Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1048: Darklight

  Chapter 1048 Darklight


  There are no birds in the death swamp, but when Harry Potter and Calvin were standing on the wall of the castle together, a group of crows suddenly appeared.

  "You don't like this bird?" Calvin asked.

   Harry grinned reluctantly.

   "There are many Muggles who think that crows are symbols of disaster and death. They are like black dogs in the wizarding world. I heard that you saw a dog spirit in class when you were in third grade."

   "But that's not true. No one died that year." Harry said immediately.

"Some people say that crows can predict death, but they are indeed smart birds. I once saw a crow pretending to be dead and made other crows think it had eaten poisonous bird food. Then other crows flew away. Exclusively enjoyed all the food."

   "I don't think there will be food in this swamp." Harry said, looking down at the death swamp. After the sun came out, the fog was thinner, so the pale, cement-like mud could be seen more clearly.

"The crows don’t just eat dead bodies, Harry, they are omnivores like humans. Crows often use their cries to guide other animals to attack those that they can’t beat. There was a dragon in the death swamp, even though it was It happened many years ago."

   "I don't think the dragon can live for so many years." Harry said.

Calvin curled his mouth and stared at the righteous man searching in the swamp. Although Harry walked in a hurry, Zabini left a mark. In addition, shortly after he left, his footprints still remained. How long did they hear the signal of discovery.

   "There are no dragons here, but there may be basilisks, that's what you said." Calvin said to Harry, and the Apparition moved to the open space in front of the castle.

   "Nothing." Said a righteous man with scars on his face like Moody.

   "It's impossible!" yelled Harry, who Apparated immediately behind him.

   "There are many hallucinogenic plants in the swamp, maybe Mr. Secretary and his friends have hallucinations together." Zheng Qi said.

   Calvin looked at Harry.

  "Have you been tested for drugs? Director?"

   "I swear, I saw it!"

   "But we don't."

   "Take me to see, maybe you have found the wrong place."

  Harry rushed toward the swamp, only two steps before he was caught by the collar by the righteous Qi.

   "Don't think I don't know what tricks you are doing, Potter, you haven't been followed for so many years, are you going to do something again?"

   "Calm down, Jim." Calvin put his hand on the righteous master's wrist. "Maybe they noticed someone coming, so they moved right away. I need your head to stay awake."

  Jim and Harry stared at each other, then released their hands after a moment.

  Harry realized that Jim's hand was also a silver artificial hand, which happened to be the same as Wormtail's hand.

   "You said you saw a dwarf." Calvin silently blocked Harry's vision.

   "Yes, it's about the same height as a six or seven year old child."

   "Then, it's almost this high?" Calvin gestured.

   "That's right."

   "That means it's almost as tall as a fairy?"

  Harry did not answer immediately. Although he does not often try, but based on his accumulated experience, it is best to shut up at this time.

"In the 1970s, Death Eaters killed many rich goblins. Of course, we have no evidence because they are all missing." Calvin said, "I don't think that fairies will join forces with previous enemies. What do you think? "

  "What if there is a greater relationship of interest?" Harry said, "The relationship between horsemen and humans is not good, but after the forbidden forest in exchange, the horsemen also joined our camp."

"We will continue to investigate, Mr. Director. The Minister said that you and your friends have other tasks. I don’t know what it is, but as far as Mr. Ron Weasley’s current situation is, do you deserve tonight? Go back and prepare?"

  Harry looked at the righteous master, who was looking at Harry suspiciously through the raised collar.

  So Harry turned and left, walking towards Blaise Zabini.

  "How is the investigation?" Blaise asked.

   "Nothing was found." Harry said with irritation.

   "What? How is it possible?"

   "Where is absinthe?"

   "Who is absinthe?"

   "It's the one who walked with me."

   "You mean Selwyn, wait, I'll call..."

   "Is Selwyn also one of the twenty-eight holy families?" Harry interrupted Blaise.

   "What are you asking about this?"

