Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 48: Order of the Phoenix Secret Discussion (

"Understood, then I'll say it." Everyone pricked up their ears, "Fudge is usually strictly protected, except at home-because his home is protected by the Brave Loyalty Charm, and Pandora invited me to his house as a guest, so I'm in. At this point, if I subdue Fudge and imperil him—"

"God, Gilderoy, you are so despicable, you cheated on the feelings of a fifteen-year-old girl!" Tonks screamed, she couldn't accept it.

"As a former member of the Auror, you must do whatever it takes! Little Gilderoy has the style of my past." Moody's expression was admiring.

"I swear to Merlin, my feelings for Pandora are real!" Lockhart explained quickly.

"But it is impossible to use the Imperius Curse on the Minister of Magic. Although his Occlumency is very bad, he has practiced it after all," Moody reminded.

Well, Lockhart didn't think of that.

"I can try to use compound decoction to become a minister. I know him very well, and I can imitate him very well." Arthur said.

"What about after becoming him?" Tonks asked.

"Then, give the order to let the dementors withdraw from Azkaban and be taken over by other departments. Of course we have to plan well, the dementors may resist. The best outcome is that the dementors rebel, and the prisoners escape, Then we ambush the good ones and kill them both, so we don't have to split up to guard the prison."

"Even if the Dementors go away honestly, we have to pretend that the Death Eaters are going to escape from prison, and then kill all those dangerous people. Dead Death Eaters are the best Death Eaters." Sirius gritted his teeth.

"The plan is perfect, but I have to remind you," Moody still disapproved. "The Ministry of Magic is not all food buckets. Such an inexplicable order will definitely be questioned. You can't produce evidence that the Dementors are not reliable."

"There's a way to do this, I'll get Rita Skeeter to write some smearing articles ahead of time to try to arouse distrust of Dementors," Lockhart continued, "and at the same time, our members at the Ministry of Magic , you can also stand up and respond when Arthur issues an order, people always have a herd mentality, and when most Aurors and strikers accept orders, a small amount of doubt will soon disappear."

Then there was a long silence... Everyone was thinking.

"It seems that there is no problem." Sirius said.

"So what?" Tonks said cautiously.

"No problem, unless someone is very careful, I will definitely be deceived anyway." Moody's words are undoubtedly credible.

So from the next day, newspapers and magazines were flooded with unreliable content about Dementors. From Sirius and Peter's two escapes, accusing Dementors of inaction; to Dementors' attacks on Hogwarts students, to see Dementors' disobedience; to Dementors and You-Know-Who had to tell a story. All sorts of things, so that the members of the Order of the Phoenix themselves believed a little.

At the same time, Lockhart wrote to Pandora saying that he was free recently, and he quickly got a response from the little girl, saying that he invited him to be a guest at home this Saturday, and Snape sent some compound decoctions, everything was ready.

"Professor!" Pandora made no secret of her happiness, and threw herself into Lockhart's arms, "I miss you."

After being invited by the secrecy-Connelly Fudge, Lockhart can successfully enter the residence of the Minister of Magic.

"This is Gilderoy Lockhart, my boyfriend." Pandora proudly introduced to his parents.

Lockhart awkwardly shook hands with Mr. and Mrs. Fudge, who were less than ten years older than him, and said hello to Cornelius Fudge.

"Don't be restrained, Gilderoy, this is a personal invitation, forget my status as a minister!" Connelly said.

"It is better to be respectful than to obey."

Lockhart and the Fudge family had a pleasant dinner together, and Lockhart's wit, elegance and knowledge made Pandora's parents happy and expressed their support for them together. And Lockhart was happy to find out that the Fudges didn't care that they were a dozen years older than Pandora.
