Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1017: Sheepman Theater

  Chapter 1017 Sheepman Theater

  For most British women, they must be changed to their husband’s surname when they are married. After becoming a mother, you have to be constrained in a title called "Mom." What kind of figure is out of shape, and the mood deteriorates, these are not the worst.

Lily was very young when she left, and Harry was just over a year old, so she hadn’t had time to feel that feeling—Lily Evans was dead, and Harry Potter’s mother survived, only West In Fles’s memory, the red-haired girl with a small daisy in her hand is still alive.

The first thing to be a good mother is not to abandon your children. When Hagrid was three years old, his mother abandoned him and his father returned to the giant tribe, and then went to Glo with another giant of the same kind. general.

  Hagrid had very little memory of her mother in childhood, and when she mentioned her mother, she said that she was “not a good mother”.

  Voldemort's situation is even worse. His mother confuses the old Tom Riddle with an ecstasy, thinking that if she is pregnant, the man will be responsible for her. It's just that the old Tom Riddle simply abandoned her and little Tom together.

  Is old Tom Riddle a bad father? He had no interest in the ugly-looking Merope, it was the witch who used magic on him.

  This is a silly account, and it can’t be settled anymore.

  If Lily abandoned Harry Potter and ran by herself, she would not have been portrayed as a Virgin and would be mourned and mourned in Godlik Valley.

  Pomona walks at the bottom of the sinkhole. As the place where the giant tribe once lived, it is very empty for small humans, but it may be just right for giants dozens of times the size of humans.

  There is a Muggle fairy tale. The kind-hearted Jack traded a cow for a few magic peas. It grows tall enough to reach the kingdom of giants in the sky. Jack of normal size is like a dwarf in the kingdom of giants.

Pomona has to think about it from the perspective of Friedvara. She and Mr. Hagrid are just like a normal-sized human female married to a fairy. For the fairy, she uses the right furniture, but humans think too much. Small.

  Snow White has also slept in the beds of seven dwarfs. She has to put the seven beds side by side to lie down.

  It is understandable that she left Hagrid and returned to the giant tribe, especially after Pomona saw the ruins left by the giant tribe.

  They did not build houses like humans, but dug a lot of caves in the rock wall. The open space in the middle may be their public place for meetings or dinners.

  The tools they used are still left in individual caves, and the wooden cups they use are taller than ordinary humans.

  One of the caves is very big. Pomona thinks that it is the place where the giant leader lives. There is also a "stone seat" inside, although it looks like a hill at first.

Apart from smallness, she could not find any other words to describe her feelings. This tribe living at the bottom of the pit should not be very big. There are only 14 caves, that is, 14 families. Their access to the ground is very tall. The same as the drawing drawn by the drunkard.

The smaller circle of wood plank roads excavated on the rock wall for humans to walk on is not coherent. It is connected to the path where the giants walk, which means that the people who are put in will inevitably be with the monsters locked here. The two channels meet at the junction.

   "Merlin's beard." She couldn't help but exclaim.

  Even a wizard, encountering monsters in this place may become its food, not to mention unarmed Muggles.

  The only safe place may be the center, a labyrinth hidden in the bushes. From the channel of the rock wall, you can even see its general shape.

  It does not look complicated. It is composed of seven concentric circles. There is an ancient Greek temple-like building in the middle. A layer of dark mist covers the maze, blocking the true face of the maze like a veil.

   "Look at this." Severus pointed at the rock wall with a luminous flicker. He wiped away the accumulated dirt and moss with his hand, revealing a blue flower coat of arms.

   "What is this?" Pomona asked.

   "Blue rose." Severus said, staring at the mural-like pattern.

  Although roses have more than 5,000 years of artificial cultivation history and more than 2,500 varieties have been cultivated so far, no one has ever cultivated blue roses.

  Rose does not have the ability to produce blue delphinium, so blue rose is impossible to represent in many places.

  Pomona walked over to see that the rose badge had seven petals, and the center of the flower contained magnetic cores and stamens, so it was not an ordinary rose.

  "Whose badge is this? Wizard or later slave trader?"

   "I don't think a Muggle would dare to use this as his own sign." Severus said slowly, staring at the rose.

   "Do you know who Cecius is?" Voldemort asked in her head.

  "Do you know who Cecius is?" Pomona asked Severus like a cheat sheet.

   "Another name for God." Severus replied.