   "Nothing, just curious, how was his relationship with Theodore Knott when he was in school?"

  "I don’t know him. He was in seventh grade when we enrolled in school. Rabbit was very courageous and basically didn’t talk to people."


   "Theodore Knott's nickname, haven't you heard of it?"

   "No, this is the first time I have heard of it." Harry looked at Calvin and Jim who were talking not far away. "Do you think these people will have something to do with the Azkaban escaped?"

   "Seriously, Harry Potter, I am not interested in these." Zabini smiled and said, "I just want to participate in the hunt tonight."

   "Have you met Professor Remus Lupin, can you treat him as a prey?" Harry shouted angrily.

"Don't treat them as human beings, the boys who survived the catastrophe, so you will be much easier when using the Avada Spell." Blaise patted Harry on the shoulder. "Malfoy didn't dare to do anything on the observatory, finally The dean also needs to take care of him. Do you want to be like him and be taken care of as a child for the rest of your life? Even if you want to, do you have a father, a mother, and a godfather to take care of you?"

  Harry stared at Blaise Zabini intently.

  "If you want to be recognized by others, you must rely on yourself." Blaise squeezed Harry's shoulders. "Respect is not a plea."

   "I didn't plan to beg." Harry said.

   "I know, werewolves won't listen to your pleading, do you know why the righteous Qi master determined that your godfather was guilty because of Wormtail's finger?"

   "Because of the explosive spell he used, they thought he had blown Wormtail away."

Brace shrugged. "I heard another version. The werewolf ate Wormtail with only one finger left. That year, when'Professor Lupin' became a werewolf, he attacked you. He had a scruples that you were his. Student?"

   "No." Harry said, staring at Blaise.

   "So, who is protecting you?"

  A black dog flashed before Harry's eyes, and the greasy black hair of the wizard holding his collar.

   "No one is protecting me, where did you hear the rumors?" Harry waved Brace's hand away.

"I heard Draco say, that mud...Hermione Granger punched him and he returned to the castle. You are heading to the Forbidden Forest. He told Dean Snape the news. Said, the dean will definitely teach you well."

   "It turns out that this is the case..."

"That wolf howl is very stern, it's hard for us to pretend that we can't hear it in the castle." Blaise stared at Harry and said, "Later, everyone knew that Remus Lupin was a werewolf. I think it happened that night. It's not hard to guess what is going on, right?"

  Harry sees Blaise Zabini in a whole new way.

   "You are better than I think..."

"Clever, obviously if I don't have the ability, how can I lead those prominent pure-blood families." Blaise widened his narrow and slanted brown eyes. "At this point, my inherited mother, she married seven times, and every time Marriage has brought her great wealth."

   "I don't think this is a glorious thing, Zabini."

  Brace smiled contemptuously. "Let's go, Potter, there is nothing to do with us here."

"what do you want?"

   Before Blaise left, Harry asked.

   "Nothing, power, and fame, and I'm on my way to pursue them." The dark-skinned boy smiled bloodthirstyly at Harry "Don't waste time, Harry Potter."



  A crow monster screamed and landed on the treetop outside, and Pomona was taken aback.

   "What's wrong?" Severus asked, who was wiping his mouth.

   "Nothing." Pomona looked out the window, trying to tell if the crow outside was Voldemort.

   "Are you finished?" Severus asked.

   "It's almost there," she said, looking at the little creamy scallop soup left on her plate.

   "Let's go to the secret room." He put down his napkin and stood up directly.

   "I haven't washed my dishes yet."

   "Save it for Kerry."

  Pomona glanced at the strawberry cake she hadn’t moved, and then left the table with it.

   "We are looking for materials for the time converter, Kliche." Pomona didn't know if it was audible, but she said, "You have to be patient."

  She followed Severus to the study and watched him push open the secret door hidden behind the bookshelf. The sand table of the maze was still in the middle of the secret room. I wonder if it was her illusion, but she felt it became clearer.

