Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 338: The first thing after the resurrection

Lockhart carefully brushed Hermione's arm with the Elder Wand, and the shriveled part bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon her arm was smooth and tender. As for the scar on the wrist, Lockhart did not know what to do. ready to eliminate them.

"It's amazing." Hermione looked at her left forearm in surprise, "It's like nothing!"

"Small thing." Lockhart threw the Elder Wand aside—although it surrendered to him now, but he didn't care about it anymore. The Elder Wand was strong because it could increase the magic affinity by two or three units. And there are incredible enhancements to various spells... But today's Lockhart doesn't care much about that.

The Elder Wand will not improve the strength of the top wizards very much. This is what he has guessed for a long time. The most powerful thing is that it can instantly turn an "excellent" wizard into a "powerful" wizard. But now it seems that the Elder Wand's strength improvement to himself and Voldemort may not even be one-tenth. And Voldemort's original plot actually sacrificed his life for this pitiful little promotion. It's really sad.

This body looks more perfect and stronger than before, but in fact, many details have not been perfected - the most prominent point is that the genetic information of this body is temporarily chaotic, and it is only forced to grow under the correction of the magic stone. It has become what it was when it was young, but it cannot produce offspring.


Can't breed offspring, but it doesn't prevent him and Hermione from doing something they love...

"Hermione, I don't even have any clothes on, why are you still wearing so much!" Lockhart pretended to be dissatisfied. "Take it off."

"Ah?" Hermione didn't react for a while, she opened her mouth blankly, as if she didn't understand what he was saying, but then she became embarrassed: "You... why do you think about such a thing as soon as you are resurrected, put your clothes on first superior!"

"Take it off..." Lockhart acted unreasonably like a child, and tore off Hermione's clothes forcefully. It was much easier to deal with because he took a bath and changed into a wizard's robe. He had to wear jeans or something. It's really hard to take off...


"Don't… you rascal—" Hermione screamed. Covering her chest without letting go, the front buttons of her wizard robe were torn and the hem lifted. "Stop, I'm angry!" He looked really angry. But when Lockhart really stopped, she quickly lost her face.

"What day is it today?" Lockhart asked thoughtlessly.

"...Friday, what's wrong." Hermione thought Lockhart finally remembered something serious.

"On a beautiful Friday night, a wizard who survived the disaster wanted to cook with his wife, and you actually called it a hooligan?" Lockhart sternly corrected Hermione's wrong point of view, "No resistance!"

"I—you—" Hermione continued to fight back against him. "You're always so crooked... It's better not to resurrect you, you are more obedient and cute when you are a baby!"

Seeing that Hermione didn't obey, Lockhart had to stop and put his arms around her disheveled quietly.

"You've lost weight, Hermione." Lockhart said softly, suddenly feeling a little distressed. He didn't know whether it was because of his strength or because Hermione really lost weight. In the baby state before, I only felt that Hermione's arms were wide and powerful. , Warm and soft, she recovered her body at this time, only to find that she was so thin that she could be caught in her arms with one hand. "I have worked hard for you these days. I will never let you suffer again, and I will never make you sad again..."

"Hmph..." Hermione pouted and didn't speak, snatching the robe corner from his hand, "Don't you like skinny - oh, can you go to work first!"

"The business is to accompany you first." Lockhart was no longer impatient, turned Hermione around, held her face and kissed her, tenderly loving her...


There is no stubborn and arrogant wife in the world who can't settle for a long kiss. If there are, there are two.

It's good to have an atmosphere. Before she knew it, Hermione had been manipulated to be submissive, stripped naked without resistance, and held tightly in his arms.

After a lingering kiss, Hermione's moist apricot eyes narrowed into two thin curves. The corners of his eyes were about to drip, and he bit his lip and couldn't say no more words of rejection.


[...A river crab crawled over to the old place...]


Lockhart put on his robe and put a blanket on Hermione, who was lying on the mattress. He felt uneasy. After tossing for a while, he put on her trousers and wizard robe, and then carried her to the bed. Ginny's hammock. After covering the blanket, I gave her a Disillusionment Charm. After all, the Response Room is known to many H.A. members, and even if Ginny reminds them not to enter, it is impossible to guarantee absolute safety.

Now, he picked up the Marauder's map that Ginny had just returned, and was about to look for the first prey after his resurrection.


Yes, unfortunately, as Snape predicted, he still needs to **** blood after resurrection. In theory, he is indeed a lot less cursed and needs less blood, but his The weight suddenly changed from a baby to a young man. The blood required per unit of weight decreased, but the overall blood required increased.

Fortunately, this is Hogwarts, and there is no shortage of young wizards who are easy to attack~lightnovelpub.net~ Of course, he has to be careful not to be found. But what could be easier for a memory magician with an invisibility cloak and Marauder's map?

Checking the Marauder's map carefully, there was no one around the door of the Requirement Room, and Lockhart left the room in the Invisibility Cloak...it was dinner time, because of Snape's draconian policy, students or self-study in the library, Or play in the common room, even if it is outside, most of them are in groups, which is more troublesome.

He has to avoid the powerful Death Eaters and professors, and he can't attack the students who are gathered together. If possible, the target is the little witch of the lower grades, and pure blood is the best...

He can smell the good smell in the air like a unicorn now. A place like a wizarding school is probably the place with the most virgin witches in the world, so lucky.

Thinking of this, Lockhart realized that he was really a bit perverted now, and even his way of thinking was beginning to be inhuman... As a former professor, he actually wanted to attack these children who were supposed to be his students to **** them. Blood for life... Although it is very helpless, he will die if he does not **** blood...

Found one, Slytherin's little wizard, although it was a man, it was okay, followed him secretly to a place where no one passed by, stunned him instantly, and then gently cut a line on his side neck. Small mouth, greedily put his mouth up...


Don't smoke too much. If it affects the health of these children, not only will you feel sorry for yourself, but it will also be easy for other Death Eaters to find abnormality. Although you have a powerful attack power close to Voldemort, you don't have his almost endless magic power. , you can't fight one against ten as easily as he did. Once you are besieged, you still have to die.


【Ask for a recommendation ticket】

——(To be continued.)
