Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 329: arrive

After driving for more than ten hours, they arrived at the terminal. Over the next few hours, they backed up several more times, eventually stopping in a small town.

According to the map, this small town is the closest Muggle gathering place to Hogwarts, only a dozen miles away. In this large area around Hogwarts, there are forests with Muggle Repelling Curses and In the wilderness, where there were fewer Muggles than wizards, she had to walk to Hogsmeade.

Armed with a map, wearing the Invisibility Cloak, and holding Lockhart, Hermione traversed the deserted woods, rolling hills, and wasteland studded with puddles and rivers. There are no terrifying magical creatures in the woods, the hills are only one or two hundred meters high, and there are no crocodiles in the puddles and swamps.

There is nothing magical about this land. The reason why the environment is so primitive is entirely because of the dense Muggle exorcism spells that the previous managers of Hogwarts have set here. The exorcism spell set by a powerful wizard cannot take effect permanently. Every ten years, the headmaster and professors of Hogwarts will re-cover the exorcism spell on this wilderness. The old and new spells overlap. The ability to banish muggles is terrifying. Any Muggle who walks into this place will feel creepy like walking into hell. If they forcibly travel through it, it may lead to a nervous breakdown and a coma. At that time, even if they don't die, a wizard will have to get people out.

"We won't be able to reach Hogsmeade until eight o'clock tonight. We may have to camp out for the last night," Hermione said. "I don't dare to break the curfew. I'll go in tomorrow morning."

"Well, let's just set up a tent here, don't get too close to Hogsmeade." Lockhart agreed, "No blood today, stick to it and it may recover tomorrow."


No Death Eaters would patrol the place, and after the diadem from the Hogwarts Requirement Room was taken away, there was no reason for either Voldemort or the Order of the Phoenix to have control. The reason for arranging dementors and death eaters in the school and nearby villages is just to control these future masters of the wizarding world and prevent them from being used by the enemy.

After a peaceful night, the magic alarm clock woke Hermione. Time to enter Hogsmeade.

They climbed over the last mountain and saw Hogsmeade, surrounded by forests at the foot of the mountain, both of them were very familiar with. The most conspicuous thing was the railway and the platform, if there was no war. Students would normally disembark at this platform via the Hogwarts train - but this time Hermione had traveled across the moor from the nearest Muggle settlement.

Looking up and looking further afield, on the edge of the Black Lake is the Hogwarts Castle, which is majestic, like a dragon entrenched on the mountainside. After so many years, the scenery of these two places has not changed at all.

"It may not be time yet, let's wait outside the village for a while." Hermione put on the invisibility cloak and quietly walked along the hillside, approaching the wizarding village at the foot of the hill.

Can't get any closer, and can even feel the magic wave of the curfew spell all over Hogsmeade. They hid behind a large rock on a slightly higher hillside outside the village, and from this position they could even see the high chimneys of every house in Hogsmeade, some of which were already smoking white smoke at dawn, In it, Hermione found a deck of three brooms. The Weasley twins handed over to the toy store that Lupin took care of. Has been closed due to the owner's departure.

Because of Snape's rules prohibiting student gatherings of more than three people and any informal student associations, many shops in Hogsmeade have seen less business - because even coming to Hogsmeade to play together, even in one shop Shopping is also a "meeting".

Of course, all the shops here must be open as usual, even if only to serve the dozen or so Death Eaters who live in Hogsmeade.


"what time is it?"

"It's six o'clock. According to Ginny, they should have lifted the curfew spell." Hermione glanced at her watch under the invisibility cloak.

They waited for a while, the Curfew Curse was touched by a Hogsmeade villager, and a scream cut through the cold morning air, as sharp as a young witch being tortured by the Cruciatus. The door to Three Brooms opened suddenly, and a cloaked, hooded Death Eater charged into the street with his wand in hand.

After a while, several disheveled Death Eaters rushed out, and together they caught the villager who had set off the alarm.

