Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 386: Search Gringotts (Part 1)

"Only when I actually started to work did I realize that I was a piece of trash who only eats, drinks, and has fun." Sirius said with a wry smile, "I basically can't help here."

"No, you have helped a lot, but you just don't know it. Besides, in this situation, as an excellent wizard, being able to guard the Ministry of Magic with us is the greatest help." Martin also had a headache. They succeeded in taking back the Ministry of Magic, but it was not easy to manage, and being an Auror was a no-brainer by comparison. If only Scrimgeour hadn't been seriously injured in bed...

"Not many people came to apply, mainly because the Floo network was cut off, newspapers could only be delivered by owls, and those who wanted to apply had to come by car or on a broom..."

"This situation will get better soon, and when the seventh-year students at Hogwarts graduate this year, I hope they all go to work at the Ministry of Magic," Lockhart said, "but we can't wait, there are many things to deal with, first of all , I have to start looking for the Dark Lord's last Horcrux. And then... I have to hurry up and kill the escaped Death Eaters. Although they were kicked out of the Ministry of Magic, those pure blood families still have a large number of family members and followers in various places. ...as long as the Dark Lord doesn't die, most of them will be called up again to fight us."

"But the Floo network isn't available right now, and the number of Aurors and Strikers—" Lupin said, "is not enough to guard both the London Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts."

"Well, I understand." Lockhart said, "I'll take someone to Gringotts to search first, and you can help me find out the names and addresses of all the Death Eater families who have applied for the protection of the Bold Loyalty Charm and passed."

"What are you doing?" Arthur asked.

"There are three possible places where that cup is hidden," Lockhart said. "In the vault of a large Death Eater family in Gringotts, or in a Death Eater's house protected by the Faithful Charm, the third is also The worst case scenario is being carried by a mysterious person..."

"Maybe it's hiding somewhere in the wild," Lupin asked. "I don't think it might be in Gringotts, otherwise the two days would be enough for the mysterious man to break into the vault and take it away."

"It's impossible to search," Lockhart said. "It's even more impossible in the wild than Gringotts. If that's the case, we can't do anything about it, but at the same time, it's more troublesome to resurrect the mysterious man if he dies."


"Can I say it's intuition?" Lockhart said with a smile, this secret is probably only known to those who have been resurrected with Horcruxes. He won't tell anyone. "By the way, Remus, Severus promised me that he would continue to be the headmaster of Hogwarts temporarily, as well as the professor of Defense. But he needs a Muggle professor and Head of Gryffindor now. Mike Professor Greg is still lying on St. Mungo's...the healer said he couldn't make it—"

"No, she'll make it through," Arthur said confidently. "Professor McGonagall is a strong woman!"

"I understand your feelings." Lockhart shook his head. "But even if you can wake up, do you still have the heart to let her continue to be the dean?"

"But I'm a—" Lupin frowned.

"You're trying to say you're a werewolf again?" said Lockhart resentfully. "This is not a criterion for selecting a dean at all, okay? You are from Gryffindor. They also saw the scene of protecting the students during the battle of Hogwarts. You can see who will, or who will dare. be opposed to?"

"Okay, I'm just a temporary substitute." Lupin nodded.

"Well, you can concentrate on helping Severus with all the affairs of Hogwarts, and leave the Ministry of Magic's affairs." Lockhart said, "The improvement of the castle's energy supply system, the matter of the wizard rank exam and The examiner or something... in short, be careful."

"I'm not going to arrange exams-"

"Go to the Department of Education to get a list later, and contact the examiners of the previous wizarding exams above. Let them handle it." Lockhart said, "The children have already learned what they should learn in the first six years. Seventh In addition to learning some advanced spells and reviewing, it is to confirm and understand one's own interests and specialties. The format of the exam is enough - I hope most of them can pass, and then come to the Ministry of Magic to help, understand?"

"It's so irresponsible—" Arthur was worried.

"They will be trained at that time, not to let them go to the battlefield as soon as they come!" Lockhart said, "Okay, do your own thing, Albert will be discharged from the hospital today. When he arrives, take him to the Auror Command. Ministry, I'm going to search Gringotts now."


Back at Diagon Alley again, this time not as a customer or saver. But as the Minister of Magic, he came with a dozen strikers.

The streets of Diagon Alley are really quiet - because the Floo network has been cut off, there are no pedestrians on the street, and the new Ministry of Magic has recruited a lot of magic materials, and now there is no need for a shop to open.

The original wanted notices and posters with their portraits of Scrimgeour and Harry have been removed, and the new Death Eater wanted notices are still being printed.

