Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 397: go wild

"That girl from the Fudge family doesn't want to marry Gilderoy?" Mrs. Weasley seemed to relax. "Anyway, the law is incorrect. Monogamy is the way to go."

"But I read the book written by Rita, and it seems that there is no good end for a witch to marry a Muggle." Ginny was a little dissatisfied, and she would object to Fleur's opinion anyway. "The above said that the ratio of witches and wizards is currently one to one point three. If polygamy is not allowed, there will be at least 800 witches in the country who can only choose to marry Muggles..."

"Then marrying a Muggle is definitely better than two witches marrying one wizard!" Fleur interrupted Ginny.

"Then why don't you marry a Muggle and have to find Bill?" Ginny asked **** for tat.

"Bill and I are truly in love, are you going to force me to divorce him and find a Muggle?" Fleur glanced at Ginny contemptuously, as if she thought she was extremely childish, which made the latter feel very uncomfortable.

"If Bill had a wife before he met you, you would either choose to marry him or a Muggle, which would you choose?"

"If I had to choose between two, of course I would marry Bill." Fleur raised her head and pointed at her with her nostrils, "But the reality is not a simple one or the other. Before I met Bill, there were a lot of wizards. pursue me."

"Hmph—the vixen," Ginny whispered in a low voice Fleur could hear. But Furong's arrogance made her not to mention being provoked, and even disdain to pay attention to such criticism.

"Ginny, shut up!" Mrs Weasley got angry when her daughter seemed to support the law, "I'd rather watch you be one of the eight hundred witches married to Muggles than allow you Be someone else's wife!"

"The marriage law stipulates that who I marry is my own business, and no one will be a concubine. The status of all wives is equal!" Ginny contradicted: "You didn't tell me when you were a child, the witches are not good luck. Marrying a Muggle, don't you want your daughter to have a bad life?"

"Oh, stop arguing," Hermione said softly, "unless it's a witch like me whose parents are Muggles, witches usually marry Muggles because of differences in growth environment and cultural background, living habits and even values. It's really hard to be happy... not to mention that many Muggles are often horrified to hear that they have married a witch-"

"Even Hermione said that!" Mrs. Weasley got even more angry. "You want Gilderoy to find you two little sisters?"


Had Hermione come up with these words herself, of course not. It's all written in Rita's article.

Not only girls with little experience like Hermione and Ginny, but in reality, many people like to take the content of books or newspapers that they see for the first time seriously - this is normal, if you have to use this to criticize people for not knowing how to think independently That is disease-free. After all, if everyone immediately questioned everything and heard every word, and immediately suspected that there was a conspiracy behind these things... Then society might become more chaotic.

Only people like Lockhart have written books. Only then can I know how easy it is to mix some private goods or lies into the writing... At least now, the task given to Rita Skeeter has been brilliantly completed by this "talented girl".


"Of course I don't want Gilderoy to marry someone else, but I can't force those witches to marry Muggles just because of my own happiness!" Hermione said, "I just support this law, not Gilder. Luo marry these eight hundred witches!"

"It's all because of the things Rita Skeeter published, you little girls always read what you believe!" Mrs. Weasley felt a little resentful, and after a change in her mind, she suddenly guessed something: "I understand. Now, she will write that book, and it must be instructed by you, Gilderoy!"

"It's none of my business what she writes. Can you stop talking about me!" Lockhart was immediately annoyed when he was exposed, but no one could do anything to him if he didn't admit it. "And a witch marrying a Muggle doesn't have many good results. Look at Voldemort and the Severus family..."

"Rita's books have never been written blindly, it may be a little subjective, but the things in it are true." Hermione looked like a couple, "As far as the matter is concerned, I think witches-especially wizards If you were born in a family, it is better to marry a wizard."

"Mom. I will definitely find you some daughters-in-law with long faces." Fred said with a smile.

"How many are enough, we have six brothers, at least we have to find a dozen daughters-in-law for my mother." George corrected his brother's statement.

"Fart!" The witch was almost mad at her sons.

"Stop arguing, You-Know-Who isn't dead yet. Let's just leave these inconsequential things out of the way," Harry whispered.

"Okay, let's not argue, just watch, Gilderoy is rich, powerful and powerful now. If he can't resist marrying three or four wives, there will be no scum in this world!"

"Jasmine!" Arthur gestured to her.

