Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 360: get nuke

Draining blood from two adult wizards, modifying their memories and controlling them with the Imperius Curse, Lockhart brought them back out to meet the others. The Imperius Curse cast by the Elder Wand is amazing. Although Maggie, who has Occlumency, will still be out of control for a long time, but by the time she is out of control in ten days and a half months, everything should have been settled.

"Okay, it's all my own now," Lockhart said. "Then, we'll go back now, and I'll come back to you at this time tomorrow."

"I'll have everything arranged before then." The Prime Minister stood up to see them off.

"You don't need to send it, I have to mention it. It's very easy to communicate with you, Mr. Prime Minister." Lockhart smiled slightly, and after he was full of blood, he suddenly became happy. "If the cooperation goes well, the Wizarding Law is re-enacted by us, and the two worlds can communicate and interact with each other, I will support you for re-election until you do not want to continue to be Prime Minister."

During the long conversation, Lockhart had been silently doing Legilimency to him, but the Prime Minister was really thinking about this country from beginning to end, and he didn't have any bad thoughts. With such a person as Muggle Prime Minister, many things will be easier.

"Then I will say thank you first, but being re-elected is second," the Prime Minister wiped the sweat from his forehead again. "I just hope that this whole bunch of catastrophic things will end soon."

"Then, the specific candidates and details are up to you and Mr. Rand to go back and discuss slowly. You are a very careful person, Kingsley-although you look like a rude." Lockhart joked to Jin "Do it nicely and don't let us down," Sly said.

"I'll do things, don't worry."

Not only the Prime Minister himself, but also several other people in the room did not take Lockhart's words seriously. At this moment, they did not know that it was this wizard who had become the new leader of the Order of the Phoenix by accident and made a promise to make Tony Blair the United Kingdom. The only Labour Prime Minister in history to serve three consecutive terms.


Kingsley and Rand returned to MI5 to select agents for the operation, while Lockhart and Scrimgeour returned to Shell Cottage.

There are fewer problems to solve now, go and get the nuclear bomb tomorrow. Then find a way to send it into the power supply room, detonate it while attacking the Ministry of Magic - whether it is the Floo network that can transport a large number of reinforcements in an instant, or the defensive magic that once wounded Dumbledore, it will all be completely invalid.

However, they huddled in the shell hut and discussed it for another day. Still no clue, the Death Eaters seem to be loose on the outside and tight on the inside, the Ministry of Magic's defense is surprisingly perfect, and even Hermione can't find any way to invade.

If they can't find a way to sneak into the energizing room, they're breaking into the Ministry at the same time. At least two teams would have to be divided to attack the logistics department that controls the defense magic and the traffic department that controls the Floo network. The number of manpower needed will increase again, and it is foreseeable that the casualties will also increase.


Even if they couldn't find a solution for a while, but promised to pick up the nuclear bomb the next day, they still reunited with the Muggle Prime Minister on time.

"Just come, let's go to the airport now." Rand, Kingsley and Maggie were already waiting for them in the Prime Minister's Office.

"Airport?" Scrimgeour asked in surprise. "Does Britain have no nuclear bombs?"

"Yes, but you don't think you can get a nuclear bomb right next to the Prime Minister's residence," Kingsley said. "Although you can Apparate in directly. But these important military bases have many automatic alarm devices. You can't be fooled by the Confusion Charm, so let's go together and let Mr. Rand take us in."

"Okay, let's go then," said the Prime Minister. "The car is already waiting."

Lockhart seldom rides after Apparition, whether it is Muggle or magical, but Prime Minister Blair and Commissioner Rand are both Muggles. Although Lockhart's current strength has surpassed that of Dumbledore during his lifetime , but something like Apparating with Muggles isn't something you can do with your strength...

The last time I took the Knight Bus was to take Hermione to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. She couldn't Apparate at the time; the last time she was in a Muggle vehicle, when Hermione carried her to Hogwarts in a baby state, she couldn't Apparate herself. When you think about it, it seems like a coincidence.

The road seemed smooth. The car didn't even decelerate once... In fact, everything seemed to be going well after the resurrection. If you don't have to find and destroy Horcruxes or attack the Ministry of Magic, there are so many wizards in the world, where would the Death Eaters find them.

