Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 289: Bathilda one hundred and eighty-three; B

"My God." Blake pulled out his wand, pointed at the base of the iron gate, and repaired it.

"Are we going to look in there, is the house secure--oh, Gilderoy, look!"

They touched a little magic: a wooden sign rose from the ground in front of them, emerging from the tangle of nettles and weeds, like some kind of strange, fast-growing flower.

The inscription in gold on the sign reads:

On October 31, 1981, Lily and James Potter died here, and their son Harry was the only wizard who survived the curse of death.


"I was in America, and I saw in a magazine that Mr. Lockhart also survived the death curse, is that so?" Albert asked curiously. "Did you discover a way to resist the Death Curse, or?"

"How is it possible...to deal with the death curse, either dodge or block, there is no other way, and I survived after being in a coma for a long time. And Harry is different from me, he is not only fine, but also kills the murderer. "

"But you survived the death curse, and you can't kill Ginny, she's just controlled." Hermione said dissatisfiedly, "Harry is relying on his mother's protection, and you are relying on Own!"

"Well, I'm on my own." Lockhart smiled, hugged Hermione affectionately, and kissed her little head with a red hood.


Harry and Blake walked into the yard first, and everyone passed the wooden sign that grew out of the weeds. There were other words on the wooden sign:

The Muggle-invisible house has been preserved as a ruin as a reminder of the Potters and a reminder of the violence that devastated their home.

Next to these neat handwritings are all kinds of inscriptions written by wizards who came to pay homage to the place where the "Boy Who Lived" escaped. Some simply wrote their names in indelible ink, some engraved their initials on wooden plaques, and others wrote messages. The more recent ones shone on Sixteen Years of Magical Doodles with much the same content.

Good luck, Harry, wherever you are.

Hope you can read it. Harry, we are all with you!

Long live Harry Potter.

They shouldn't be written on the sign! ' said Hermione angrily.

But Harry smiled brightly at her. "Very well, I'm glad they did. I feel the kindness from them."

They pushed the door in. The door might have been broken by Hagrid when he came to take Harry away, and with a slight push it fell straight down, smashing on the ground and throwing a cloud of dust. Inside it was the same: the cabinets that fell to the ground and smashed to pieces, the furniture was messy.

Up the open, broken stairs, they entered where Harry bounced Voldemort's spell. When the house was blown up by the spell, the table and the small cradle that were smashed by the gravel, the baby bottle that fell on the ground, the cradle with only three legs, and the gray-black curtains rippling gently in the wind...

"Ugh..." Blake covered his mouth and nose and started to cry again.

"Okay Sirius, don't be sad." Harry reassured him in return.

"Harry, can you feel the existence of the Horcrux." Hermione was the first to think of business. "As the professor said, lift the Occlumency and sense it?"

Lockhart and Albert also turned their attention to Harry. It would be great if the Horcrux could be found so easily.

Harry closed his eyes, after a while. He opened his eyes and shook his head: "No, only strong malice radiates from these destroyed things. I don't understand what kind of mentality he attacked me at that time."

"The mentality of killing it, for some reason we don't know, he completely believed the prophecy." Lockhart walked back and forth in the room with the broken roof and the ruins everywhere, but found nothing unusual.

"Let's go if you can't find us," Blake said, feeling terribly revisited. That night more than a dozen years ago, when he was self-righteous and complacent that the Death Eaters regarded him as their secrecy, but could never catch him. But he can't guess that his trusted Wormtail has sold the Potters. Little did he know that the mysterious man was stepping into the scope of the Brave Loyalty Charm without any hindrance, to destroy his good friends.

By the time he got the news and rushed back here, Harry had been taken away and the body was being disposed of by the Ministry of Magic. And he was arrested by the Ministry of Magic in the process of chasing Peter. Frustrated, he did not defend himself, so he was thrown into Azkaban without trial.


Nothing was found, but the mood of the crowd got worse as they took a tour of the scene. Lockhart took everyone out of here, and Arthur sent him some information with a note, about Manjik's event schedule and family situation. He was going to see Ms. Bathilda Bagshot quickly. Ask her, who has lived a hundred and fifty years, if she knows anything.

After Black was kicked out by his family, he had lived in Potter's house in Godric's Hollow for a while, so he was familiar with the wizarding family here. Arrived at Ms. Bathilda's house.

