Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 89: Training Harry (Part 2)

"Yes, maybe he will never know that you can see his actions, but as long as he realizes it, every scene you see may be an illusion."

"I understand, I will study hard."

Lockhart nodded and took out his wand: "Then Harry, I'm going to start. All you have to do is resist my spell with all your strength. Legilimency!"

Harry wasn't ready when Lockhart attacked, and Lockhart could easily see what Harry was thinking - before heading to the office, Hermione strongly asked to come along, and Ron also wanted to intervene, But Harry refused...

Lockhart put down his wand and said, "Come again, you are not ready, try to keep your head as empty as possible, what you are thinking is the easiest for me to see."


"Then—— Legilimency!"

He was five years old and his heart exploded with jealousy watching Dudley on his brand new red bike... He was nine years old and the vicious bulldog was chasing him and he climbed the tree and the Dursleys were in the grass below Laughing... he was sitting there wearing the Sorting Hat telling him he'd do well in Thretherin... Hermione lay in the hospital with thick black hair on her face... ...by the dark lake, hundreds of Dementors approached him... Ginny confessed to him, and then...

"No," a voice came out of Harry's mind as the memory of Ginny approached, "you are not allowed to see this, I am not allowed to see this, this is my own privacy—"

When Harry finally broke free from Legilimency, he nearly fell to the ground, and Lockhart reached out to catch him and helped him back to the sofa with Hermione.

"For the first time, it's normal, Harry." Lockhart encouraged.

"I think I know that feeling," Harry said bitterly, getting up from the ground.

"I guess so," Lockhart said. "I just saw Ginny, didn't I, you don't want me to see Ginny kiss you."

Harry blushed, and Hermione pursed her lips beside her.

"You saw everything I saw?" Harry asked, not sure if he wanted to know the answer.

"Although it's fast, but yes." Lockhart said, "Remember that feeling, you want to protect a secret or don't want me to know it, and then resist--the feeling!"

"Clear the distracting thoughts - Legilimency!"

He met Lockhart, and Lockhart pulled him to take pictures...then it was Lockhart who taught him a lesson, he felt like he learned a lot...Lockhart defended him in front of the principal...meet the dog who turned into a dog Blake...it turns out it was Peter who killed his parents...

"Stop!" Lockhart retracted his wand in dissatisfaction. "Harry, you can't do this, just because I'm not looking at any secrets or privacy, so let me see?"

"I'm sorry, Professor." Harry patted his head embarrassedly.

"Harry, you didn't resist at all...I think, maybe I'm too kind to you? If so, I'll consider asking Professor Snape to help me..."

"I'm sorry, Professor, I'll try my best..." Harry said quickly.

"Get ready!"

Harry tried to clear his mind, thinking nothing, no memory, no feeling.

"Maybe I can look for Ginny in your memory?" Lockhart had a brainstorm and said with a wicked smile, "I count three... one-two-three-legimacy!"

The train station, where Harry first saw Ginny, when Ginny was a cute little girl...and then, the Burrow, Ginny grew up...who would have thought Ginny would be so pretty now ... The point is, she likes herself! She confessed to herself... Ginny's face slowly approached...

"Do not--!"

Harry almost fell to his knees again, his head hurt a little, but he succeeded.

Lockhart smiled happily: "Hahaha, Harry, I haven't felt the smell of Ginny's lips yet, I think I've found the trick to training you."

"Professor!" Hermione glared at Lockhart.

"I can't do it~lightnovelpub.net~Professor, you are doing this, I can't bear it!" Harry blushed.

"It's barely a success, but the reaction is still too slow. I almost kissed your Ginny's little mouth... Next time, if I didn't go out to find the memory of Ginny, would you resist?"

"Professor, can I go back and summarize, I think I will do better next time." Harry begged for mercy.

"Okay! Then go back first. Remember, emptying your mind before going to bed at night will help your Occlumency. Come back at the same time next week."

"Understood." Harry fled away.

Now only Hermione and Lockhart were left in the house.

"Then, Hermione, why do you want to learn this?"

"I'm a good friend of the Savior, I have to protect myself, don't I." Hermione raised her head and replied.

"Well, it's always good to learn something," Lockhart nodded. "So, are you ready to resist me from reading your memory."


Lockhart raised his wand and said, "Legilimity!"

As a child, Hermione was a good kid, the top student in Muggle primary school...but she had no friends...then she saw Lockhart's book, and she fell in love with Lockhart in the book...and received Arrived at the admission notice of Hogwarts... Met Harry and Ron... Together they dealt with the organ that protects the Philosopher's Stone...

Lockhart put away his wand, "Hermione, you have to resist my spell, understand."

"Mmmm." Hermione nodded with a blushing face. Is it a good friend to meet someone she likes frankly in this way?

Lockhart looked at Hermione for a while and gave her some time to prepare.

"Ready, Hermione." Lockhart raised his wand solemnly, "Lilicipism!"