The dozen or so hitters who followed him weren't very powerful characters--but they really didn't need to be very powerful. After all, he was on a mission with the new Minister of Magic who was said to have just defeated the Dark Lord.

They walked along the winding cobblestone streets towards Gringotts, the snow-white tower towering high between the streets. Along the way, I met a few wizards living in Diagon Alley, who looked at Lockhart in awe and avoided it far away.

Soon they were at the bottom of the marble steps leading to the bronze gate. The two wizards on either side of the gate who were supposed to be guarding the door had fled, because they were employed by the Death Eater government, and were now back to being guarded by two uniformed goblins.

"Mr. Lockhart—" said one of the goblins, a little alarmed, "you brought so many people with you?"

"Search Gringotts," a shrewd hitman was the first to explain to Lockhart. "The Ministry of Magic suspects that the Death Eaters have hidden dark magic items in the family vault."


"You can't be the master, why are you asking so many questions? I'm going to see the person in charge." Lockhart walked up the steps without looking, and walked in, followed by a group of batters.

There are also two fairies standing in front of the second door, and the silver door is still engraved with the verse that thieves will be punished. Lockhart looked up at it, smiled contemptuously, and a somewhat vague memory came to mind: when he was twenty-three years old, he published his first novel, which unexpectedly became popular, bringing him tens of thousands of Galleons income. The first pot of gold in this life, after spending a little bit to buy something for his parents, he opened an account here and kept all the remaining Galleons in it.

At that time, Gringotts seemed to him a solemn and mysterious place, a treasure trove of magic, a symbol of power and wealth, in which he concealed more gold than he could have written a hundred novels, a thousand Treasures that novels are not qualified to touch...

When Sirius took him into the Black House treasury for the first time, the veil of mystery was lifted, and Gringotts was relegated to a well-protected storeroom in his eyes.

And now, for him, this place is even more undefended - although Gringotts has exquisite protection, there is no energy supply system with almost infinite energy. Lockhart could just go all the way in, break the guard, take whatever he wanted, and walk away...

Of course, he wouldn't, since he was now the Minister of Magic.

Seconds later, they were standing in the huge marble hall.

Behind the long counter, the goblins sat on high stools and received the first customers of the day. Completely different from all the closed shops outside, there are still some customers in Gringotts. The war, especially the major incidents one after another, has made some wizards worry that their money will be robbed by their side, but they are more worried about saving it. Money can't come out... Wizards from and around London are coming to Gringotts to deposit and withdraw.

Lockhart led his men to an older goblin at the end of the counter on either side.

"Search Gringotts." A striker placed a search warrant on his table, "confiscate all properties in Gringotts of the Death Eater-related families."

"Mr. Minister!" said the goblin, obviously surprised. "Ah! Please wait."

"My patience is limited ~lightnovelpub.net~ Lockhart said blankly.

The goblin left in a hurry, and the new Minister of Magic glanced around—many of the wizards in the hall were watching, and even several goblins who were dealing with business raised their heads and stared at him.

A minute later, a goblin with gold-rimmed glasses who seemed more powerful hurried over.

"Mr. Minister, I'm the manager here, you want to search Gringotts?" said the bespectacled goblin uneasy, "but according to the Lich Friendship and Mutual Aid Treaty, wizards are not qualified to do so—"

"The new wizarding law will give me this power soon," Lockhart looked a little arrogant, "but for the sake of insurance, I want to exercise this power in advance, please cooperate, I will be very grateful-"

"If the new Wizarding Law stipulates that wizards can search Gringotts—" said Bogrod unhappily, "then please come back after the new Wizarding Law is introduced, at least for now I'm afraid I will stick to my principles."

"Stick to the principle?" said Lockhart impatiently. "I also have a principle, that is, I will never go to waste in vain, so I'm afraid I will enforce a search today."

"If you insist on doing this, it will be equivalent to tearing up the "Lich Friendship and Mutual Aid Treaty, Mr. Minister." The goblin said humbly.

Lockhart doesn't like goblins. They are greedy, bully and fear the hard, and their understanding of property is different from that of humans. Goblins believe that as long as they make something, it belongs to them forever. After the wizard buys it, it only gets temporary use. The right cannot be left to others after death, but must be returned to the goblin. The most famous example is that the goblin once sued Hogwarts to the Ministry of Magic, asking it to return Gryffindor's sword, but Wizengamot refused to accept it.


【Recommended ticket, monthly ticket...】

——(To be continued.)
