Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 60: The daily life of secret protection

"You should have brought books, just read them in your room, preview the next semester's courses, and ask me if you don't understand anything. The professor will provide services throughout the whole process. This is really a luxurious study trip." Lockhart With a sigh of relief, he turned and left.

After Lockhart returned to his room, he picked up the book and read it for a while. He found it boring, took out the draft, and prepared to write a new book, "The Day of Silently Protecting the Savior."

Just after writing the beginning, Mrs. Figg called for dinner, and Lockhart had to put down his pen and go downstairs.

Dinner is simple, but the taste is not bad.

"I just saw Harry!" Ginny announced excitedly, "he's looking more and more like a savior."

"Ginny, do you even think he's really the savior?" Hermione said, shaking the spoon in dissatisfaction, "That's just a title someone imposed on him. If you like him, don't call him that in front of him, this The title is exchanged for the lives of his parents, and he hates this title."

"Hermione is right. Whether he's a savior or not is determined by his actions, Ginny." Lockhart added, "not his looks."

"Oh, I see... but he's really handsome." Ginny lowered her head.

"You can chase him if you like it, women chase men's interlayer yarn." Mrs. Figg also spoke.

"I never thought I could be the savior's girlfriend!" Ginny said in frustration.

"I watched him grow up, Ginny, and he's no different than any other boy, even more devoid of love." Mrs. Figg's words were undoubtedly authoritative. "Just show your affection for him a little, and he I'll treat you as a good friend right away."

"God, Ginny, the person you have a crush on is your brother's good brother! I can't imagine if you can't seize the opportunity like this..." Hermione pretended to be surprised.

"However, as soon as I saw him, I couldn't remember anything in my mind." Ginny tapped the plate depressedly, "and her heart beat faster, and her face was hot."

"Ginny, you don't look like a Gryffindor," Lockhart laughed. "Isn't Gryffindor known for courage, you're not even afraid of You-Know-Who, but a boy? If necessary, I can provide an aphrodisiac."

Because of Lockhart's intervention, Diggory didn't die. Pursuing Zhang Qiu estimated that Harry was hopeless. Lockhart had to work hard for Harry's physical and mental health.

"Professor, aphrodisiacs can't bring true love!" Hermione glared at Lockhart.

"Well, yes. So, Ginny, muster the courage of your Gryffindor and seize your own happiness!" Lockhart felt like a qualified elder at this moment.

However, Lockhart immediately regretted it. Hermione's eyes lit up when she heard this sentence, and she stared at Lockhart and repeated, "Gather up your courage and seize the happiness that belongs to me."

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, of course, with a key, and Mundungus walked in drunk.

"Mundungus, where have you been!" Lockhart asked angrily, "Have you forgotten what you are here for?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa , Gilderoy, you are amazing~ hiccup!"

"They're here to protect Harry, and they know they can't count on you!" Lockhart said angrily.

"Ah, I'm sorry, but you ask Mrs. Figg, it's really never happened." Mundungus walked to the edge of the stairs and leaned against the wall.

"Come upstairs, you don't have to watch from tomorrow, the three of us will be enough." Lockhart couldn't accept living in a room with such an alcoholic, "I won't tell Moody."

"Really, then thank you, Gilderoy, you are such a good person, —— I, hiccup! First, go upstairs." Mundungus staggered upstairs.

"How did he get into the Order of the Phoenix?" Hermione asked, frowning.

"He's very well-connected, he knows people from black and white," Lockhart explained. "Sometimes he's still very useful. The key is that he's very loyal to Dumbledore."

"I always thought that the Order of the Phoenix was an organization composed of top-notch wizards and wizards." Hermione was disappointed.

"If you have the same purpose, you can be friends." Lockhart said dryly. What he wanted to say was that they would use everyone they could.
