Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 32: Lockhart disagrees

Dumbledore seemed to be irritated by Lockhart's behavior. His beard and robe were floated by the magic belt, and he exuded a powerful momentum-in fact, the people present were not necessarily his opponents. .

He said without a doubt: "Gidero, you are too presumptuous, now, you take Harry back - and he, must participate in the game."

"Hmph." Madam Maxime was unable to speak under this momentum.

Karkaroff was slightly better: "I will protest to the Ministry of Magic and the International Society of Wizards."

"Although go, Karkaroff, Harry must participate in the competition." Dumbledore put away his aura, but everyone still felt breathless, "Mr. Potter decides whether to admit defeat or compete seriously. "

Guidello pulled Harry and left without looking back, the room was dead silent.

"Then let's start." Bagmon rubbed his hands and looked around with a smile. "Should I give the players instructions? Scrimgeour, are you interested in doing me a favor?"

"The first mission..."

On the way back to Gryffindor Tower, Lockhart asked Harry, "Do you have to participate, there are great conspiracies and dangers waiting for you here!"

Harry replied stubbornly, "I believe that the Goblet of Fire chose me for a reason. I cannot avoid my destiny."

Lockhart endured his anger: "You are helpless, Harry."

Harry: "Can I think the professor is complimenting my courage?"

Lockhart: "@#$%&*("

Lockhart entered Gryffindor's public spaces for the first time.

As soon as the door opened, a loud noise nearly knocked Lockhart and Potter back. Then Harry was caught by dozens of hands in the room, screaming and clapping and whistling in the face of all the Gryffindors.

"You should have told us that you signed up." Fred yelled, half happy and half angry.

"It's amazing, how could you do it without growing a white beard?" George roared with a smile.

"I didn't," said Harry. "I don't know how—"

In the student lounge, Lockhart didn't have the right to get angry at them. He found a place to sit down and watched the group of students make trouble. He wanted to think about whether to resign and leave or continue to fight the plot or the minibus. tee.

Several girls sat around Lockhart and chatted up, and Hermione sat next to Lockhart: "Professor, at your suggestion, I changed my name and purpose, now called L.K.E, loyal and friendly elf , calling on people to love their house-elves, what do you think, buy a badge or not, you will be the honorary president."

"Not so good," Lockhart's mind was now muddled, and the words slipped out of his mouth, but he was able to react in time—"Ah, I mean, good idea, Hermione, sold to Let me have a badge."

Hermione cheerfully took out her badge, carefully put it on Lockhart, and couldn't help kissing Lockhart's face: "Thank you for your support Professor, I will try my best." After speaking, she ran back upstairs. .

Lockhart: @@

Because Lockhart proved that Harry didn't sign up, Ron didn't fall out with Harry either. Watching this group of people who don't know the truth in the whole room celebrating, Lockhart suddenly felt extremely lonely. He is not from this world, and he doesn't seem to be able to change the plot of this world. He has participated in the plot by accident several times before. It caused him to think that he could change the fate of the world, but several times he ran into a wall, which made him feel hopeless, and even more helpless, he couldn't find someone to talk to.

He stood up silently, left the public space of Hogwarts, and walked towards his office.

The cool wind blew on Lockhart's face, and Lockhart suddenly had the urge to give up resistance and enjoy the plot.

"Professor, what are you doing here, what happened, is Harry okay?" Lockhart looked up and saw Luna and Pandora.

Although he was curious about how these two girls from different grades and different colleges got together, Lockhart still squeezed out a smile: "Hi, good evening, I just came out to get some air."

"The professor seems to have something on his mind. Does anyone really want to hurt Harry?" Pandora asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, I can't figure out some things, and some things just happened inexplicably - it's like fate."

"My dad always said that nothing is predetermined," Luna said, with a sly magic in her voice, "Even if it is the prophecy, it can only happen if the parties believe and participate. "

"That's right, Professor, if you really can't think of it, don't think about the cause, think about how to solve it." Pandora smiled sweetly.

"You're right, I shouldn't be tangled, it's very late, go back, I'll go too." Lockhart said perfunctory.

"Good professor, then good night."

Lockhart dismissed the two little girls and returned to the office. He is quiet now. Since he looked at the Goblet of Fire and there was still a problem, either it wasn't the Goblet of Fire, or something went wrong before the Goblet of Fire was taken out.

Of course, it's also possible that Barty Jr.'s spell was so clever that he unknowingly confuses the Goblet of Fire. But this is the least likely.

So, who is he disguised as now?