Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 440: Covenant 3

After word spread that Lockhart had been wounded in battle, all the members of the Order of the Phoenix came to visit him in turn, and Mrs. Weasley at first greeted him as if he had never had an argument, but before leaving she tried to put Kim on. Ni also quarreled with her daughter when she brought it home... The girl was waiting for Lockhart's answer today, where would she go? During the dispute, Mrs. Weasley admitted all the information in the "The Quibbler" article All materials are provided by her.

Mrs. Weasley's love for her daughter is understandable, but now that Lockhart is a hero and a wounded, how can he swallow this breath?

"While I was thinking about **** Voldemort and even risking my life to fight him, you woman are at home thinking about how to smear my reputation and make Ginny hate me?" , also felt the grievance and anger of being betrayed for the first time, which was also the last straw that made him decide not to consider the other party's feelings: "Ginny is an adult now, she can stay wherever she wants, you have no right to interfere. she!"

"The professor is right!" Ginny quickly took a stand.

After another quarrel to no avail, the furious mother slapped her daughter, feeling that Lockhart owed Ginny a lot, and immediately pulled the girl behind her to protect her—and solemnly told Mrs. Weasley: It is legal for Ni to pursue herself, and it is wrong for her to block or even beat her daughter.

The girl hid behind Lockhart and kept talking back. Mrs. Weasley, in a fit of anger, announced that she would cut off the mother-daughter relationship with Ginny, and she would no longer be concerned about her.


After the other party in the dispute was taken away by the other Order of the Phoenix, Ginny looked at Lockhart expectantly: "Professor, you said to me-"

The slap his mother gave him before leaving made his face still hot and painful, but the girl's expression was very happy. Lockhart just stood between himself and the angry mother in public, arguing with her and finally ran away from her in anger. Can't explain the attitude.

Ginny knows too many things, but she can't clean her memory, and she can't kill her... The best way is to become her closest person.

Well, the above is just an excuse. The real reason was that Lockhart was moved by a report from Rita and Ginny's temptation one after another. He knew himself and believed in Ginny's ability, if the girl persisted in doing this. You will surely fall.

Now that you are already tempted, why not accept her actively instead of being ambiguous? While sucking Ginny's blood, while embarrassing her, she watched the girl rack her brains to please and seduce him with peace of mind. Even against your family?

Polygamy was legal, and he decided to stop tossing Ginny and himself as he did to Hermione before accepting her.

Do whatever you want, isn't all the hard work for these four words, I can almost do it now, but I have to care about what others think.


"Well, seeing my 'exclusive prey' trying so hard to seduce me, and being beaten, I feel bad." Lockhart smiled and brushed his hand over Ginny's face. To relieve her swelling: "I made a mistake - as a vampire I sucked so much blood from you, as a man I took so much advantage of you, morally speaking, I should cherish and protect you, how can I despise you? ."

"You finally found out your conscience!" Ginny jumped into his arms at once, and brought up her fresh mouth.

After she broke up with Harry, she realized that Hermione's original choice was wise - Lockhart is a good opposite sex, but since he already had Hermione, Ginny subconsciously did not add him to her boyfriend's list. In the selection list, they are trying to find a way to help Hermione drive away Pandora...

Until the two incidents of aphrodisiac and blood-sucking happened, they simply and neatly destroyed the original teacher-student relationship between the two. It has become a strange, dangerous and exciting relationship between the prey and the hunter... Such a passive and novel experience makes the girl quickly fall into the obsession with vampires under the dual effects of her original favor and Stockholm Syndrome.

And the new laws changed by Lockhart made Ginny no longer have any moral and legal scruples, and boldly began to enjoy herself as a hunter... Finally. Lockhart didn't push her away this time, but hugged Ginny and let the little fish in her mouth swim desperately into his own.


"Well—well, that's what I said, don't be in a hurry like a little pervert," Lockhart pulled her off her body and sat down beside her: "But now it's time for Hermione to go out and buy a plane ticket. Some I'm going to tell you something—you have to listen carefully."

"What are you talking about, Hermione said it well, you have the final say in this family." Ginny snuggled up on him obediently, wishing she could grow a tail, so that she could shake it desperately to show how well-behaved and obedient she was .