"Ms. Bathilda is a famous magic historian in the British wizarding world, and the editor of the Hogwarts History of Magic textbook." Hermione introduced Albert, an American boy who did not know Bathilda at all.

They followed Blake through the little door, through a garden almost as barren as the one before, and he knocked on the door. After a while, an old female voice rang from behind the door.


"It's me, Lady Bathilda, Sirius Black, do you remember me?" Black said.

A few seconds later, the door opened, and a short, rickety, gray-haired woman stood behind it.

"What are you doing here?" She looked out the door warily, ho! A bunch of wanted criminals now at the Ministry of Magic. "You—oh, come in."

Although the light was lit in the room, it was very dark, and the old musty, dust, and dirty clothes smelled into everyone's nose. She sat down in a broken chair: "You shouldn't come, the wizards gathered The ground is their focus area."

"Ms. Bathilda, we're here to ask for your help with the Horcrux of You-Know-Who-" Harry said, "do you have any clues about it or a way to destroy it."

"I don't know what Horcrux is, let alone how to destroy it," the old lady said angrily, "I'm a man who studies the history of magic, you can ask me questions about history or ancient runes... God , the Ministry of Magic also came to ask me if I knew your whereabouts, but fortunately you didn't come earlier than them!"

"They came to press you too?" Blake asked.

"It's not just them! There's that **** Rita Skeeter, she actually came to visit me on a false pretence, and then put Veritaserum in the tea I was drinking, cough, cough..." She coughed angrily, Min quickly gave her a few light pats on the back.

"It's so... rude of her to give you Veritaserum!" said Hermione angrily. "But what does she want to know?"

"You know, Dumbledore died, and somehow became the most hidden dark wizard in history. The Ministry of Magic must want to continue to discredit him. Skeeter may have received this task. She wants to write a book Dumbledore's biography, proving to the public that he had a tendency to become a dark wizard from an early age."

"Do you still need evidence for this? Wouldn't they just make it up?" Not to mention that Albert didn't understand, neither did Harry and Blake.

The old man shook his head: "The key is that Dumbledore did some stupid things when he was young, but who didn't have a little bit of ignorance when he was young, he and Grindelwald are two children... oh... look at it," she said. Point to a small cabinet over there, with a poster that appears to have been printed by Mr. Lovegood at the request of Lockhart, with the words that Lockhart is a fake from the Ministry of Magic... and a book , looks new.

Hermione walked over and held the book in her hand, with a note attached to its cover, which Hermione read out:

Dear Ms. Bagshot:

thanks for your help

you told me everything

Although you don't even remember

from Rita.

"This woman is so arrogant, she'll be mocked after being poured Veritaserum." Albert frowned in disgust.

Hermione lifted the note. It was a new book, and Dumbledore stood in the cover with a blank expression.

"The Deepest Dark Wizard: The Life of Dumbledore. Did she give you a copy after the book was published?"

"It's like this~lightnovelpub.net~, I was asked about everything at that time by her." Bathilda said weakly, "You can take this book if you want to read it, it's annoying, I can't give you any other help, so hurry up and leave."

"Is there no way you can convert a large amount of magic power into destructive power in an instant?" Lockhart still has a glimmer of hope~lightnovelpub.net~ If he can improve his magic circle, it should be a one-off Destroy the Horcrux.

"No, I don't study that kind of thing, I study destructive magic, that's the matter of the Experimental Spell Committee!" Bathilda said angrily, "Every second you stay here is dangerous, let's go."

Lockhart knew that she didn't hate them and wanted to drive them away. It was really dangerous here. Maybe in a few days, Nagini would come and murder Bathilda. He was torn between trying to ambush the snake, and finally gave up. Unless Voldemort still went to Germany to find Grindelwald to ask the whereabouts of the Elder Wand as in the original plot, or he wanted to attack this Horcrux in England, I'm afraid Voldemort arrived in an instant.

"Ms. Bathilda, I have received reliable news that someone may be going against you recently. I suggest that you stay at a relative's younger generation's house for a few days." Lockhart said, "We will not disturb you for now. I wish you health and safety-- Let's go." He said to the others.

"I'll think about it, be careful on the road!"


【Recommended ticket】

——(To be continued.)