Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 353: leave

As expected, Ginny obediently didn't come back to the Response Room, and obediently contacted Lockhart with a note. They agreed to a "tryst" in the prefect's bathroom. He met at school with Pandora behind his back... But he would never let Ginny become the second Hermione. He knew that his self-control was extremely poor after he made the Horcrux, and he had no motivation to come. Restrained his **, so he decided to leave Hogwarts decisively.

Ginny, who drank the aphrodisiac, was much more enthusiastic and measured than Hermione back then. As soon as she got to the prefect's bathroom, she didn't even say a word, Ginny just got into his arms and asked for a kiss, this kind of novel intimacy. The experience was so addicting to her.

Lockhart took a lot of advantage before forcing himself to leave, and the neighbor took a mouthful of Ginny's blood at her strong request, as if the little girl thought that she could tie him to herself.

To be honest, having **** with such a beautiful and good-looking little witch is not only exciting but also not boring, but reason tells him that he can't indulge in pleasure now, and to enjoy it, he must first get rid of the mysterious person who is a serious trouble.

After barely satisfying Ginny's desire to get close to him, Lockhart came to the principal's office again.


"Oh?" Snape leaned back comfortably in his chair with a stiff smile. "Have you fed your exclusive prey?"

"Hmph." Snape laughed sincerely, but Lockhart began to stern.

"How about it, now that your wife is away, consider my plan?" Snape looked at him earnestly, "I can try it alone, but the success rate is very low, and there is almost no return. You say You don't want me to take risks... you should take some action."

"Well, don't be impulsive, my thinking is this, I'll leave Hogwarts tomorrow or the day after, and then I'll work with Scrimgeour and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix to start making plans for a counterattack against the Ministry of Magic."

"Come with me and kill Nagini first!" Snape said. "Once you start fighting back. The Dark Lord will be on his guard, and now he doesn't know you're resurrected, it's when he wants it the most!"

"You're too obsessed with this, like a child. Listen to me first!" said Lockhart impatiently. When it comes to such a problem, we must cut off the Floo network before we counterattack the Ministry of Magic, but we have no ability to cut off the connection between the Ministry of Magic headquarters and the outside world without a sound. We can only stop the less powerful Death Eaters Support the Ministry of Magic, but definitely can't stop the mysterious man from galloping to support the Ministry of Magic... Where is he hiding now?"

"Hide?" Snape smiled, "please don't use this word, the Dark Lord is now staying wherever he wants, not too far from the Ministry of Magic, but it's not fixed, it depends on his mood. The reason, I can't tell you any of them."

"That's right, that's right, that's my plan. The two of us are going to assassinate Nagini and the Dark Lord while the others are besieging the Ministry of Magic," Lockhart said, his mind not working right now. Only the general plan can be conceived, and the specific details must be discussed with Scrimgeour and others before proceeding. "Whether we can kill Nagini or not, both of us will have to fight the Dark Lord for a while. If we can win, it's best. If it's not an opponent, we just need to wait until another group of people successfully retake the Ministry of Magic!"

"Hmm-" Snape thought for a moment, it seemed to make sense. "Then when will it start, and how long will it take, I'm enough to be the principal!"

"You've been waiting for more than ten years, and it's still a while." Lockhart shook his head. "Take your time, don't show yourself, I believe you can do it."

"You don't have to worry about it. What I'm worried about is that you will be surrounded and suppressed before your plan is implemented." Snape resumed his dead face, "The Ministry of Magic seems to be getting nervous recently, maybe it has found some signs - remember to stay at the meeting place. By the sea. Be smart, and flee immediately if there is a situation."

"Understood." Lockhart nodded. "Anyway, I gave you a note. I won't talk much, just contact me with a note if I think of it."

"No delivery."


Back in the Requirement Room, Hermione looked sullen, flipping through the book without saying a word - no one would be too happy for this kind of thing.

"Hermione, do you still have your h.a. gold?"


"That's good, in a few days I hope you and Harry can come back to lead h.a. and cooperate with my plan." Lockhart sat down beside her. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing!" Hermione closed the book and hid it behind her.

