Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 83: The Magical Fool's Curse (Part 2)

"You know, silent spells are the most proficient," Lockhart said as he watched the students practice. "You can say one spell in your mouth and another spell in your hand. When you cast a spell, you finally see it. The way you manipulate magic actually has nothing to do with the spell you shout."

"Professor, can you give us a demonstration?" Pandora raised his hand and asked.

"Okay, any other classmates want to see it?" Lockhart winked at Pandora.

"Think!" Many students stopped what they were doing.

"Well then, I think our inspector, Ms. Umbridge...may be happy to cooperate with my little experiment." Lockhart walked over to Umbridge, "Now, all students, sit back in your seats and open the Books, turn to any page."

Umbridge was still in a coma, and the students frantically put away their wands, then sat back in their seats and opened their books.

"I believe that Ms. Umbridge has rested. When she wakes up, we will pretend to read a book, understand."

"Professor, you have to demonstrate reciting one spell to cast another spell!" Someone reminded loudly.

"I didn't forget!" Lockhart and the others sat down, took out his wand and pointed at Umbridge, and said loudly, "Everyone is optimistic - the highest state of the Silent Curse - duplicity."

"Avada Suo!" With a loud shout, a white light shot at Umbridge. After she was hit, she shook and stopped.

There was a commotion in the classroom, but fortunately, the students remembered that the professor was only demonstrating the content of the class.

Lockhart retracted his wand dashingly, turned quickly and sat back on the podium: "Read a book!"

Umbridge gradually woke up and opened his eyes in confusion, only to see that all the students, including Lockhart, were reading quietly. She stood up with satisfaction, he just remembered that after she walked in and asked the students to stop training, Lockhart argued with her for a few words, then agreed to her request, and then the students started reading, she didn't know what Time to fall asleep.

"Very good, Professor Lockhart." Umbridge said with satisfaction, taking a few steps around the classroom. "I will write to the Ministry of Magic praising your teaching methods."

After Umbridge wriggled his **** and left, the classroom immediately became active.

"Professor, how did you do it!" Ron asked in disbelief.

"Professor, is Ms. Umbridge all right?" Pandora asked worriedly.

"Is this the Imperius Curse, or is it memory modification?" Hermione guessed it immediately, "But the book says that people whose memory is modified will have a bad reaction, or even remember something."

Lockhart smiled inwardly. If his modified memory had that flaw, he would have been ruined for many years: "This is not the Imperius Curse, nor is it memory modification, it's called the Fool's Curse."

The students stared blankly at Lockhart, and Lockhart continued to edit: "This kind of spell can temporarily turn people into fools. It is a very profound spell. While the spell is in effect, what do you ask her to believe? She believes anything."

The students were almost boiling: "Professor, you must teach us this spell!"

"If you are interested, I will teach you when you pass the high wizard level test with all honors." Lockhart set a goal for them casually, "Now I teach you and you will not learn."

"God, I must study hard!" Ron clenched his fists and said to Harry and Hermione next to him.

Hermione picked up a book and was about to hit Ron on the head: "The professor obviously doesn't want to teach us, and only fools believe this."

"The professor has such a good relationship with us. If we invite him to our house this holiday, he must ask about this spell!" Ron vowed, "Hermione, if you hadn't bothered the professor, you would have asked him for sure. Tell you!"

"You..." Hermione became annoyed, turning her head to ignore Ron.

"Hermione, don't be angry, the professor doesn't actually hate you, but he already has a girlfriend, so you can be your good student honestly," Harry advised.

"I hate you guys, don't talk!" Hermione covered her ears.

Before the get out of class ended, Lockhart reminded him, "I hope you don't tell our inspector about this. Let me know, and I'll turn the whistleblower into a fool forever!"

He glanced at Slytherin, hoping his threat would be useful.

——Of course it works. Fifteen or sixteen-year-olds were all scared to pee by this miraculous hand. Umbridge didn't know that he was under the spell until he left Hogwarts.

And this fool's spell spread quickly among the students, and almost every day someone asked Lockhart for this spell, which made him very annoying.

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