Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 295: Housebreaking and Murder (Part 1)

The sun gradually sank, and the four of them blurred their figures with the Disillusionment Charm. Harry used the invisibility cloak to hide himself, and squatted quietly from morning to evening.

You can't move, you will be exposed in the snow when you move, you have to talk as little as possible, and you can't use any magic to make yourself feel more comfortable. More than once, Lockhart asked the others to go back and watch by himself, but Hermione thought the house was so big that one person couldn't notice all the directions. So that's it: all five people are staring blankly at the open space...

The boring waiting made the time seem very long. Lockhart was fine. Auror training included the content of lurking and reconnaissance. Black had been squatting in Azkaban for more than ten years, and he had become accustomed to this rhythm. The three young men were It was bitter, but because of face, no one was embarrassed to complain first.


His stomach began to growl with hunger, and Lockhart was going to let Hermione go back to make dinner first, and then a few people took turns to go back to eat and rest. But the goal finally came back...

"啾——" Apparition's voice was mostly absorbed by the thick snow and became indiscernible, but the two figures who suddenly appeared on the steps and the snowflakes raised on the ground were discovered by a few people who were highly vigilant. .

A pair of men and women in gorgeous wizard robes appeared on the steps out of thin air, and they stepped on the top step with precision. Under the protection of the Bold Loyalty Charm.


"Great, it's certain that they are used to Apparating away from this step and Apparating back." Several people were finally able to return to the warm tent to drink hot soup for dinner. "It makes planning a lot easier because such a habit generally doesn't change."

"Well... I've been standing for a day, my legs are stiff-" Hermione rubbed her thighs: "The day after tomorrow is Christmas, if they have to come out to do something or buy something, it can only be tomorrow, Neither Muggles nor wizards will be open tonight."

"Well, I'll be there at dawn tomorrow, and I'll let you know as soon as they leave. Hermione and Harry, just stay here, you're not fit to go to someone else's house to kill and set fire - both psychologically and competently. …”

"No, I'm going to start exercising myself!" said Harry. "The prophecy predestines that one of you and You-Know-Who will kill the other. If I don't want to be the one to be killed, I'm going to start learning to kill. "That's what Hermione said."


"You said you would never leave me behind!" Hermione became irritable again: "I must go with you, I feel safe with you, and I can come in handy at critical moments. I'm knocked unconscious and put in the tent, and then I'll do your thing!"

"It's not impossible for the two of you to go. But you have to promise me some conditions." Lockhart straightened his back. He was not going to let the two children go, but he had to force them to make some promises. "You two must obey me or Sirius immediately without question."

"Where's Albert." Harry said in disbelief.

"Although he is only two or three years older than you, he is much more mature than you. He received a Gadwin Auror-style education when he was young. I believe he can make the most rational and correct decisions at critical moments, right? , Albert."

"I will." Albert showed a bright smile after receiving such a high evaluation.

"Yes, compared to Albert. You two children are much more emotional and impulsive, although I am also a Gryffindor, I can understand what you think and do at your age," Black nodded, "but it does not mean me Still supporting you now, you two must promise what Gilderoy said."

"Okay," Harry said helplessly.

"What about you, Hermione?"

"I promise too..."

"Very well, then you two will hear what I say next. You must obey all my orders, even orders like 'run', 'hide' or 'go back', 'leave me' when the situation arises, Do you agree?"

"I—yes. Of course," said Harry.

"No, I'm not running." Hermione said, "I'm going to die together."

"Well, Hermione, the true love you're willing to die with Gilderoy is touching." Black said, "but you have to understand one thing. If Gilderoy lets you run first, it's to make it easier for himself to run. , instead of deciding to stay and wait for death, unless you meet a mysterious person, no one dares to say that Gildero will stay, understand?"

"What the **** is going on. I'll judge for myself," said Hermione stubbornly.

"Okay, Hermione, I promise: if I'm going to die, I'll die with you, okay?" Lockhart said.

"So... well then, I'll follow any other orders from you."

"Well, if I told you to hide, would you?" Lockhart asked.


"If I tell you to run away, will you obey?"


"If I told you to use the death curse to kill the enemy, would you do it?"

"I will."


Hermione swallowed: "I have never used a death curse..."

"It doesn't matter, as long as Harry does it, if possible, I will never give you the chance to use the Death Curse in my life." Lockhart said softly.

"If anyone threatens you, or any of us, I will," Hermione said.

"Very well, then—as soon as we see them leave tomorrow, we'll all crouch down on the steps below the top one, and wait for them to Apparate back to control the couple." Lockhart Put down the cup: "If the secrecy is any of them, then go into the house and check if the Horcrux is in their house, if the secrecy is not one of them, nor in the house, we will just leave after killing them. ."

"Okay~lightnovelpub.net~ Other matters, we will discuss it at the scene tomorrow." Lockhart said, "Rest now, I will go to the house before dawn tomorrow, you can take your time to pack the tent and other things. things, and then come to join me after receiving my message."

"Then, good night."

"Good night."


That night, Lockhart did not exercise with Hermione, but turned over Dumbledore's notes for the last time, making sure that he had clearly understood all the principles of Horcrux and mastered its production method. If the sneak attack goes well tomorrow - he will either become another ghost who failed to make a Horcrux, or he will become the fifth wizard in history to have a Horcrux. Although the sufficient amount of knowledge and the existence of the Elder Wand made this matter a certainty, he had never had such an experience and was always a little uneasy.


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——(To be continued.)