Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 34: almost planted

Dumbledore was invited by the angry two Headmasters, along with Lockhart, Bagmont, and Scrimgeour. — Lockhart explained that he had been discussing the specifics of the game with Mr. Bagmon all night, so he came over when it happened.

After Dumbledore carefully inspected the victimized student, he already knew what he knew: "The attacker's oblivion spell is superb, and I can't solve it. Gilderoy, you are familiar with memory magic, so take a look."

Lockhart also unceremoniously went over to check a few students, "Yes, everyone was attacked at the same time, and the attacker's memory magic was superb, I don't believe there is such a powerful wizard in the world - but Now, obviously." Lockhart made a look of horror.

Dumbledore looked at Maxim questioningly, "But Ms. Maxim said that the attacker was below her strength? And she was repelled by her."

"You mean I call a thief to catch a thief? Dumbledore, don't deceive people too much!" Maxim was about to explode with anger.

"No, no, no, the principal means that the attacker doesn't want to make trouble, so he shows mercy. After all, the principal was also at Hogwarts at the time, and the attacker may be more afraid."

"What about the two gentlemen of the Ministry of Magic, what do you think!" Maxim said angrily.

Bagmont is in charge of sports and is not very good at it, but Scrimgeour is the former head of the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic. In the original book, he succeeded Cornelius Fudge as Minister of Magic. ability.

Scrimgeour walked over to the students and examined them carefully.

"Mr. Lockhart's inference is basically correct, but one thing is, a good use of memory magic does not necessarily mean a powerful wizard."

"According to Miss Furong's testimony, the visitor must be an adult male. Although it may be deliberately releasing smoke bombs, I don't think it is necessary."

"According to Ms. Maxime, that person's strength should be similar to her. It is very difficult to fake his strength. Even if he deliberately releases water, it will be obvious. He finally used black magic to leave, but this move was too obvious. It may be intentional, trying to turn attention to those dark wizards."

"Principal Karkaroff said that he didn't notice anything the whole time, so either this person is good at hiding, or he is an insider of the school who is familiar with secret passages in the school and so on, and he comes and goes without a trace."

"To sum up, it is obvious that the adult male wizards in this castle, including me, are suspicious, and if you want to give an explanation to the two guests who have come from afar-" Lockhart was already dressed at this time. In a cold sweat, Scrimgeour continued: "My suggestion is that everyone who can use magic in this castle hand in their wands and check them with flashback charms. Those who have used them within 24 hours and forgotten them are criminals. . I am willing to give the wand to Headmaster Dumbledore for inspection first, and then take on this important task, no Confusion Charm can get past me!"

Dumbledore calmly took Scrimgeour's wand, but glanced at Lockhart, as if to say: What are you going to do this time?

Lockhart was really scared to pee this time. He also deliberately went to Bagmont's side to get an alibi, and then returned to the crime scene, trying to make it dark under the lights - but they didn't. Diao him, come up and check the wand directly.

Luckily, Lockhart had bought a freshly made, unregistered wand from Ollivander not long ago—and the wand he bought when he was 11 when he was a student at school was now ready to go. save his life.

"Dumbledore, just do as Mr. Scrimgeour said! If I can't find out, I'll consider myself unlucky!" Karkaroff also put down his words.

"That's the only way to do it, then, Lockhart, go and wake up the professors." Dumbledore returned Scrimgeour's wand to him, and at the same time took out a wand and gave it to Scrimgeour , Shi Shiran walked away.

So ~lightnovelpub.net~ in the middle of the night, the whole castle was woken up, the students in their pajamas, rubbing their eyes and complaining, walked up to Mr. Scrimgeour one by one and handed over their wands to He checks.

"What's going on, Headmaster, don't you care?" Ron complained loudly.

"Be quiet, Ron, something must have happened." Hermione was also wearing pajamas and her hair was fluffy, but that's what she usually does anyway, in a crowd of girls who don't show up without dressing up, she looks like Very nice.

"Could it be that Voldemort got into the school?" Harry looked panicked.

"Gidro, you haven't used any magic for several days?" Scrimgeour held Lockhart's original wand and stared suspiciously at Lockhart.

"That's it, I'm a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and recently I've been teaching how to fight back against a dark wizard while being disarmed." Lockhart has made up an excuse, believe it or not, it's up to him , "The way of class is, let the students attack me, and then I dodge and subdue them with my bare hands."

It wasn't all lies. Lockhart did take a similar class, so he wasn't afraid to ask.

"Okay, but with all due respect, it's useless, the first page of the Auror Code says, don't take the wand out of your hand, you won't forget it all." Scrimgeour used to be an Auror in Lockhart. He took him from time to time, so he was considered his senior.

"I didn't forget, but it's always good for students to learn more tricks."

"Yes, the next one."

Lockhartmont got through! There was a big commotion, but nothing abnormal was found, and I almost sent myself into Azkaban, what an evil sect!

It seems that the problem lies with the Hogwarts students. If it is not the case, one can only doubt whether the professors and Lockhart himself have been recruited.
