Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 315: exposed


They took turns to watch the night, and after another night, the group continued to set off, while discussing the plan after escaping and walking towards the periphery of the forest. △,

As they got closer to the outskirts of the forest, they finally encountered a patrol of Death Eaters on broomsticks with two Dementors.

"Why are you walking out!" asked a blond Death Eater in a decent-looking robe with some scars on his face. "What's going on?"

So Lockhart repeated the rhetoric of losing two people to the unicorn, with two Dementors hovering over their heads, seemingly salivating for their souls. Dementors could tell the difference between wizards and Muggles, but it was absolutely impossible to tell if they were wanted targets by sensing, which Black had assured Lockhart.

"Oh, go away," said the Death Eater disdainfully.

Lockhart breathed a sigh of relief in secret, but turned around quietly and continued to walk outside.

At this moment, a mutation protruded, and two dementors suddenly flew down and rushed towards Sirius, who had been shivering all the time.

"My lord, take care of these two beasts!" Lockhart yelled, pretending to be panic, "How do you attack your own people?"

"Hey, the master has promised the dementors, as long as they are not the staff of the Death Eaters or the Ministry of Magic, they can enjoy it as they please." Several Death Eaters seemed to be ready to stand by.

But Harry couldn't just sit back and watch his godfather be attacked, he pulled out his wand and shouted, casting Patronus, and the silver doe drove the two dementors away.

"Presumptuous." The Death Eater in the gorgeous wizard's robe was furious, "Gouging out the bone!"

Because he thought that the three Lockhart in front of him were wandering wizards who came to help, he was quite "kind" and didn't kill them directly.

"You are presumptuous!" Lockhart pulled out his wand at once, and since he did it, he must immediately silence it!

A white light flashed, but all the Death Eaters were holding magic wands, and they did not achieve the effect of sneak attacks, but the powerful spell still beat a few Death Eaters back a few steps.


"Soul Spear!" the blond Death Eater shouted. A purple light shot towards Lockhart, and it was impossible to escape at such a close distance - but Lockhart didn't care, and was ready to exchange his life for injury. This kind of instant magic couldn't do much damage.

The tip of the wand is shining, and a shadowless shadow of the gods has been brewed.

But the purple light hit Lockhart's iron armor spell, but it was not blocked, but a mental shock burst out. Lockhart felt a stinging pain and violent vibration in his soul-after he made the Horcrux, his resistance to this kind of mental attack was greatly reduced!

I just felt that it was dark in front of me, and Lockhart stumbled and almost fainted. The spell in the wand was thrown out at will, but it was easily dodged by the opposite side.


"Professor!" "Gildrow!" The other two rushed forward and used a spell to force the blond Death Eater back, and Hermione lifted the Invisibility Cloak and attacked the other party.

"Hey, why is there a chick?"

"It's the one wanted!" "Catch them!"

Lockhart covered his head and stepped back again and again, running Occlumency, barely regaining consciousness, and found that the scene had become a mess, and Sirius was fighting two Death Eaters alone; Harry met one. His doe Patronus also kept wandering away to disperse the two Dementors who were about to move, ready to see a needle at any time; Hermione stood in front of him, blocking the spells of several Death Eaters with Iron Armor.

"Honey, protect yourself," Lockhart said through gritted teeth. As the leader, it was too embarrassing to be almost knocked out when he started. "Death!" The elder wand spurted a powerful spell, instantly forcing the two Death Eaters who were attacking Hermione back.

The blond Death Eater wanted to do it again. But Ziguang was easily blocked by Lockhart, who had been prepared for a long time. Only the leader of the group had the Dark Mark, and the others were just nominal Death Eaters, who were easily killed by Lockhart.


"Ah. He can also mentally attack!" A black-haired Death Eater shouted, pretending to be hit by mental attack magic, covering his head and riding a broom, followed by two The Dementor runs away.

Of course Lockhart can use some mental attack magic, but it is rarely used in actual combat, because the effect is not large and it is difficult to hit people, at least it was useless just now... But this Death Eater is really running away with this trick Wonderful, there are indeed talents among the villains!

Lockhart still wanted to shoot him down, but a blast of energy failed to penetrate his protective spell. The blond Death Eater headed by him was still fighting Sirius, and Lockhart had to give up the pursuit. Anyway, the Dementor had already run away, and chasing this Death Eater would be meaningless.

"There's a heads-up!" the Death Eater yelled in a little panic.

"Single out your mother!" Lockhart joined the battle without any hesitation.

There is no such thing as a duel in a war, unless it is a duel between top wizards and it is difficult for others to intervene, and intervening is not very helpful. Otherwise, putting the hope of winning on your opponent will be so stupid that you will give up the numerical advantage and you will be duel... It's like being a madman and pulling your opponent into the water.

Soon the golden-haired Death Eater's wand was knocked away, and Lockhart pointed at him, ready to ask something: "Where is the outermost circle of your encirclement, how many people, and where is the mysterious person?"

"Volde—" The blond Death Eater wanted to call Voldemort's name to call in reinforcements, but Lockhart stopped him with a tongue-stopper.

"If you do this kind of meaningless thing again, just like the guy over there." Lockhart killed a fallen Death Eater with a death curse, "and the Floo network is cut off, what do you expect Is your master or accomplice flying over to save you every minute?"

He nodded to indicate that he understood, and Lockhart lifted the tongue-stopping spell: "Speak, don't miss a bit, I will legimize!"

"Hey hey—this forest has been completely surrounded. Now that our team has returned, all those who participated in the encirclement and suppression will immediately gather here, you can't escape, hehehe..." The Death Eaters said strangely. Laughing, it's okay to say it anyway.

"Laugh!" Lockhart was furious, "Gouged out!"

"Ah—don't—" The Death Eater rolled on the ground, making Harry and Hermione uncomfortable.

"Laugh again?!" Lockhart raised his wand.

"Gidro, don't waste your time, we have already exposed." Sirius said with a frown.

"Okay, kill them all." Lockhart nodded, humbly accepting his opinion.

"I'm James Elliott!" he shouted, "The last of the Elliott family, you can't kill me!"

"Yohe~lightnovelpub.net~ Elliott's family?" Lockhart seemed to be a little familiar with this surname, but he didn't need and wouldn't sell any family face now. "Then cut off your descendants!"

"Guidero, wait!" Sirius stopped him. "The Elliott family doesn't support the Death Eaters. I know people from their family who have left the UK now."

"So what?" Lockhart asked suspiciously. "Do you want to let him go?"

"His brother was killed in the last wizarding war, and his brother was Bruce, who also died fighting the Death Eaters—" Sirius said. "You decide."

"You're Bruce's brother?" Lockhart was shocked. Bruce was one of the Aurors who died in the same group as Moody... No wonder it sounded familiar: "Then why did you join the Death Eaters?"

"I was wrong!" As soon as there was a chance to escape, his arrogance subsided immediately: "I will go back and quit the Death Eaters immediately, and leave the UK to find my family!"

"For Bruce's sake, I'll let you go." Lockhart said, rolling up his left sleeve, revealing the mark of the Dark Lord, "But there is no escape!" A white light flashed, and his left arm Fall in response.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

"You won't remember me, and you're not qualified to be loyal to the Dark Lord!" Lockhart said coldly, knocking him unconscious and washing the memory away.



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