters control the Ministry of Magic now, and they can do anything."

"Yeah, so I'm debating whether to continue to support Mr. Potter in next month's naysayers," Xenophilius said in distress, "As a conscientious media person, I can't accept being forced to publish falsehoods by coercion. Articles like that. But they said I'd arrest Luna again..."

Lockhart remembered that Luna did get caught later, and it seemed that the old man ended up backing Harry in December's The Quibbler. It seems that his "media people's conscience" is really not bragging...

Hermione took a sip from the cup. An uncomfortable expression suddenly appeared on his face, and politeness could not suppress the feeling of this intense bitterness for a while.

"Let's do it. Mr. Lovegood, you'd better follow the Ministry of Magic's requirements to print magazines, and don't risk Luna." Lockhart thought of a compromise, "You can print my business separately. Thin pamphlets or posters or whatever, and give them out to wizards for free... Throw them in the Diagon Alley store, or slip them in a magazine or something, and deny that you printed it."

"this is okay too--"

Lockhart took the magic check from the bag and signed Xenophilius for a thousand Galleons. "If the other party doesn't want to be too obvious, my check will definitely still be used. Of course, the safest thing to do is to withdraw the money after the war." He explained: "There is no charge for separately printed items, and they are issued for free... The cost is all mine..."

"No, you are too polite... I can still afford this cost. I support Mr. Justice and the Savior!"

"Don't be polite, Mr. Lovegood." Hermione also helped to speak. "We are on the run, and money is useless. As long as you do this well, it is the greatest support for justice!"

Lockhart shoved the check into Xenophilius's hand, and gave him a brief description of the whole thing. With a bit of dry mouth, he took a sip of Godigan tea, which felt like it had no milk or sugar. Bitter coffee with a drop of grass juice... Fortunately, Lockhart was used to drinking bitter beverages and didn't spit it out.


"I understand. I will write this report at night, and then print it with all my strength to ensure that most people in the wizarding world can know the real situation."

"Thank you, sir," said Lockhart earnestly. "One more thing. We have something in our hands right now that is at stake in the life of You-Know-Who. We need to destroy it."

"What?" he asked suspiciously, not everyone knew about the existence of Horcruxes. "Can you kill the mysterious man if you destroy it?"

"No, after the destruction, the mysterious man cannot be resurrected!" said Hermione.

"Oh. Really. Can I be of any help then?" Xenophilius asked curiously, seemingly interested in such strange things.

"We want to ask you... is there any magic method, or remedies..." Harry seemed to have no hope for him, but he still explained: "It can deal with the soul hidden in the Horcrux. "

"A Horcrux? Soul?" Xenophilius' eyes lit up, "Can you show it to me?"

Hermione looked at Lockhart, and seeing that he had no objection, she reached into her bag and took out the Horcrux. Feeling a bad thought, she quickly put it on the table next to it.

"This is... it looks like Ravenclaw's crown!" The editor-in-chief widened his eyes. "What have you done to it, why does it look like it has been roasted by fire."

He stood up, stretched out his hand, took the crown in his hand, and examined it carefully.

"Yes, it's Ravenclaw's crown," Black said. "It's a pity that it has been tainted by You-Know-Who, and you should never try to wear it on your head."

"What a pity! What a pity!" He jumped anxiously, pointed to a string of scar-like things on the crown, and said to the crowd: "This position turns out to be where Ravenclaw's famous saying is: 'Extraordinary wisdom' The greatest wealth of mankind' is now so burned that the words cannot be read clearly!"

"I've got a Ravenclaw statue here!" he said as he walked over to a cabinet--Lockhart had already noticed that a stone bust of a beautiful but stern-faced witch stood on the messy curved cabinet . He of course knew her when he graduated from Ravenclaw as Rowena Ravenclaw, who could be seen in the common room every day during Hogwarts school.

Xenophilius ripped off a monstrous headdress from the statue and put on the tiara—a perfect fit, a perfect fit.

"Ah... alas..." Looking at the diadem worn on the statue's head, which had become dirty and ugly, he kept sighing, as if Ravenclaw was his wife and the diadem was his work. of.

"Don't get excited, Mr. Lovegood, put things down, there is evil magic on it, which can affect people's emotions." Lockhart reminded kindly, "Do you have any good ideas."

"Ah—" Xenophilius put the crown on the table, still sighing uncontrollably. "To destroy this kind of evil, you have to use something that can destroy evil, holy water, etc., and it is said that the blood of a black cat with a pinch of white hair on its head, soaked in salt, will also damage the soul... I also heard It is said that the menstrual blood of female dragons that have lived for hundreds of years also has the function of destroying magic items-"

"Sir, don't you have any other reliable ideas..." Lockhart interrupted his incessant offering of ideas, "What I need is a way to destroy the Horcrux, not a way to destroy evil."

"He's talking about superstitions in the Muggle world!" Hermione complained to the other three angrily. "And dragons are oviparous animals and don't menstruate at all!"

"Hey, many of the legends are based on facts..." Xenophilius shook his head, "The effect of some legendary remedies will be terrifying. If you don't believe me, I can also recommend some magical creatures to you. It's also very destructive."

"Oh, let's hear it." Lockhart was a little interested. After all, the venom of the Millennium Basilisk can destroy Horcruxes, indicating that creatures can indeed pose a threat to Horcruxes.

"You can put the Horcrux under the pillow, and then put the model of the person on the bed. In the middle of the night, there will be soul-sucking mosquitoes flying over and sucking people's souls. If they can't find anyone, they will **** the souls in the Horcrux - oh, don't I'm in a hurry..." Seeing Lockhart's impatience, he seemed to want to interrupt him~lightnovelpub.net~ He quickly added: "Also, it is said that there are killer insects in the Egyptian desert, and I heard a wizard say their Digestive juice can digest everything in the world, it's really a magical creature, isn't it, if you catch it, you must bring it back and show it to me..."

"Enough!" said Lockhart irritably, tossing the Horcrux to Black for safekeeping. "Mr. Lovegood, we will consider your opinion, we will not disturb you, please leave the publicity to you..."

"Don't you stay and eat something, I caught a lot of good things that you must have never eaten!" Xenophilius stood up and tried to keep him, but they insisted on leaving no matter what. "Actually, according to legend, as long as you gather all the Deathly Hallows, you can become the master of the God of Death. If the God of Death wants to kill the mysterious man, the Horcrux can't save him."

"Death doesn't exist, sir," said Lockhart stiffly, leading them downstairs, "perhaps it would be disrespectful to say that, even if he exists, he exists in a way we cannot understand, and won't help us. Yes." He opened the door and walked out: "Goodbye Mr. Lovegood, be careful!"


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——(To be continued)