Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 375: battle begins

April 30 evening

five o'clock

The "Aurors" had reached the Shell Hut - now, the helpers Scrimgeour had sought, whether or not they had received Auror training, were temporarily called Aurors.


"Have you already eaten?" Furong was a little flustered, she was still preparing, and was surrounded by a lot of men. "Didn't you say we set off at half past six?"

"Are you going to eat at six-twenty?" Scrimgeour asked, then looked at the followers behind him. "Let's go out and wait. It's too messy for a bunch of people to crowd in the house, you guys hurry up."

At least two dozen wizards who looked very strong stood outside the shell hut, blowing the evening sea breeze, and exchanged the details of the final mission.

Inside the house, members of the Order of the Phoenix began to eat their last pre-war supper.

"Don't be nervous, why isn't anyone talking?" Lockhart asked with a smile.

"There are so many people waiting for us outside, eat quickly!" Hermione said nervously, "Furong, stop making it, whoever is hungry later can let the elf in the Hogwarts kitchen make it for you!"

"Eat slowly, what's the hurry." Sirius shook his head, "Eat fast, we have to wait until half past six."

"Can we keep Hogwarts--" Tonks was also nervous when it came to an end, her and Lupin's children were already at their parents' house. After months of hiding, it was finally time to fight again.

"Gildrow has made arrangements. If things go well with the Ministry of Magic, we don't need to hold it for long, and if the Ministry of Magic fails to win-" Lupin said, "the Aurors will return to Hogwarts. , to disperse the encirclement with us, and then gather all the wizards in Britain who are willing to rebel against You-Know-Who to guard the new Ministry of Magic."

"Well, it's only been a few months since You-Know-Who has been in control of the Ministry of Magic, and there must still be many wizards who want to resist him." Lockhart said, "Light has already verbally agreed to help, and there have been nearly a hundred, although for the sake of confidentiality they We don't know our plan yet. But once the war begins, it's always okay to come and make up the numbers."

"I'm going to take Qiu's family to Hogwarts first." Harry had no other relatives, so he thought of his girlfriend.


"You have to eat a little bit, and the spell will be powerful enough when you start your hands later." Bill said solemnly. "Honey. Give me some more..."

"Me too!" Albert also picked up the plate.


At 6:30, everyone packed up the things to bring, and Furong also washed the dishes, put them in the cabinet, and walked out of the shell house. He closed the door and stood with all the Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors.

Whether things go well or not, they won't be coming back for a while.

"Let's go." Scrimgeour gave the destination coordinates and took the lead in Apparating.

A few seconds later, everyone Apparated in a field outside Hogsmeade village. Tonks accidentally stepped into a puddle, and Lupin quickly pulled her into his arms.

"You're a motherfucker, you can't even choose a position to be visible!" Scrimgeour criticized in dissatisfaction, making Tonks blushed. "Let's go, remember. Just kill those who want to Apparate, and leave a few alive."


Nearly forty wizards, including Lockhart, dealt with the dozen or so Death Eaters stationed in Hogsmeade, and the battle was quickly over. Those who resisted more fiercely were killed directly, and only two little minions without the mark of the black demon were left behind.

Many of the Death Eaters they killed may not die, but they can't divide their hands to manage the prisoners now, and they can't take the risk of providing the enemy with living strength Sending a false signal to the Ministry of Magic: Scrimgeour has appeared in Hogsmeade with all the "renegade Aurors", and all the forces of resistance are here.

They left the two survivors by the side of the road, waiting for the Ministry of Magic's army to arrive in maybe an hour or two. Naturally, they would wake up and tell the misinformation Lockhart wanted the Ministry of Magic to know.

Hogsmeade was now under the control of the Aurors and the Order of the Phoenix, and Aberforth was already waiting for them to use the secret passage at the Hog's Head Bar.

"Hermione, be careful," Lockhart said. "You're not good at fighting, just hide behind Sirius and Remus. You mainly take care of h.a. and watch over the Slytherin students."

"Be careful, too." Hermione hugged Lockhart's waist tightly, showing her worry and reluctance.

"Let's go, don't love love. The Floo network here may be cut off later," Scrimgeour urged.

"Don't worry about him, I'm the only one here who wants to be separated from my dear wife. What's the matter?" Lockhart held Hermione in his arms and challenged Scrimgeour, "Why doesn't your wife not to help?"

"But here comes my son, and your son." Scrimgeour smiled disdainfully.

