Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 385: Easy to attack and difficult to defend

The Ministry of Magic - Hogwarts' round-trip Floo network has been rushed to repair, but now the Order of the Phoenix or the Aurors must use it like the Chinese wizards before the recluse sent the mountain: turn off the power supply when not in use , when you use it, say hello first, and then inject energy to turn on...

The talents in energy supply were immediately identified, expanded and maintained the Ministry of Magic's energy supply equipment day and night, and some were sent to Hogwarts - they will also install a storage tank that can easily charge and release magic power for the school's castle. energy supply system.

Ministry of Magic, London. All employees are forbidden to leave, and everyone must be checked by the Aurors for Legilimency and Veritaserum. Anyone who has participated in the siege of the Aurors, or has a strong impression of the Death Eater government, will be caught and thrown in. in prison.

The entrances and exits of the Ministry of Magic have also been closed, because the Floo network has failed, and if these frightened employees are sent home, it is difficult to imagine how many people will be able to come to work the next day...


The second thing the Aurors did after the occupation of the Ministry of Magic was to control media organizations such as newspapers and magazines. Through these channels, they reported everything that had happened this year: Death Eaters attacked the Ministry of Magic, set traps and seriously injured Dumbledore. Lido, Snape and Dumbledore's bitter tricks won the Dark Lord's trust, the Aurors fled and insisted on resisting but were stigmatized as mutiny, Barty pretended to be Lockhart to stabilize people's hearts, during the tragic battle, and retaken the Ministry of Magic after hardships... etc. A series of things, modified and polished in favor of oneself, were announced to wizards all over England.

After announcing that the Death Eater Ministry of Magic had fallen, the new Ministry of Magic immediately notified wizards in all European countries to ensure that the Statute of Secrecy would still be observed. At the same time, all wizards are asked to remain calm and restrained, stay in a safe place and not go out at will, waiting for the post-war reconstruction of the Ministry of Magic and "cleaning up the remnants".

All wizards and wizards who participated in guarding Hogwarts lived in the school's castle, and all wizards and Squibs who participated in the attack on the Ministry of Magic were stationed in the Ministry of Magic. They won't go home until the Death Eaters are wiped out.

Totally understaffed, after discussion. They published a batter pardon in the new Daily Prophet, as long as batters who didn't do anything wicked while the Death Eaters were in power would be pardoned directly and continue to be employed by the new Ministry of Magic - applying for a battered pardon Of course the hand is not immune to a test of Legilimency and/or Veritaserum. Those who can pass the test will continue to serve, and those who cannot pass the test will be imprisoned.

Less than half of the total number of batters who applied for amnesty immediately, many were guilty of thieves and did not want to throw themselves into the trap, and some naturally did not want to be involved again before Voldemort was eliminated and the war was completely over. Although the Ministry of Magic is occupied, there are many remnants of Death Eaters all over Britain - they may have escaped from the battle of Hogwarts. Or not being able to fight because the Floo network was destroyed...


Now they need a new Minister of Magic. Rufus Scrimgeour was the first choice without any objection, but he is lying in St Mungo's intensive care unit with several powerful curses on him. Now the magic power cycle in the body is in disorder, and it will take a long time to recover.

So, Lockhart was pushed out of the ducks again and elected to be Minister of Magic.

This was an accident. The position Lockhart wanted was the chief wizard of the Wizengamore, the Wizengamore, which usually appeared in the sight of the wizard, must be because of a trial. But its other important identity is that of the wizarding community's legislature. Controlling it makes it easier to modify and formulate new wizarding laws in the direction that Lockhart and the Order envisioned or in their favor.

It is very common for the Minister of Magic to serve as a member of Wizengamot, because there are too few wizards, and there are no clear boundaries between many departments. It is nominally the rule of law but most of the time it is still ruled by man.

But there is no precedent in history for a wizard to be both Minister of Magic and Chief Wizard of Wizengamore, because then the executive and the legislation are in the same hands. However, in this chaotic era, an appointment that is contrary to common sense is completely submerged in a huge amount of news, and it cannot attract any special attention.