"Hey, I want to see what I can't see!" Lockhart walked over with a smile. In fact, he had no interest in what books Hermione was reading, but just wanted to ease the tension between the two that was close to a cold war.

He grabbed Hermione with open arms and pulled out the book she had hidden behind him.

"How to Catch a Wizard's Heart," Lockhart read out in surprise, "Hermione, you don't need to read this book, my heart already belongs to you..."

"Yeah, it's mine, why would you want to marry another girl I hate?" Hermione said sharply, "I don't have to read this book because I'm not going to pursue another wizard, But you have to take a good look at this book!"


"Because this book was given to me by Ginny, and she has already grasped all the content in the book - you have memorized the routine in it, if Ginny or Miss Fudge do this to you, it is from the book Apparently, not for you!" Hermione folded her arms and turned her back to him, "Ginny is smart, and she uses it in a different way than I am—she's very likable, even if There are a few Slytherin guys who like her too - if it wasn't for her, I'm sure she'd have a dozen ex-boyfriends!"

"Oh, I see...but there's one thing you're wrong about, even if a girl uses a method she learned from books to please people, that's not why you think she's not sincere." Lockhart pressed close. Hermione said that they were already very familiar with each other, and Lockhart knew that Hermione liked to have small debates with people, and they forgot the contradictions when they debated. "You don't have to use original methods to please people to be sincere..."

"Oh, you're right, but you can't please anyone who pleases you. You should return your sincerity. Now that I'm your wife, it's not just that you love me the most. I'm frank and loyal!"

"I'm being frank, didn't I tell you all-"

"If I knew you wanted to do this, I wouldn't revive you. I'll just hug you and hide, and wait until Fudge gets married before I revive you!" Hermione pouted and said, "Let's see if you want a married girl. !"

"How can I say such angry words, if I don't resurrect again, wouldn't it hurt to drag you down..." Lockhart ran his fingers through her thick brown hair, "Don't think about it anymore, on this matter We have already come to a conclusion, it depends on whether Pandora is willing to share a husband with you, and it is impossible for me to make concessions, be obedient."


"Get ready, we'll leave Hogwarts tomorrow, and we'll go back to the Shell Cottage to meet others." Lockhart patted her on the back, "Don't think about it anymore, just have a laugh."

"Go away!"


They ended up staying at Hogwarts for a day, ready to leave~lightnovelpub.net~ Lockhart secretly made out with Ginny at the end, and then told her that he was leaving to do business, and told her to Stay at school and don't think about it.

Of course Ginny wasn't happy, but Lockhart promised her that he would have a relationship with her when the semester was over - if more than two months weren't enough for the drug to subside, then he would pour some more antidote!

He walked through the tunnel with Hermione and returned to the Hog's Head Bar. Aberforth Dumbledore looked at Lockhart, who had grown up in an instant, in surprise. Without deliberately hiding his breath, Aberforth could feel it. To the surging magic that surrounds Lockhart's body.

"How did you come back to life?"

"Evil black magic..." Lockhart replied easily, and Aberforth certainly didn't care about that. "But black magic doesn't make me a dark wizard, you should understand."

"Hey, I understand." Aberforth nodded, "Are you going?"

"That's right, we're ready to fight back," Lockhart took out a note and handed it to the old wizard. "At that time our plan may require the help of all the wizards we know, preparing to fight at the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts and the Dark Lord's residence at the same time, and contact when that time comes."

"Oh, I won't do it if it's too dangerous." Aberforth took the note, "Contact me when you're sure about it!"

"Must be." Lockhart nodded, "Then we'll leave first, bye."

"Goodbye, Aberforth." Hermione said goodbye to him too.

"Goodbye, be careful, don't die again."

"Don't worry." Lockhart took out the Invisibility Cloak, draped it over their heads, and left the Pig's Head Bar under the cover of Aberforth.

No Death Eaters were patrolling the streets of Hogsmeade, they went to the back of the house and started Apparating.


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——(To be continued.)
