Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 409: Inspection (3)


She likes to read.

Whenever she opens a book, the story in it appears in her mind like a movie, and she herself seems to be the protagonist of the story. Tension, happiness, sadness as the plot develops.

When she read Rita's "The Witch's Love Story", she seemed to be one of the witches in the book who married Muggles, or married witches who didn't like wizards - their wasted youth, The sadness and misery after marriage and even divorce made her feel the same.

After reading it, her Virgin-like heart softened again: if Pandora or Ginny were someone else, because of their own obstruction, they couldn't marry the person they liked, and thus lived an unhappy life for the rest of their lives, what a sin it would be. Ah... She can't ignore other people for her own happiness. If Gilderoy just shares a little bit of his love with others, he can make another girl happy, and it doesn't seem unacceptable.


If Lockhart knew what Hermione was thinking at this time, he would probably be dumbfounded—a book he was going to show Pandora, but the girl didn't let go, but his wife softened first. I don't know if it's because Hermione is too kind, or if the book written by Rita Skeeter is just too good for her taste.

This book has basically been handed out to everyone, and the publicity effect is almost the same. The controversy about polygamy in the newspapers has gradually decreased in the past two days, although no one has taken the lead in practicing it...

Lockhart didn't want to be the first practitioner, he was going to wait until the war was over - either Voldemort was killed, or the Floo network was restored, all Death Eaters were captured or expelled, and no one resisted... Min and his parents get it back, and then hold the wedding.

As for the wedding, maybe one, maybe two - the same goes for the bride.

Pandora, what the **** is she thinking? I have given her such a step... It seems that I have to do something more, but I can't show my love too openly and romantically, otherwise, where would I put another Hermione who had a private life with him?

Lockhart was distressed when two new Aurors sneaked into the dining room again. With the sense of magic breath, Lockhart can recognize them at a glance. But this is the same as Moody's use of magic eyes to recognize himself, and it cannot be regarded as a formal method - but on the basis of recognizing them, you can always find some flaws in them.


So a few seconds later, the two young men stood obediently at Lockhart and Hermione's table again.

This scene confused the Muggles who were eating next to them. They have all speculated about what kind of big man Lockhart is here, otherwise why do people always run over and stand here to listen to him!

"It's not a big problem with your clothes, but your expression is still unnatural, and your standing posture is too upright. You are an Auror. Not a soldier! See, this is a mid-to-high-end restaurant. You are here to enjoy the food. Why are you looking serious?" Lockhart chewed the food in his mouth slowly and said, "There is also a misunderstanding in thinking. I did say that you two should sneak into the restaurant and eat with us on the first floor, but you two Why do you have to come in at the same time, you can mix in separately and in batches!"

"Yeah!" Ron slapped Harry on the thigh.

"Forget it, they've been tossing about for a long time, let's sit down and eat first." Hermione watched the two little friends go in and out and kept getting frustrated, and habitually felt distressed again.

"Okay. Sit down for dinner today, and go back in the afternoon to reflect on why there are so many problems." Hermione's words were always useful, and Lockhart was ready to let them go for the time being.

"Finally I can rest for a while..." The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and they were no longer as confident as they were at the beginning. "It's hard to be an Auror."

"The most powerful Aurors have sneaked into Germany to help them rescue the hostages, and you are still worrying about how to disguise yourself." Lockhart mocked them a little: "Order, eat whatever you want. What, my treat."


Before World War II, France and Germany had a wizarding force that was no weaker than that of the United Kingdom, but the elite wizarding force of the French Ministry of Magic was completely lost in the early days of World War II after several ambushes by German wizards and subsequent fierce battles. And the German wizard was severely damaged by the subsequent joint attack of the Russian and British wizards - a far greater trauma than the British Auror being surrounded and suppressed by the Death Eaters. After all, the latter is only the incumbent annihilation, while Germany and France are all exhausted from the management to the reserve wizards... Now these two countries are unable to organize such elite and well-trained Aurors as the United Kingdom. The wizards organized.

Martin took a few Aurors in Germany like no one, and easily directed another big news: British wizards entered the country without permission to rescue the family of the German Minister of Magic. Then they arrested the wandering Death Eaters, and before the German side had reacted, ~lightnovelpub.net~ had already left the other side's territory.

This is a naked slap in the face, and the German wizarding world is boiling: on the one hand, it is protesting the illegal behavior of British wizards, but the other party did rescue the family of the Minister of Magic, which left most people speechless; so public opinion turned to Question the strength of your own Ministry of Magic. Why can the British Aurors rescue the hostages, but the wizards of their own country can only pitifully beg the British to release the gangster's accomplice? Can such a Ministry of Magic protect its own people?

Both countries were caught in a serious internal public opinion quarrel, and Lockhart could no longer be bothered for a while.

He is naturally very satisfied with this. Aurors are such a peace-of-mind organization, fully worthy of the immunity and high welfare benefits granted to them by the British Wizarding Law.


There was also good news from Hogwarts. The pregnant unicorn was finally born. It seemed to be in return for Lockhart's policy care. The centaurs took this matter to heart and collected cord blood. It was handed over to Hagrid. Lockhart asked Hagrid to give the blood to Snape. After testing, the secret of the Philosopher's Stone was finally figured out - "unicorn blood without curse" is their cord blood, which contains a special A substance that can prevent the larvae from being cursed by consuming the magic power of the mother!

The work of purifying this substance will be carried out after the establishment of the Wizarding Institute of the Department of Mysteries. Now Lockhart just wants to get the finished Philosopher's Stone as soon as possible. The two old Chinese guys have been threatening him with strikes. If they ran away, Lockhart wouldn't have the confidence to deal with Voldemort alone!

The semi-finished Philosopher's Stone has not been used much, but under the circumstance that the Ministry of Magic is open to supply all resources, it will only take a few days for the genuine Philosopher's Stone to be released.


[There is still 1500 recommended tickets to add more...]

——(To be continued.)