On May 2, 1998, the famous wizard Gilderoy Lockhart was elected as the chief wizard of Wizengamore. At the same time, he will serve as the temporary Minister of Magic, and the former Auror Martin will serve as the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Not only the re-appointment of the top leaders of the executive, judicial and legislative institutions, but the entire British wizarding management system has ushered in a major reshuffle:

Wizengamot replaced half of its members, except those who had not compromised with the Death Eaters were retained and reinstated. The British Wizarding Court has welcomed the first non-wizard member from the British Muggle Prime Minister, the first Muggle-born wizard member from MI5, and even the first non-human member from the Centaurs - although Loja Te was very loyal enough to give them a seat, but the centaurs at first refused to come to the meeting, and finally, after discussion, they sent Firenze, who likes humans, over.

The new wizarding law was rapidly formed and perfected in the wrangling and debate. Lockhart did not participate in it. He had told all the participants of his ideas and requirements. If he is not satisfied with the final version, he can reject or propose amendments.

The clerks in charge of day-to-day management didn't change much. They were only responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the wizarding world. Even if the Death Eaters came to power, they didn't get any chance to do anything wrong.

But all middle and high-level officials, no matter what department, even those who manage health care and accommodation, are almost not subject to any assessment and qualification certification, but are directly selected from reliable people. Many Order of the Phoenix and Aurors are held by one person in multiple positions: Lockhart will not mention it, Martin is the director of the Auror in addition to being the director of the executive department; Arthur Weasley will continue to serve as the director of the anti-abuse of magic department. In addition to being in charge, he also serves as the head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters... It can be said that the members of the Aurors and the Order of the Phoenix have held all key positions in the Department of Enforcement, Department of Transportation, and Department of Communication and Cooperation,

The biggest disadvantage of doing this is that not everyone is competent. To make up for it, each official has the power to recommend candidates he considers reliable and more suitable for the position than himself. This embarrassing situation will keep getting better, but it may not be fully back to normal until a year or two later.

The shortage of manpower is so serious - these people are usually officials of the Ministry of Magic. In the event of a battle, they will pull out their wands and change themselves to become Aurors again. If Aurors are considered a job, there are already three jobs at the same time!

Large-scale recruitment of Aurors and Strikers has also begun, and Lockhart has temporarily used all of his Galleons in Gringotts to temporarily fund the restoration and operation of the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts. He once thought he was rich, but now he uses it to support the operation of the entire Ministry of Magic, only to find that it is not enough.


"When I was in my twenties, I was naive to think that money was the most important thing in the world," Lockhart said with a wry smile, "I only realize now that he really is, I'm sorry, Sirius, still Forcing you to sell the things of your ancestors~lightnovelpub.net~ After a while, the new wizarding law is promulgated, and the Muggle government provides the Ministry of Magic with operating funds, and they will be able to pay you back."

"It's useless to keep it—" Sirius said with a nonchalant smile like a prodigal, "The worst part is that the only ones who can afford the things I take out are the Death Eaters, but they are all hiding now. I dare not come out, so I have to sell it cheaply.”

"Well... maybe consider getting some non-magical treasures to sell in the Muggle world." Lockhart shook his head. "Have Rufus and Fleur woke up, how are they recovering?"

"Furong is awake, but it will take some time to rest. Rufus is just out of danger..." Arthur said, "You almost cheated my daughter, and now you care about my daughter-in-law, your own wife. Not out of the hospital yet."

"Hermione is fine, she'll be back at school in two days," Lockhart explained. Luckily Mrs Weasley wasn't there, and Arthur was fine talking after his explanation about the aphrodisiac. "Speaking of school, it's the season of wizard rank exams again. We must not only restore order in the wizarding world, but also hunt down Death Eaters to prevent the counterattack of mysterious people, and we can't even delay the children's exams..."

Every official who takes office has to wipe his predecessor's butt, which is a normal and even customary phenomenon in the world of wizards and Muggles - but what Lockhart has to do now is completely beyond the scope of butt-wiping: He was facing a situation that was piled up like a mountain of dung. The shortcomings of the system had accumulated for hundreds of years. With the complete outbreak of this civil war, the blood change could not be completely solved... There are a lot of things that need to be dealt with immediately, even if Having a team to assist him also made him dizzy, who was not good at management.


[Seeking recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, likes...]

——(To be continued.)