"First of all, Pandora is willing to marry me after reading my memory. Before my family and the public opinion of the wizarding world stabilizes, you can't tell others to brag about 'I was chased by you' from any channel, so as not to Stimulate her or the wizarding community."

"No, just say let me be your lover quietly!"

"That's not what I mean..." Lockhart said, "If you can get the consent and support of your parents and brothers in the future, as well as the acceptance of Hermione and Pandora, I will marry you."

"Okay, but if mom never lets go, you can't dump me. I've always been your secret lover."

"Okay, if you don't bore me, I won't dump you! There is one more thing you must understand, but you can't tell others, especially Pandora: no matter what, Hermione is my favorite person, if you and Hermione and Pandora If the three of you fall into the water together, I'll save Hermione first. If you can't accept that, go home now."

"I can swim, I'll be eight years old! And you're so good, you can save all three with just a wave of your wand?" Ginny said excitedly: "If you lose the wand, go save Hermione, and I'll help You save Pandora!"

"Don't be playful with me, do you understand what I mean?"

"Hey, I see, if you don't love Hermione the most, I'll look down on you." Ginny put her arms around him recklessly: "Then I'm your girlfriend now, when will you sleep with me? I can't wait. !"

"Hermione is going to buy a plane ticket, she's going to Australia to find her parents--" After accepting Ginny's courtship and succumbing to his own sex, Lockhart can finally no longer restrain himself and admire the Wes beside him. Little Queen Lai, she could clearly feel the girl's soft and elastic body on the arm she was holding, and her heart was about to move: "Tomorrow night, wait for me in the room."


Lockhart's parents weren't under the Forgetting Charm, so he didn't need to go to the United States to find them in person, just write the US Ministry of Magic, let them issue a notice, find their parents, and arrange to send them back.

Hermione, who was preparing to go to Australia with confidence, obviously would not have thought that her little best friend Ginny had not yet sent out her skills to Lockhart, and her husband would take the initiative because he had sucked too much blood from her and eaten people's soft lips. Surrender……

Grindelwald had moved, and Lockhart could finally move back to where he was going to live—a house that was nominally and legally his own. But instead of trying to hide from Ginny not long ago, he also prepared a room for Ginny this time, so that if Mrs. Weasley came to look for her daughter again, she would not have the right to break into Lockhart's private residence. .


Hermione had already boarded a plane to Australia accompanied by an excellent female Auror, while Lockhart began to plan the wedding while slowly recovering the magical wounds in his body.

He accepted Hermione's proposal and abandoned the grand plan of marrying two brides at one wedding - since Hermione's relatives were also attending, he would first marry Hermione as a Muggle, and then Wedding with Pandora as a wizard...

During the day, Lockhart skipped work to accompany Pandora around to see where the girl wanted to live~lightnovelpub.net~ In the evening, he returned to 11 Grimmauld Street. Now he and Ginny are the only two in the house. Min's big yellow cat is jumping around restlessly - although Ginny has a good relationship with it, it is clearly aware that something bad is going to happen to its owner tonight...

After dinner, Ginny went to take a shower early and hid in her room.

Lockhart continued to write and draw with a memo for a while, and also got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.


Wearing a bathrobe, the White Devil pushed open the door of Queen Weasley's room and walked in.



Blood-sucking can suppress the curse, but if you want to make the symptoms of the curse, such as anxiety, headache, and excess desire, not occur at all, you can **** some Veela blood. It's all about venting - at this point, Lockhart is hooked by Ginny's fiery, youthful **** in bed...

For safety reasons, Hermione herself didn't know where her parents had moved, so she spent a few days in Australia and couldn't find anyone. Lockhart and Ginny quickly hooked up in the last few days of August. A couple who are extremely close to each other.


【Recommended ticket】


ps: [Take this chapter to say hello to all readers, wear more clothes in winter... It's just a personal hobby to write some river crab content, honestly writing for self-entertainment is no problem, it's illegal to post it... Uh, if There is no accident (the book has already been written, why is there an accident), this is the last lifan, the lifan has no effect on the plot, readers who only want to watch the plot should not spray, and don't go to the post bar to hang around... I originally thought It's about Gabrielle, but she's too young to be scolded as a pervert, so... um, by the way, make an appointment for this satisfaction ticket]

——(To be continued.)