  "What does monogenes mean?" Voldemort asked next.

   "Hey, you know Mongoñez..."

   "Son of God." Before she could finish speaking, Severus said angrily.

"Mongnes Cecius Hagrid, this is the name of the mysterious wizard. I said you would not believe it." Voldemort said with a smile. "He is one of the greatest wizards of the sixteenth century. , But people at that time were more interested in Nick LeMay and his Sage’s Stone, so that no one knew how valuable his research results were."

   "What did he do?" Pomona asked.

"Solargold is a metal that cannot be dyed by mercury. Mercury can dissolve many kinds of metals, including gold, the ultimate goal of alchemists. Mercury will wash away the dazzling gold of gold. Solar gold does not. Mercury does not. Hermes is represented in alchemy. I believe that the maze is not just a simple maze." Voldemort said, and Pomona subconsciously turned to look at the maze. "The temple of the philosopher’s stone should be covered by the seven planets. Surrounding, the seven-layer labyrinth should represent the trajectory of the planet."

   "Do you know what he wants Sun Gold for?" Pomona asked Severus.

"The time converter of the Ministry of Magic is made of base metal, so it has many flaws." Severus stiffened his face and looked at Kliche. , You can stay as long as you want."

   "Don't worry, no one has made any magic props with Sun Gold, and I will not succeed at one time." Voldemort said kindly.

  This did not have any comforting effect, and Pomona couldn't help but glared at Klitsch, "Look at what good things you did!"

   "He is a good house elf, very obedient and should be rewarded." Voldemort said with a smile, "I will tell him the secret of the cave."

   "My God." She covered her head and complained sadly.

"Don't you want the Black family to continue? Besides, Mrs. Black has been waiting for Regulus to return. She sealed her soul in the portrait before she died." Voldemort said with a sense of humor, "As a kind person , Don’t you think it is a pity to see the former royal family become what it is now?"

  The Black family is very prominent, they claim to be the royal family of the wizarding world, and many people recognize this.

"It's an honor to be loyal to the royal family. That's what Kliche thinks. He calls Harry the Potter kid. Relatively speaking, Kliche prefers Bellatrix." Severus Calmly said, "Because of being bound by the magic of the elves, Kliche couldn't reveal the secrets of the Order of the Phoenix, but he told Voldemort that Harry regarded Sirius as his parent and elder brother, and then there was a battle for the Ministry of Magic. "

   "Who let Harry and the others enter the Ministry of Magic?" Pomona asked.

   "Lucius, as aristocrats, they have the privilege to enter the Ministry of Magic directly from Malfoy Manor without going to the public toilet."

  "Only people involved in the prophecy can touch the prophecy ball." Voldemort added, "What I didn't expect is that Neville Longbottom is also the person in the prophecy."

   "What should we do?" Pomona asked Severus.

  "How do I know?" He suppressed his anger and roared grimly, "What did you see from the stars last night?"

"At the end of the ancient Greek-Roman era, the gods and the gods of Babylon who were worshipped on the Olympic Mountains in the past were relegated to demons. Some of them retreated to the distant stars, and some turned into metal in the earth. Si changed from a **** to a ghost in the underworld, and alchemy became a dark art of blasphemy. I always thought Monganius was a legend." Voldemort said in a brisk tone, "Ha, this is really an arrangement of fate."

  After the performance of the trilogy of ancient Greek tragedies, in order to adjust the atmosphere, a relaxed comedy will be staged in the theater.

  After the giants eat and drink enough, will they stage a drama to kill time?

  In fact, looking at it from another angle, this place is very similar to an ancient Greek theater. The open area in the middle is the orchestra, and the surrounding **** is the auditorium. The actors have to wear masks to perform.

  Because the expression is blocked by the mask, the actors need exaggerated movements and heart-breaking howls to allow the audience to see and hear their performance.

  The mask used in tragedy has a sad expression, while the mask in comedy has a smile and a bit of evil.

  I don’t know if it was an illusion, Pomona seemed to hear Bella’s crazy laugh.

  She couldn't help shivering, hugging herself with her hands, like giving herself a hug.

   The Cursed Child says that Lucius Malfoy has collected a golden time converter. It is very old. The time converter of the Ministry of Magic uses base metal and can only go back for five minutes.

     Cedric killed Neville, Voldemort won, Snape was alive, even though he was still teaching potions



  (End of this chapter)