Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 437: Exterminator (below)

The plans of the Dark Lord and the White Devil are almost the same: Lockhart hopes that his powerful helper can help him deal with Voldemort after he has killed the Resurgent, and Voldemort hopes that the Resurgent will help him after he has killed Lockhart's helper... …

In terms of top combat power, Lockhart is slightly inferior to Voldemort.

In terms of high-end combat power, Lockhart's eleven helpers plus the Aurors are slightly stronger than Voldemort's six resurrected ones.

The battle could not have ended soon, but the mid- and low-end combat power of the two sides was completely disproportionate: the three reasons why the Dementor didn't recognize anyone in Voldemort's face, Lockhart's own promise to "disregard the past", and surrounded by hundreds of wizards Finally, he chose to surrender to the Ministry of Magic, and one by one obediently accepted the magic mark of the Department of Biological Control and was placed aside.

And the families and children of the dozens of Death Eaters in the cave surrendered neatly to the batters without resisting at all. The batters who came to catch them at the moment were almost in the eyes of these poor people. Reborn parents, many of whom shed tears of gratitude while being shackled by magic...

The former owner wanted to force them to make Horcruxes, and even if they didn't die, they would become inhuman and ghosts; if they resisted arrest, they would be killed;


The lowest-end combat power, this time, determines the final direction of the battle.

After capturing all the Death Eaters and Dementors, the wizards of the Striker and Biological Control Division began to assist the Aurors to deal with the resurrected ones. Although ordinary wizards could not help much, the number was too large. More... plus some temporarily hired wizards and Black Thorn members called by the Xueni family for the bounty, six very powerful resurrection wizards, all of them were killed in less than half an hour. .

The first one to free up was Grindelwald, the old man who was once known as the strongest dark wizard, showed a strength that was completely in line with his reputation. With only a few hitters helping to harass the opponent, he relied on superb skills. His wizard fighting skills and dazzling variety of powerful spells forcefully single-handedly killed a Resurrected. Then immediately came to help Lockhart.

Then came the group of Sirius and the three Hogwarts professors, who also successfully solved their opponents and found that Lockhart and Voldemort were tied with the help of "Treg". After the danger, he decisively joined the battle against the remaining four resurrected.

The advantages snowballed. Let the remaining four resurrectors also quickly died in the battle... Then, it was the high-end combat power that besieged Voldemort.


Voldemort is very strong. Before he made the Horcrux, he relied on various perverted or crazy means to make himself a top wizard, but he was only a little younger than wizards like Dumbledore and Grindelwald. No one has ever cultivated it. After making the Horcrux, he even became the strongest wizard...

He is also currently the most magically friendly wizard in the world. Because he did not use the magic stone to correct his form during the resurrection, his strength and ** are pure and natural magical life-even if he fought Lockhart, who was also a beneficiary of the resurrection magic, he could mobilize almost It is 1.5 times the magic power of the opponent.

But when a large number of powerful wizards surround him, his huge magical affinity advantage cannot be fully exerted. After all, it is impossible for him to ignore such magical affinity as Lockhart, Grindelwald, Zou Tao and Zhang Jianshuo. The same high-level wizards compete and control the magic power around their own bodies - even if Voldemort's magic affinity increases tenfold, he will never be able to mobilize the original magic power deep in another wizard's body!


In a duel with Lockhart, Voldemort can mobilize 60% of the magic power within a mile of the surrounding area. When Grindelwald joined the battle, this number dropped to 50%; when two Chinese wizards also joined the fight, this number was It fell below four...

Twelve powerful wizards fight in a small space. Every magic element in this area has been summoned and competed by multiple wizards. If the magic element is also conscious, I am afraid that it will be schizophrenic by such a battle. The air, the earth and even the sky were torn apart... The magic power that Voldemort can control is less than 30%, and more than 70% of the magic power is divided, mobilized, and used by the wizards of the Ministry of Magic headed by Lockhart...

Even at such a desperate last moment, Voldemort was still the strongest wizard of all present, and he still had far more magic power than anyone present - but it was not a melee, but a dozen other people surrounded him!

There was no suspense in the battle. During the whole process, Grindelwald became the person who hit Voldemort with the most spells with his fighting skills that were beyond the reach of the other twelve; and Lockhart. He did his part to be the one who caused the most serious injury to Voldemort, but unfortunately he was the only one of the twelve who was seriously injured.


The moment Grindelwald took the lead in defeating the first Avenger and joined Lockhart in the fight against himself, Voldemort knew that he could not win today. Although I don't know who the old man is. But the opponent's strength surprised him...

But when he was about to drop everything and run alone, he was surprised to find that he had been locked by an extremely powerful no-fly magic, and the surrounding space seemed to have solidified into a stone - even a short distance teleportation. Can't do it.

"Hahaha, Tom. Do you think you can run away today?" Lockhart noticed the change in Voldemort's expression, and could hardly help but get carried away - now Grindelwald and the others had flown not far from him, Victory is set!

The Dark Lord's face changed again and again, but he found that he couldn't even float without using a huge amount of magic power, but Lockhart and the mysterious old wizard were not affected at all.

"With this as the center, all ten miles in radius have been completely banned from flying!" Lockhart grinned proudly: "The masterpiece of the Department of Mysteries was completed just a few minutes ago, and it is only for the individual with the most magic power within the range-- That is, you are effective, hahaha - obediently die!"

"Impossible... No!" Voldemort trembled all over, but knew that he had no luck today: "You guys! I'll never find my last Horcrux! Gilderoy Lockhart! I'm going to pull you back even if I die today! "


Voldemort is a person who cherishes his life. Although he is the only wizard in the world with a large number of Horcruxes, he has never used the forbidden spell... When such a strongest wizard ~lightnovelpub.net~ uses the forbidden spell madly at all costs , How amazing will the momentum be when you decide to die with someone weaker than him?

Words cannot describe it, but it can be seen from the outcome of the battle: the twelve wizards who finally defeated him joined forces to fight, but he still shot and seriously wounded Lockhart many times; after the battle, there was not a single tree within a mile radius. The tree could still stand, but it was all uprooted by the shock wave and blown into the distance, almost injuring the technicians of the Department of Mysteries watching the battle from a distance.

This is the battle with the most number of forbidden spells being used in a single battle in the thousands of years since the wizard wiped out the elves. Forbidden spells that consume life force, consume souls, and even sacrifice ** have been used in turns and have been used five or six times. ——And all from the hand of the wizard who was besieged.

Half of the forbidden spell was blocked by the wizards, and the other half was eaten by Lockhart alone. He had no choice. No one behind him could block Voldemort's attack alone. If he escaped, his professor, Casualties are bound to occur among comrades and helpers, and he has vowed not to let any of them die in front of him.


His clothes were already tattered, and his mind was blurred by the successive bombardment of the forbidden spell... When Voldemort used the last forbidden spell, the body protection magic and ** could no longer stop the attacks of several people, but were torn apart. At the time, Lockhart almost forced himself to the ground, using all his willpower to stand in front of everyone.

There was no way to hide a messy battlefield with magic. The officials of the Ministry of Magic were discussing how to deal with it. Lockhart could not remember the process of deliberation... In the end, it seemed that Scrimgeour discovered that his situation was not good, let him He went back to rest first, and then decided to create a forest fire to cover it all after withdrawing a distance.


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——(To be continued.)
