Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 336: newborn

After Snape had put all the potions in, he left the Requirement Room for dinner, while also arranging something for the other Death Eaters in case they wandered around and found something.

Hermione came back safely, with a thigh bone wrapped in cloth - she felt so bad now that she dug up her lover's grave and chopped off a bone... She was killing herself at home I haven't tried fish, let alone such a **** thing, fortunately, magic can be used.

She put the bone on the edge of the pot, walked over to Lockhart and picked him up again.

"Where's Snape?"

"Hermione, now that you know the truth, you should call Professor Snape, or Severus in private..." Lockhart said, "He's gone to dinner and should be back soon. What about you, let Ginny bring you one."

"I have it in my bag, I just need to warm it up..."

The door to the Requirement Room opened again, and Snape came in with a small bag.

"I brought dinner for Mrs. Lockhart, who frowns beautifully. She doesn't have to go out. Where's the bone?"

"Oh, thanks, but can't you mention the frown..." Hermione took Snape's stuff. "Bone is on the edge of the pot."

"You actually learned to care about others?" Lockhart asked in surprise.

"I'm afraid that she can't help running around hungry and is found to be implicated in me." Snape said lightly, "After a while, when the magic power in all the materials has been stimulated, we can start."

"What can I do?" Hermione asked, eating dinner prepared by the elves at Hogwarts.

"You don't have to do anything. When it's your turn, just cut a small piece of meat and put it in the pot."

"Well, how much meat to cut..." Hermione asked weakly, "Which part is better."

"A meat strip the size of a pinky finger will do, and more is a waste." Snape didn't even look at Hermione, he went straight to the pot and looked into the pot, "As for the part, you can do whatever you want - Gide Luo, almost, get ready to start."

"Oh... well." Hermione nodded.


"The bones you use are your own. So the body should be the same after the resurrection, and the total amount of magic power will depend on your strength and the blood of Dumbledore you used." Snape drew his wand and began to use magic power Control potions. "And the health and coordination of your body... depends on how healthy your wife is and how much she loves you..."

"Got it," said Lockhart.

"Throw it in the pot," Snape said to Hermione.

"What?" Hermione was startled.

"I said. Throw Gilderoy in the pot..." Snape said impatiently. "Don't understand English?"

Hermione was stunned for a second, then glanced at Lockhart: "Do you really want to do this?"

"Do as he says, Hermione." Lockhart nodded at her.

Hermione swallowed. Trembling to the edge of the pot, he lifted Lockhart up, not knowing what to do.

Snape frowned and waved his wand at her, but she couldn't catch Lockhart, and with a cry of exclamation, the baby dropped out of his hands and plunged into the liquid.

"Back up, the liquid is corrosive." Lockhart almost flew into Hermione, and was controlled by Snape to fly back into the pot with a spell.

"God—" Hermione covered her mouth all of a sudden, too frightened to move. "It must be successful. Professor Snape, how sure is it?"

"How sure is it?" said Snape contemptuously. "All formulas and medicines have not cut corners, even more or less. Why should they fail? Unless Lockhart has done too many bad things and got retribution."

As soon as Lockhart entered the liquid, he didn't even have time to feel hot, and his entire body quickly dissolved into the soup, leaving only the pure soul soaked in the liquid. Although there is no body, it is intuitive. The boiling point of the liquid in this pot is not high.

"Gildrow!" Hermione yelled nervously.

"He can't answer you, now is the time!" said Snape, raising his wand and aiming it at the bone on the ground: "Your own bone. Tailored to help yourself ashes. Rebirth."

The cloth wrapped around the bones was lifted, and the bones floated over the tumbling liquid...and fell gently into the pot. The water cracked, and the bones seemed to be on fire, sparkling and hissing. The liquid turned a bright, poisonous deep blue.

"It's your turn, Granger!" Snape shouted subconsciously. "Knife!"

Hermione held back her worries, took out her knife, and rolled up the sleeves of her wizard's robe to reveal her white arms. After taking a deep breath, he swung down the knife and stabbed him on his arm, making a cut.

It is not something anyone can do to cut a piece of intact flesh from himself when he is conscious. After Hermione waved the knife and cut a hole, the pain was so painful that she couldn't move any more. Looking pitifully at Snape.

"Alas—" Snape reluctantly put away his wand, took Hermione's arm, and took the knife in her hand, "hold back!"

"Yeah!" Hermione turned her head and didn't dare to look.

"The flesh of the lover, give it voluntarily, to give the loved one a chance to resurrect!" Snape took the knife and cut a piece of meat from Hermione's arm along the cut wound, and released her arm, and threw the knife aside. "Fix the wound yourself!"

Hermione gritted her teeth and groaned, almost screaming out of pain, panting heavily, sweating coldly, holding her wand in her right hand, and shiveringly cast a healing spell on the **** wound.

"The blood of the elders... Unintentionally preserved... Please revive your junior..."

Snape unscrewed the bottle containing Dumbledore's blood~lightnovelpub.net~ This crystal bottle has a very special structure and is generally used to preserve dragon blood, which can ensure the freshness of the blood and lock the energy in it. He poured blood into it, and the liquid kept changing until it finally turned empty white.

Lockhart felt the effect of the potion. After the bone was burned to ashes, it soaked into the liquid. After Hermione's meat was put in, it was not cooked, but was quickly decomposed into shredded meat, and then floated in the body. When the bone meal in the soup comes into contact, they join together instantly and condense into small, tiny tissues.

Under the command of some mysterious force, the organizations began to absorb the huge magic power in the soup, and at the same time, they grew wildly with the body information preserved in Lockhart's soul as a blueprint.

"The miracle of alchemy - the Philosopher's Stone, please correct the form of this tormented fellow in the pot!" Snape took out a small gray stone and threw it into the soup.

The moment the magic stone was dissolved in the liquid, the bones and flesh that had grown crazily, as if they were bound by something, did not slow down, but began to try to build a body that was as perfect as possible with a very high degree of order.

After more than ten seconds, a skeleton appeared in the soup, and the shredded meat attached to it also began to multiply at a high speed, and gradually... a human figure appeared.

At this time, Lockhart's soul, who had been soaking in the water, knew by intuition what to do at this time-he floated into this body, and the soulless body would not have any resistance, he Become the master of this new body smoothly.

I haven't felt it yet, because the nerve block of this **** hasn't grown yet, and after a few seconds, the spine has been completely stabilized, and the nervous system has begun to appear... spread to the whole body...


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——(To be continued.)
