Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 93: Christmas dinner

Umbridge is still pointing fingers around the school, but Lockhart is completely unaffected by the help of the "Fool's Curse", and Voldemort's threat is completely ignored at Hogwarts, and Pandora's company, Lockhart Had a very relaxing and happy day...

In a blink of an eye, it was Christmas. The people from the Order of the Phoenix were going to see Arthur who was hospitalized in St. Mungo. The Fudge family invited him to spend Christmas with the patient or with his girlfriend. Of course, he chose the latter.

Lockhart came to the Minister of Magic's house again, and he found that the Minister of Magic did not just invite him, but many high-level officials of the Ministry of Magic and some wealthy and powerful pure-blood families were invited.

Lockhart put on a brand-new gown, combed his blond hair, and appeared at the dinner party with a heroic spirit. Many people at the dinner party had just seen or heard of Lockhart.

Lockhart whispered in Pandora's ear and asked, "Your grandfather called so many people into the house, many of them with Death Eater backgrounds, isn't it too dangerous?"

Pandora glanced at him oddly and explained, "After the dinner, the Faithful Loyalty Charm will be reset, but you can stay, Professor."

It stands to reason that it would be strange for a half-blood wizard like Lockhart to attend a banquet at the Minister of Magic's house, but Lockhart's fame and his "legendary" power make his appearance unobtrusive .

"Hello Professor!" greeted Lockhart from a group of young invitees, among whom Lockhart recognized Hannah Abbott, Draco Malfoy, Daphne Greenglass, and her sister Astoria A. Greengrass... all Hogwarts students, and of course their parents.

"Good evening, children!" Lockhart responded with a smile.

Then he met two of his acquaintances - Ollivander and Professor Slughorn who taught him potions.

"Mr. Ollivander! Professor Slughorn!"

"It's Gilderoy!" Hearing Lockhart's greeting, the two old men turned to greet him with a smile.

"Gildrow didn't show extraordinary talent in my Potions class, but I didn't expect to be the most accomplished of all students after graduation!" Slughorn introduced to several people with him, " Not having Gilderoy on my locker is the biggest regret of my life!"

Lockhart was a little embarrassed. He didn't perform so well back then that he didn't get into Professor Slughorn's slug club, and he still resented it.

"You're joking, Professor, Headmaster Dumbledore intends to invite you back to be a professor of Potions. If you accept it, you may have the opportunity to put me on your cabinet."

Slughorn raised his glass with a smile, "I'll think about it, Gilderoy."

Ollivander also came over at this time to pull Lockhart and bring him to a group of people, "Gildrow, this is Amelia Burns, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, this is a magical creature. Alexander Stryker, Director of Management Control."

"Ms. Burns and Mr. Stryker, it's an honor to meet you."

"It's been a long time, Mr. Lockhart." The two shook hands with Lockhart.

"Professor Slughorn, Mr. Ollivander, Ms. Burns, Mr. Stryker, good evening." Pandora also greeted politely.

"Miss Fudge is getting prettier as she grows. I still remember when your grandfather took you to the Ministry of Magic for the first time." Ms. Burns said with a smile, "You and Lockhart are really talented."

"Ms. Burns is also getting more attractive as she grows." Pandora complimented.

"A few of you work in the Ministry of Magic. Has anything major happened recently?" Lockhart asked tentatively.

"Recently, the number of missing wizards and Muggles has started to increase, and the Death Eaters are on the move. The workload is very heavy." Borns said helplessly, and it could be seen that she was indeed a little haggard.

"You have worked hard for the stability of the wizarding world." Lockhart said sincerely.

"She's only dealing with people, so I call trouble!" Stryker complained, "There are a lot of signs that all kinds of intelligent creatures have begun to take refuge in the service of mysterious people."

"Destroy them decisively. It is kindness to let them exist~lightnovelpub.net~ But we must not let them endanger the peace of the wizarding world!" Lockhart is not a fan of magical creatures, he said decisively.

Stryker shook his head helplessly, "It's not that simple. Exterminating creatures needs a good reason. I think I've killed them all, and the dementors that have escaped recently are enough for me to drink a pot."

"Isn't the Dementor finished yet?" Pandora asked in surprise.

"It's really a sin to completely destroy a creature." Slughorn shook his head sadly, "How many potions can't find the raw materials anymore."

"How many special wands can't find their cores anymore." Ollivander also shook his head pretentiously.

Ms. Burns burst out laughing: "Enough is enough for you two old men. People are worried about the safety of the staff in your department, but you only care about what you like."

"A friend of mine said that the giants seem to have begun to swear allegiance to the mysterious man." Lockhart suddenly remembered, "How are you going to deal with them?"

"The giants have also come to join in?" Stryker smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid our department can't deal with this kind of creature, maybe you can talk to Scrimgeour over there."

"I'm not interested in dealing with giants." Lockhart shrugged, but made a note in his mind.

"Gilderoy Lockhart!" He shouted and startled Lockhart, everyone looked here, and Pandora next to him grabbed Lockhart's hand tightly.

"Ignore him, professor, he's so annoying!" Pandora whispered.

A dark-haired young man walked up to Lockhart aggressively.

"It's the child of the Flint family, and the eldest son." Slughorn reminded Lockhart quietly.

"What does this have to do with me?" Lockhart asked inexplicably, "This attitude doesn't seem like a book lover."
