Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 288: revisit

"Look at your parents' tombstones first, Harry, and I'll take you to where they lived later," Black said softly, taking the lead towards the cemetery.

There was a narrow door at the entrance to the cemetery, and Blake pushed it open gently, and several people got in. The path leading to the church door was slippery, and they passed through the snow that had not yet piled up, carefully following the shadows under the bright windows to the back of the house, leaving a shallow groove behind them.

Rows of tombstones stand on the ground where the snow has not yet piled up. The dark brown of the soil, the dazzling red, gold and green light spots, are the projections of the stained glass of the church on the ground.

"Over there, Harry." Blake's voice was quieter, as if he was afraid to disturb the souls here.

The Porters' joint gravestone is made of white marble, and the text is easier to read because they gleam in the dark. They didn't even have to come very close to see the inscription on it.

On the left is:

——————James Potter————————

Born January 30, 1960 Died October 31, 1981

On the right is:

——————Lily Potter————————

Born March 27, 1960 Died October 31, 1981

At the bottom is:

————The last enemy to destroy is death————

Harry read the words slowly, as if he had only one chance to understand their meaning, and read the last line.

"'The last enemy to destroy is death'..." Harry sounded a little panicked. "Isn't that what the Death Eaters thought? How could it be here?"

"It's not about the Death Eaters' way of defeating death, Harry," Hermione said softly. "It's about...you know...life transcends death.

"Hermione is right, Harry, the Death Eaters want to beat death by getting rid of it, and they will never win. We can choose to face death and beat him." Lockhart pointedly said, Harry As a Horcrux, sooner or later you will have to face a death. because of him. Harry has suffered less and is not as mature as the original plot, and it is time to instill a little bit of this in him.

Lockhart looked back at the tombstone, for the pair of seniors and seniors who had nothing to do with each other when they went to school together at Hogwarts. The Potters, who had barely met a few times after graduation, were respectful. They should be the first members of the Order of the Phoenix, and they should be considered their own revolutionary martyrs.

"James has done a lot of stupid things in his life. The biggest mistake was to reject Dumbledore's offer to be their secret keeper." James choked up, "He thought he would let an elder do it when he had friends. Keeping a secret is a humiliation to a friend. I persuaded him, but he insisted that I be the keeper—"

Regret rushed into his heart, and he couldn't go on. "Then I recommended that guy Peter as a secrecy, because his Animagus is a rare mouse, easy to avoid danger-" He sobbed: "Who would have thought that a friend of nearly ten years... Unreliable, sold James in a blink of an eye..."

"It's all over, Sirius," Lockhart reassured. "It's—" He wanted to say it was fate, but it didn't feel right. "Harry. Don't blame him, Sirius didn't mean it..."

"I didn't blame him," Harry said bluntly, saying it was a lie to say he had no idea, but what else could he do, Blake was his last family. "It's all Snape's fault, if he hadn't told the prophecy to You-Know-Who..."

"It's pointless to complain and investigate the past. It's a mistake for the keeper to not choose a strong and reliable person from the beginning. Even if you become a keeper, you will be chased by mysterious people. If you're lucky, you escape. But You-Know-Who will never be killed by Harry as prophesied, and the war will last a long time." Albert said: "With a little luck, you will be caught, questioned, or legitimized where you cast the Faithful Charm. . Then today Harry is here to pay homage to the tombstones of you and his parents."

"Don't talk about it, let's leave, it's too suspicious to be in the cemetery at night." The controversy is worthless, and no matter what you say, it can't change the fact that the rotting corpses of the Potters are lying under the snow and stones at this time. . Death is never just the misfortune of the deceased, but more of the suffering and pain of the living. Blake wiped away tears. "There are several graves of great people over there, but you don't need to see them."


A bird flew up from a pine tree next to the cemetery, and Lockhart drew his wand instantly, and a flash of blue light knocked it down.

"My God, you shot so fast!" Albert Terrence was startled by Lockhart's method of pulling out his wand and shooting down the bird in one go, "What are you hitting that bird for?"

"You haven't seen Mad-Eye Moody's speed." Lockhart put away his wand. "I thought that bird was a Death Eater spy, so nervous."

"Okay, let's go..." Blake glanced at the bird's body and pushed everyone away.

Hermione raised her wand and drew a circle in the air, and a bunch of white chrysanthemums appeared in the air, she reached out to catch it, and placed it on the graves of Harry's parents.

"Don't do this." Lockhart frowned and gave the bunch of flowers a concealment spell. "We can't risk leaving any clues about our trail at this time."

"Oh," Hermione whispered.


The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and a few people walked to the exit of the cemetery on the gradually accumulated snow. They saw the tombstones of the important people Blake said two rows away from the tombstones of Harry's parents.

On a piece of moss mottled granite on the ground, Candela Dumbledore is engraved with his daughter Ariana under the date of birth and death. There is also a motto:

Where is the treasure, where is the heart

"Who are Candela and Ariana?" asked Harry curiously, who didn't know anyone with the last name Dumbledore except the Headmaster. "What does that mean?"

"One is Dumbledore's mother, and the other I don't know. It's the headmaster's family anyway. Come out." Blake urged him.

A few people pushed open the narrow door when they came, stepped on the slippery stone road again, and returned to the small square of the village. At this time, someone was drunk and hobbled out of the tavern.

"Sireth, where does Bathilda Bagshot live, you should know."

"Well, come with me," Black said. "We should drop by the place where You-Know-Who failed last time he tried to kill Harry, which is where he was born."

They walked down a dark street. It leads out of the village, opposite the way they came in. They walked fast, trying to pass the Muggle's lit window as quickly as possible, and behind the curtains a figure appeared.

"Does-You-Know really hide Horcruxes in Harry's original home?" Albert couldn't believe it, "All I know about Horcruxes is what Mr. Scrimgeour said to me the other day for a few minutes, why did he Don't hide things with you?"

"He has Nagini by his side, a snake. If he has another snake by his side, it will not serve as insurance for himself, and there is no need to make so many Horcruxes." Lockhart said, "As for his other Where a Horcrux would be hidden, it could be anywhere in the world, but of course where he's been first."

"God, where can I find it, unless he puts things in the most obvious places like in those treasure hunt novels, and sets up traps for you to break in. What if he just throws them in the wild?"

"It seems that there is no solution, but there should be some way, such as powerful detection magic, or prophecy or something to deal with it, but it seems very troublesome~lightnovelpub.net~ It also requires a lot of magic power, I don't know it anyway, there is There are not many wizards in the world with this technology."


After discussing the possible whereabouts of the Horcrux for a while, they saw the house under Blake's direction—the hedge had grown in a mess, and the rubble was buried in the waist-deep grass. Most of the house was still standing there, completely covered in dark ivy and snow, but the right side of the top room was blown up, and that's probably where the spell bounced back.

"Why hasn't anyone rebuilt it?" Hermione whispered.

"It's very troublesome to rebuild. Powerful black magic damages items thoroughly, and there's no need to rebuild." Lockhart replied, "Maybe people at the time thought this house should be kept as a memorial?"

Harry took off the Invisibility Cloak completely, grabbed the rusted iron door with one hand, pushed it hard, and with a crisp crack, the iron door fell.


【Ask for a recommendation ticket】

——(To be continued.)