Can't hear what they're saying from so far away. But it seems that after arguing with the poor villager for a while and checking their identities, they soon found out that it was a misunderstanding, possibly because the Death Eater on duty had dozed off and did not lift the curfew spell according to the prescribed schedule.

They let the villager go, and after an argument, the other Death Eaters returned to the house. It may be to continue to sleep, and the one who rushed out at the beginning, walked around and started to revoke the curfew spell.

"Okay, you can go, be careful, don't show your feet under the invisibility cloak."

"Don't worry, I'm not as careless as Harry," said Hermione, coming out from behind the stone and walking gently towards Hogsmeade along the gutter by the side of the road.

"Don't go over the wall, go down the road, I guess there's alarm magic on the wall." Lockhart reminded Hermione.

Fortunately, there was no snow or rain in April, and there would be no traces of walking. Hermione was quietly walking along the main road of Hogsmeade in the morning light. After passing the station, the three brooms, the post office, the tea house, the stationery store... and arrived at the door of the pig's head bar.

When they passed the three brooms just now, the door of the store suddenly opened, and Hermione almost jumped up in fright. It turned out that the owner of the store, Ms. Rose Merta, was about to open the door. After she secured the door, she walked into the house. Through the wide open door, Hermione could see several early-rising Death Eaters sitting at the table eating breakfast. It seemed that they were going to work or have fun after eating. She quickly stepped up and walked over. .


"Should I knock on the door?"

"Just open the door and go in, I don't know if Aberforth got up early," Lockhart said. "Knock on the door if there is a resistance spell on it."

Hermione carefully lifted the Invisibility Cloak in the direction facing the door of the Hog's Head Bar, hugged Lockhart tightly in one hand, and stretched out her wand in the other: "Araho hole open!"

Without the Resistance Curse, wizards are generally not so bold, and it may be that the Death Eaters asked the residents of Hogsmeade to do so to facilitate searches at any time.

With a "squeak", the store door opened, Hermione quickly retracted her hand, dodged sideways into the store, and turned back to close the door.

As soon as the door closed, the little light was gone, and the store was so dark that it was impossible to see anything. Hermione lifted a corner of the Invisibility Cloak and lit her wand. In the faint light of a single fluorophore, she saw the dirty, sawdust-smelling bar of the Pig's Head Bar.

"Who? Say something before you come in, you guys are so rude, you want me to help you sell potions and drugs to make extra money!" An angry voice came down from the upstairs, an old man with white hair and white beard. The wizard came downstairs, and Hermione quickly extinguished her wand and pulled her hand back ~lightnovelpub.net~ but the other party lit the wand.

"Reveal!" Aberforth waved his wand, but he couldn't see anyone. "Potter, is that you?"

Hermione didn't know whether to speak or not, and hugged Lockhart tremblingly.

"Don't be nervous, my own." Lockhart comforted her in a voice only she could hear. "Take off the invisibility cloak."

Hermione slowly lifted the Invisibility Cloak, exposing it to Aberforth's eyes.

"Mr. Dumbledore... hello, I'm Hermione, Harry's friend."

"Granger, where's Potter?"

"I'm not Granger now. My last name is Lockhart. Harry is hiding in a safe place with his godfather," Hermione whispered. "This time—"

"Well, poor girl... Since you decided to be a widow for him, I don't care. Come upstairs first, those guys may come and check at any time." Aberforth walked past Hermione and reinserted the latch. it is good.

Hermione followed Aberforth behind the counter and through another door where they climbed up a rickety wooden staircase. At the top of the stairs was the living room, with a shabby carpet and a small fireplace above which hung a large oil painting of a blond girl looking blankly and tenderly inside.

"Is this Ariana?" Hermione asked, hugging Lockhart tightly, looking at the painting.

"I've read Rita Skeeter's book, haven't you. Little girl, don't worry about other people's affairs, tell me what you're doing, and still hold a baby?" Aberforth walked to the window and asked. He looked out with confidence, then closed the curtains, turned around and lit the lamps with his wand, and finally sat down on a rickety chair. "The child is yours, with Lockhart?"


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——(To be continued.)