   "Tell me the story about Mongoñez Cecius Hagrid." She asked as she ate the cake.

   "He is called darklight, and he has been a legendary character for hundreds of years."

   "It's like a blue rose, it can't exist at all." She said if she had some enlightenment.

"The real maze is bigger than what we saw. The Dark Lord said that it was either in another space, or used a space expansion curse, but the monster that guarded it was wiped out. If the magic circle disappears, the sun inside Kim will run away, so we have to get in as soon as possible."

   "It's artificial, and it won't last long."

   "The Dark Lord is contrary to what you think. He thinks this labyrinth is opening the door for him."

  Pomona raised her eyebrows and took another bite of cake.

  "This fresh strawberry cake is delicious, would you like to have a bite too?"

  She was very generous to say, and even dig a spoonful to his mouth.

   "Not interested." He looked at the pink thing with disgust, and hid back "Where have you studied?"

"The first gold coin named after the planet, the mysterious man thinks it is the alpha star Regulus in Leo. The material is a mixture of gold and mercury, which represents the heart of the king. The second gold coin named after the planet is Perseus. Beta star Algol, although the basilisk is terrifying, it can represent ouroboros, the symbol of alchemy. As long as it grows big enough, it can go around the labyrinth and bite its own tail. From the third level, we have appeared. Disagreement, I think it’s Alpha Virgo. He thinks it’s Alpha Boves. Virgo’s lucky metal is mercury, but the puzzle stipulates that gold coins cannot exceed a quarter of an ounce. What metal should the Boss use instead?"


   "The wheat ears in the girl's hand, I think the kingdom of heaven will also celebrate the harvest, otherwise, what wine will Dionysus use?"

   Severus did not answer her, and fell into deep thought.

  "What do I need to fertilize the land? Potassium? Sodium?" he asked a moment later.

   "It's all used."

   "So, the third metal is chosen from these elements?"

  "Do people in the Middle Ages know this?"

   "How do I know." Severus took out his cigarette and started smoking.

   "Even if we find out, there is still the order of heaven." Pomona whispered, "If we fail, then whose face will be left behind?"

  "It’s great if you don’t speak up before you lose, can you think of something good."

   "I don't want my face to remain, your ugly face is very suitable."

  The death gaze of the old bat appeared.

  Pomona was not afraid of him at all. She even sat on the couch, putting her legs on it and eating cake.

"I first warn you that you are not allowed to sleep here. There is a bedroom upstairs. No matter how late you study, you must return to the bed in the room to sleep." She pointed a fork to the big nose of the old bat and said, "Also, you It's going to shine some sunshine, Severus, and that vampire Giovanni is not as pale as you."

  He snorted with disdain.

  "Wait for the sun, how about we go to a football game?" She invited, "I know you lazy snakes, you can't be too lazy if the weather is bad."

   "Why do you have to race in the heavy rain?"

   "Hahaha, don't ask me." Pomona dug another spoonful of cake and put it in her mouth.

  It's raining. Birds know to avoid the rain. Why do athletes still "exercise" outside? Is it difficult to sweat too much? Does it matter if the left and right clothes are soaked?

   "I am a bookworm just like you. I don't understand what the athletes are thinking."

  "Fortunately, the Muggles are not as stupid as you guys. The rain is too heavy and knows to suspend the game." Severus said, "Two games from yesterday have been postponed to today."

   "I didn't talk about the British football game."

   "It's okay." Severus said calmly, "Thank you."

  Pomona felt that she hadn’t done anything, but she was relieved to see him like this now. Fortunately, he went out without taking a shower.

   "How about I go back with you?" She asked, "Ask'Teacher' for a leave."

   "Do you think he will agree?"

   "I don't know." She put down the cake in her hand, "I think the pleading should work at this time."

    That 53 votes cast, is there a problem with the system? It was the first time I saw a person who could cast 53 votes.

     This chapter is tomorrow, and it is offered today. I have basically hidden the clues of the maze, guess what.



  (End of this chapter)