Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 322: alone

Hermione made a list and excitedly started preparing things...

She started packing with all her might, while the rest of the house panicked: Fleur said that Hermione had been crying and laughing and talking to herself in the room in the afternoon, and now she was starting to pack up again, apparently sane. Crash rhythm. www!22ff*com

So - at dinner, Hermione became the focus of everyone, and they stopped discussing whether to continue to find Voldemort's Horcrux or to deal with him, but began to greet Hermione...

Although Hermione said she was fine in a happy mood, they couldn't reassure everyone at all. They kept trying to clear Hermione's "psychological obstacles" through persuasion. Clouds, like walking from **** to heaven... In the end, they didn't listen to any of them.

"Hermione, I'll sleep with you tonight." Fleur looked at Bill helplessly, but decided to be safe.

"Okay, Fleur's body is so soft, I like to sleep with you in my arms the most." Hermione said cheerfully without thinking too much, but then she remembered one thing: now Gilderoy is also in her body, which is inappropriate Bar!

"Ah... I'm a little uncomfortable today, let me sleep alone-"

"That's it, I'm going to wash the dishes." Furong stood up firmly.


Fleur slipped into Hermione's bed again and hugged her body affectionately.

It was normal for two girls to sleep together, but the problem was that now Lockhart could also feel everything Hermione could feel: soft and warm, with a scent... Hermione was a little annoyed, Wanting to close the shared senses with Lockhart, but afraid of hurting his soul, he can only try to keep a distance from Fleur.

Fleur noticed Hermione's slight resistance, and unceremoniously pulled her into her arms: "Hermione, Professor Lockhart is a very good person..."

Yeah, great, you're holding him.

"If I hadn't met Bill, even I would have a crush on him. But you can't abandon the whole world just because you lost him..." Fleur held Hermione in her arms like a mother, and babbled: "You still Young, don't say stupid things like you're the only one who loves him in this life-"

"But I just love him!" Hermione put her arm between their touching chests. But he couldn't help arguing.

"I thought the same thing when I made my first boyfriend..." Furong said, "But I didn't meet Bill in the end, you still have a long way to go, and you will meet true love as you walk, maybe in the next second. …”

"Oh. Alright alright." Hermione said helplessly.

"Where are you packing your things in the afternoon, where are you going?" Furong asked, leaning against Hermione's body, "I have to make it clear to you that you are not allowed to go anywhere, just stay here with my sister!"

"I don't want to go anywhere, I just think it's right to be prepared first..." Hermione quickly thought of an excuse, "In case you come to a conclusion, then you can go directly."

"Really?" Furong made no secret of her doubts, "That's fine. If it's really bad, just cry. You haven't cried much for so many days. It's good to be strong, but it's not good to hold back. "..." Furong gently stroked Hermione's back and said, "Don't do anything stupid, remember that you still have family and friends, and life is the most important thing. You are a smart girl, I won't tell you these things. should know..."

Hermione really wanted to cry now, and she had calluses in her ears hearing things like this these days, and reason told her that the best way to do it now was to pretend to be persuaded by Fleur's words - so she did: In Furong's arms, she "crying" happily. I cried so much that my whole body trembled, and all the anxiety and fear I had accumulated over the past month were cleared away, and then——

"Furong, I'm feeling better. I just want to sleep now, please don't talk about it?"

"Well, then go to sleep." Furong didn't know that she was being eaten tofu in disguise, she just felt relieved, hugged Hermione and stopped talking.


After a peaceful night's sleep, Hermione opened her eyes. A new day began, staring at Furong's face and sensing the soul in her lower body, she breathed a sigh of relief, Lockhart had indeed returned, and what happened yesterday was not her dream.

After breakfast, Hermione claimed that she was going to relax on the beach, and left the shell cabin with her and Lockhart's space expansion bags in their arms.

She left a note in the room, saying that she would not seek short-sightedness, and told them not to worry. After walking far enough... With Lockhart's soul, she Apparated to the place where Lockhart died before. in the forest.

The place where he settled down was a piece of scorched black land. When Lockhart and the Death Eaters fought, they used a powerful fire technique. Although they were all extinguished at the time, the remaining sparks caused a forest fire. Today, the Ministry of Magic is fundamentally Regardless of this incident, in the end, the Muggles dispatched a large number of firefighters and cut a huge firebreak to stop the spread of the fire.

To be honest, the Muggle Prime Minister at this juncture is really unlucky. All kinds of bizarre things happen in his own country. It is very possible to know the reason but there is no way to do it. It is really embarrassing.


"It's all burnt here, Apparition to the north for a while," Hermione said to herself - to be precise, it should be Lockhart.


She Apparated to the north for a few more miles, and there was no more burns here, but the unicorn might continue to flee north, and Hermione cast herself a light spell and other magic, and briskly searched north.

She also stole Harry's invisibility cloak. Protecting herself is the most important thing at this time. This approach may also convince Bill and the others that she is not looking for death...

"But what can you do if you find a unicorn..." Hermione suddenly thought of a question, "The book says that unicorns are very powerful magical creatures, and a single wizard is not an opponent."

"Yeah, I forgot about this." Lockhart said that his strength reached its peak before being killed by Voldemort, let alone unicorns, I'm afraid even fire dragons can kill one or two heads. question.

"Also, unicorns are one of the few magical creatures with super escape ability. Legend has it that they can even Apparate, but they can't Apparate remotely because they can't enter the Floo network designed by the wizard. ." Hermione said.

"What should I do then?" Lockhart asked in confusion. Back then, it was with the help of a powerful wizard like Quirrell that the mysterious man succeeded in chasing and killing a unicorn~lightnovelpub.net~ and got its blood, while He Min...she's pretty good, but not good in combat.

"Well - there's no other way, unless you go back to Sirius and the others for help, or you can only use the ancient hunters' method of catching unicorns..." Hermione said uneasily, "Use the scent of a pure girl's body. Attract them, let them fall into the trap."

"What do you mean by a pure girl?" Lockhart thought of the unicorn blood without the curse. Could it have anything to do with this? "You are a pure girl."

"No, it doesn't count... Purity doesn't mean spiritual purity, but physical..." Hermione said embarrassedly, "Actually, if what is required is spiritual purity, how can a pure girl be? Maybe he will come to help hunters catch unicorns, catching unicorns is nothing more than its horns, hair and blood... Anyway, it is impossible for a hunter to catch a unicorn and let it go back alive."

"I think it's nonsense. How can a unicorn tell if a girl is a girl?" Lockhart wanted to make a shake of his head, but unfortunately he didn't succeed.

"But that's how it's written in the book!" Hermione said reluctantly, "It's not a storybook, it's compiled from the notes of an ancient hunter."

"Don't be superstitious about the contents of the book, try it first," Lockhart ordered.

"Oh well."



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