Hermione also looked a little unhappy. Anyone who is scolded in front of their husband as a scum would not feel comfortable.

"Mom." Even Percy couldn't take it anymore. "Don't say it, although it is controversial, polygamy is now legal."

"Hermione, let me tell you, how did Gilderoy get through this polygamy law." Mrs. Weasley slowed down, realizing that she had gone too far. The Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors, please support them! I dare say that Sirius, Remus, and maybe you Arthur, who are sitting over there, have all voted for their support!"

Mrs Weasley guessed right again, and two of the three men shrugged nonchalantly at her.

"You don't care now, when Gilderoy finds a few wives and ignores you, it will be too late to regret it!" She finally said something to Hermione, completely annoying Lockhart.

"No matter who I marry, Hermione is my favorite woman!"

"Of course you are saying that now!" The other party didn't care. "Guidero, why do I think that you are Minister of Magic in order to use your power to marry a few more wives to satisfy your bottomless desire to conquer?"

"Just?" Lockhart was really angry: "You don't see how many things I've done, you just grab me for a little convenience for yourself! My role as Minister of Magic can at least bring peace and harmony to all wizards. In the rich days, if nothing else, your children are living better than before, I have arranged positions for each of them and applied for benefits-"

"Who cares, Arthur, and Bill, you all resigned for me." Mrs. Weasley also became angry, "Don't work for this guy with a brain, our family is poor, but don't want you to be pitiful. !"


"Dealing with your life? Who is working your life for whom?"

In the past, Lockhart respected Mrs. Weasley three points because she was a dozen years older than him and a veteran of the Order of the Phoenix. But a lot of things lately...especially Pandora's refusal to see him again, made him a little irritable already. At this time, she was provoked again, and he was about to have a seizure due to the alcohol, and he stood up with a rub.

"How many times did I meet Voldemort? At first it was just a joke, and Dumbledore came to the rescue, and then later... once I lost my most beloved instructor, once was seriously injured and nearly died, and once I even died. How much pain did I have to stand in front of him! How many times have you seen Voldemort, you mother-in-law? Do you know what it feels like to face the strongest dark wizard alone? Have you ever been beaten to pieces by Voldemort's spell? You Not to mention being hit by the Death Curse, you haven't even met the people around you who have been hit by the Death Curse a few times!"

Lockhart blushed, and he didn't know whether it was grievance or anger: "You stay at home comfortably, and when the war is over and Voldemort is driven away, you jump out and point fingers at me?"

"You... don't change the subject!" Mrs. Weasley was at a loss for a moment - of course, she was not sitting comfortably at home waiting for the war to end, but under the house arrest and surveillance of the Death Eaters, she had been doing her best to defeat Voldemort , and finally took his children to participate in the battle of Hogwarts...

But if there is a person in the world who is qualified to accuse her of doing nothing~lightnovelpub.net~ then it is Lockhart - compared with the danger he has experienced, what he has done is really nothing like sitting The family waited until the war was over.

"Arthur and Bill, now working at the Ministry of Magic, are working hard for the restoration of order in the entire wizarding world, not for me!" Lockhart banged on the table to emphasize this point: "As for the money issued to you, it is new The benefits stipulated by the Wizarding Law, every wizard has it, you don’t want to send it to your home, if you have the ability, you can throw away your own share, but the children will handle it themselves!”

Most of the people present saw Lockhart getting angry for the first time, and even Teddy Lupin stared at him as blankly as little Gabriel.

"Gidro, don't be angry, we are just discussing this law, there is no need to argue." Arthur came out to ease the atmosphere.

"As for polygamy, that's right, I'm just taking advantage of my power, what the hell!" Lockhart shook off Hermione and quietly pulled his hand, and kept venting: "Am I desperate to drive the Dark Lord away? , and then retreat to Hogwarts for nothing and continue teaching? Or do I write my own story into a book and then retire and disappear from the public eye? Sorry, I'm not as great and selfless as you are! Now I'm going to enjoy The fruits of victory - not for the sake of fame or for profit, just to be able to legally marry the second girl I love! There must be a lot of people in Britain who are unhappy, but I want to say to these people, if you feel uncomfortable, please bear with me Go!"

"Gidro, you're drunk, calm down. You can marry as many as you want, and none of us can stop you and are not going to stop you." Sirius waved, "Sit down, you Your godson is terrified."


[There are still 300 recommended tickets to add more...]

——(To be continued.)