"Maybe in Hermione's belly, maybe in his own belly..." Kingsley joked. "No matter what I think it's better for Gilderoy to have a daughter, otherwise I don't know how many girls will be harmed by his father in the future."

"Hey...my son." Lockhart slid his hand over the thin chain Hermione was hanging around his neck, followed it to reach his Horcrux, squeezed the golden ball, and shook his head involuntarily— —If there is no way to lift the curse, he may never have children. "Okay, stop joking, now look at the table, and then cheer on each other!"

All those with watches stretched out their arms and checked the time exactly one second before Lockhart let go of Hermione and Apparated first - he was going to wait for Snape near Thurso.

The "Aurors" also began to Apparate, scattered to several cities near London, and later they would travel to London by Muggle transport: if nearly thirty wizards apparated directly to London, May alert Death Eaters at the Ministry of Magic's Traffic Management Division.


The two groups left as planned, and now only the Order of the Phoenix is ​​left. Hermione also touched the small golden ball hanging in her arms, which seemed to have Lockhart's body temperature on it. Not useful. She didn't let her thoughts run away, she stuffed the Horcrux into her collar, turned her head and followed Aberforth and the others into the secret passage in the bar.

The secret passage is still so long and deep. When the members of the Order of the Phoenix walked up the last section of the hill and entered the Room of Requirement, the castle where the room was located was already in the fall. Wick, there are only a few Death Eaters in the school, and the strongest of them is a spy.

When a group of people from the Order of the Phoenix came to the entrance of the school lobby under the surprised eyes of passing students, it was exactly seven o'clock in the evening.

Because Snape said there was going to be a management meeting after dinner... so all the Death Eaters, himself included, were eating dinner on the faculty.

Harry remembered Lockhart's request, suppressed the burning anger in his heart, and hid under the invisibility cloak without showing his face. When Sirius, Bill and the others pushed open the door and appeared at the entrance of the cafeteria, Snape, who was sitting at the front, stood up instantly.


"You guys are so brave." Snape looked panicked. It wasn't easy. For more than ten years, he had almost forgotten what it was like to panic. "How dare you come here!"

All the Death Eaters stood up and pulled out their wands. The students who were eating dinner in the lobby also looked up to the door. After a penetrating silence, a long series of breaths and low voices exclaimed from out of their mouths.

At this time, the two groups of people are still 30 to 40 meters away, so any wizard can easily escape by launching a spell at such a distance, and attacking is a waste of magic power.

"Snape, even though you opened the castle's defenses, we still got in easily." Sirius said disdainfully, "Now, you can choose to surrender and accept our trial, or fight to the death."

"It's just you?" Snape pointed his wand at the Order of the Phoenix from a distance, and said through gritted teeth: "You were never my opponent when you were in school. You only dare to bully me with your friends. Now, your friends are one of them. Dead, one betrayed you - are you still so arrogant?"

"I admit that you are a bit better than me~lightnovelpub.net~ but I won't fight you one-on-one." Sirius looked around at the members of the Order of the Phoenix behind him and led them towards Snape. "Traitors are not qualified to demand a wizard duel!"

Without further ado, McGonagall quickly drew out her wand, stood up from the group of professors, and shot a spell at Snape.

Exclamations and shouts erupted in the lobby, and the scene became a mess. The students threw down the cutlery, jumped up from their seats and tried desperately to dodge to both sides—all the students knew that this time it was coming for real!

When the members of the Order of the Phoenix saw McGonagall, they couldn't help but take the lead.


"Stop her!" Snape shouted to the other Death Eaters with a surprised expression, while waving his wand to block McGonagall's blow, pretending to besiege her.

"Stop it!" Professor Flitwick also rushed out of the crowd, screaming with his wand raised, "No more killings at Hogwarts!"

Every professor is not an ordinary person, and Flitwick, as the dean of Ravenclaw, has a very strong strength. His magic hit Snape's iron armor, and a bright light burst out.

The addition of Dean Ravenclaw allowed Snape's plan to proceed ahead of schedule-he originally needed to have a few moves with Mag before escaping, but if Flitwick and Mag attacked together, he would Even if you are serious, you are not an opponent.

He turned his head and turned without hesitation, turning into a black mist, smashing a window in the gap between the spells fired by the members of the Order of the Phoenix as they ran towards him, and flew away from the castle in a direction where he could Apparate. go.

"The coward!" Sirius yelled angrily, but instead of pursuing him, he looked at the rest of the Death Eaters, stunned by Snape's escape. "Kill them!"


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——(To be continued.)