After driving for about an hour, the car stopped and before they got out, they heard a roar. It appears to be coming from above the roof.

Rand opened the door to let them out. As soon as he came out, even if Blair and Rand didn't say anything, Lockhart knew that they were not at a civilian airport. The roar he heard just now became deafening. He looked up and saw that a fighter jet was taking off.

They were taken to a small jet, which looked like an airliner, but the airline's logo could not be found. In front of the car door is a boarding ladder. Although they are wizards, they have all been on the plane. They boarded the plane along the ladder before entering the cabin door. Lockhart glanced back, and there was a neat row of fighter jets on the tarmac in the distance. The planes were loaded with weapons that could easily seriously injure or even kill the mysterious man, but they would never have a chance to hit him.


After the plane took off, the Prime Minister enthusiastically discussed with Scrimgeour and Lockhart about the new wizarding law and Muggles. He seemed overly excited to be the first Muggle in British history to participate in wizarding legislation.

The voyage was short, and the destination was there before they could feel irritable discussing it.

The plane landed slowly at an air force base on a mountainside somewhere, and after getting off the plane, they got into a military jeep.

The car drove out of the air force base and drove into the valley in the dim sky. After passing a few doors along the way, it drove to the entrance of a cave guarded by soldiers with live ammunition. There was a sign at the door, which said that the tone was extremely high. Strong warning. Rand told them that it is impossible for ordinary people to break into this place, and the guards here have the right to shoot the intruders directly.

Finally being checked to check the documents, they entered the cave.

The space in the cave is much larger than it looks outside, and the car is parked in the parking lot. The Prime Minister and several base officers led the way, and the group walked into the elevator and descended deeper into the mountain.

The elevators in the Muggle world were much more stable than the Ministry of Magic's, so stable that they couldn't even estimate how deep they were when the elevator stopped.

"Fortifications dug during the Cold War," Rand explained. "When the situation was at its most critical that year, at the airport where we landed just now, the Vulcan bomber had already mounted a nuclear bomb, and the pilot had already sat in the cockpit and started the engine... But luckily it didn't fight in the end."

"No fight," Scrimgeour said lightly, and the nuclear crisis that had frightened the Muggles enough could be undone by a few Confusion Charms for wizards on both sides. As long as the situation reaches the point where it may endanger the wizard, they will not sit idly by~lightnovelpub.net~ Although there is no fight, it may indeed be the closest the world has come to destruction in this century. "The officer leading the way completely regarded Lockhart and his party as important visiting guests." The Prime Minister said that you want to see tactical nuclear weapons, please come this way. "

They passed through gloomy underground passages, through some heavy cement doors, and came to one of the exhibition rooms, which was specially used for inspection.

"Tactical nuclear weapons are nuclear weapons that are used to perform operational and tactical tasks and strike important targets within the enemy's operational and tactical depths. Including: short-range surface-to-surface nuclear missiles, nuclear bombs carried by tactical aircraft, tactical cruise nuclear missiles, ship-to-ship and ship-to-air nuclear missiles Missiles, anti-submarine nuclear missiles, nuclear depth charges, nuclear artillery shells, nuclear mines, etc..."

I can't understand it, and it's too far--Lockhart draws his wand.

"We now need ten-ton bombs that can be remotely controlled or timed."

"Remote control is impossible. Whether it is a few hundred meters deep formation or the protection of the energy supply room, the signal will definitely be blocked." Scrimgeour reminded.

"Oh, yes, then it's timed."

"This kind of yield is only nuclear mines and nuclear grenades. If you need timing, just add some external control elements to the nuclear device. There are also ready-made in this base..."

"Take us to see."

A few hours later, with the help of a large number of Confusion Charms, the technicians at the base assembled a ten-ton nuclear time bomb for them, which may become the most powerful time bomb ever used by mankind in actual combat. To prevent the bomb from failing during its passage through the anti-Muggle technological barrier of the Ministry of Magic, the bomb used a mechanical countdown timer - which resulted in a countdown precision down to the second, but was definitely sufficient.


[There is still 700 recommended tickets to add more]

——(To be continued.)
