Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1088: Hand-picked stars

  Chapter 1088 Hand can pick stars

  Galileo once wrote in a letter: 18 years of teaching in Padua was the happiest time in his life. His class was always overcrowded, because Galileo was short, the students even built a two-meter podium for him.

  If you count the year Harry Potter left school and escaped from Death Eaters in the wild, Severus taught at Hogwarts for 16 years.

  In his words, that time was like hell. He always asks for hardships. The little monsters don’t want to finish their homework. He has to arrange a lot of difficult papers. He gets very hot whenever he sees the perfunctory papers. He does it simply. Waste time and lives of yourself and others.

  He is tired by himself, and others feel tired. He only has one life, so why not take it lightly. Look, she just completed a miracle, and the old bat who was always playing with his potions and black magic in the cellar actually basked in the sun.

  Although he looks pale like a vampire, he is still human. Sunlight can't kill vampires, but it can make them very, very tired. The symptoms are similar to a bad cold. They can't die or survive. The problem is that they can't heal like a cold. This is where people feel the most exhausted.

   Galileo was already very famous when he left the University of Padua, but his life was not as pleasant as when he was a poor teacher.

  Especially during the three years of imprisonment in Rome. Although he lived in the luxurious Medici villa and could overlook the whole of Rome, his mood was definitely different from when he looked at the stars with a telescope on the observatory in Padua.

After supplementing enough "solar energy", Pomona and Severus came to the astronomical tower where Galileo once stood, overlooking Padua in the sunset. She tried her best not to connect the astronomical tower to the Hogwarts astronomy tower. The towers are linked together.

  Pomona can understand the reason for Sinistar's resignation. Her classroom has become the scene of a murder case, and the astronomy class must be observed, so she can no longer do it.

  Abu was thoughtful and thoughtful, even if Severus’s death curse did not kill him, falling from a height would be deadly enough.

  He died as a relief, but the living people had to deal with the mess he left behind. The first unlucky thing was that Severus, who had temporarily agreed to his request, became the sinner who murdered the greatest white wizard.

  He is actually not very smart, and he messed up his life time and time again. He was a Death Eater when he was young, and became a criminal again in his middle age. He needed understanding and support. It was a pity that Pomona was busy with him at that time because she also thought he was a "murderer."

  She didn't know what deal Severus made with Voldemort, anyway, the red-eyed crow was not with her right now, as if he was far away from her life.

  She doesn't care much about the lost part of youth. Felius is much smarter than her, knowing to keep a proper distance from human beings. Longevity plus emotional entanglements will make people exhausted. People who live in the sensory world don’t understand this. They have been carnival, fundamentally. Just can't stop.

This is the book written by Marquis Thad. Although most men have similar fantasies, they still have rationality and morality. Therefore, most of his works are destroyed in prison and have not been published.

  Galileo’s book was published, and he was accused by the church precisely because of this.

  Before movable type printing was introduced into Europe, books were copied by hand, which was inefficient and costly. Therefore, reading and knowledge belonged only to the nobles and the rich.

Around 1450, Metalworking Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany, invented metal movable type and made a hand-cranked printing machine. Marx once commented that movable type printing was the greatest invention of the Renaissance. Hugo called it "everything". The embryo of revolution". These scholars saw the bright side of printing, but ignored the social impact of these printing press-printed propaganda materials in the witch-hunting movement.

  People with ulterior motives use it to spread rumors. The people have become slaves of public opinion. The earth is round and can be rumored to be flat. According to the missionaries, the Jerusalem plague was because the Israelites believed in the wrong gods, worshipped idols, and sinned, and God sent the plague to punish the Jerusalemites.

  If the Black Death is a punishment from the gods, does this mean that people believe in the wrong **** and worship idols?

  The rulers always have to explain to people that wizards have become scapegoats.

  The gold coins that Mongoñez Hagrid asked to make had only the positive side, not the negative side, as if it would give a glimpse of the gate of heaven.

In addition to representing the wildness of nature, antimony is also used in the casting of metal movable type. The movable type for printing needs to be used repeatedly. After many tests, it has been proved that the lead-tin-antimony alloy is the most suitable metal for printing. It has been used for four hundred years from the invention of printing until the 1980s.

  This kind of metal has witnessed the most glorious history of human civilization, the Renaissance, the Great Navigation, and the Industrial Revolution. Modern printing has undergone another revolution. Ink printing has replaced metal movable type, but there are fewer and fewer people reading paper books.

  Manufacturing paper requires a lot of wood. People are advocating electronic reading. Since the transatlantic cable was laid, the mode of information transmission has changed from letters to signals. After getting rid of material constraints, the transmission of knowledge has begun to break away from material constraints.

  If there is a soul after death, will it go to heaven and hell?

  The soul represents the spirit, while the body is material. If the elements that make up the human body are separated, the iron contained in a person's body can approximately be made into a nail clipper, so is the value of a person the same as a nail clipper?

  The ashes left by the burning of the dead body will not turn into pure iron. The main form of iron in the human body is divalent iron, which theoretically will not be adsorbed.

  But it just happened. It was both a coincidence and a miracle. It was a kind of hint from God—see, the matter and non-life that make up life are the same, and you have nothing special about other creations.

Then humans discovered other chemical elements in the ashes, such as copper, zinc, carbon, etc. These substances make up the human body. People have a soul, so these substances can also carry the soul. Animism believes that all things have anims, including a tree. A tree, a stone, they have the same value and power as a man.

  Life is the attribute of matter, and life cannot exist without matter. Scholars use this to criticize Catholic theology's view of immaterial soul and immortality.

  In Venice, the daughter of a wealthy businessman once said that the soul is indestructible. She was prejudiced by the world. Even if she was rich and beautiful, she never married.

  Too many people over the age are either regarded as lunatics or intolerated by the world. Only a very small number of people can become famous and leave their own traces in history.

  The immortality experiment done by Voldemort was terrifying, but incomparable. He completed the process of attaching the invisible soul to the physical body, just like what God did when he created man.

   "What are you thinking?" Severus asked.

   "What are you thinking?" Pomona asked rhetorically.

   "I'm wondering if the White Wizard will go to hell." Severestow said in a long tone, like a chant, "Although he did not do it himself, he still planned a dramatic suicide."

   "I'm thinking of the Dark Lord."

  Severus sneered, "Do you miss his handsome face?"

"He is a lonely and painful person. No one understands him. Even the stars die, so even the stars will not accompany him. When he looks up at the starry sky, there is nothing on the celestial sphere, and what he is walking towards is pure. dark."

"what do you want to say?"

   "Poetic, Prince, where did your inspiration for designing that golden egg go?"

   "Where is your sense of humor?"

   "Are you kidding me? I just didn't understand your joke, so you hold a grudge?"

  The old bat looked into the distance unhappy.

   "Stone!" Pomona also said angrily.

   "Idiot." He replied unceremoniously.

  Pomona does not intend to ignore him.

  Who would be happy to be said to be an idiot?

   "After the naming rights of the constellations, the Muggles are fighting over who invented movable type printing." Severus said, "They have not changed at all."

   "Are you sarcastic old fool?"

  The old bat laughed, "Why do you think so? I didn't say that."

  Because even Albus Dumbledore didn’t see through the temptation of reputation.

  Pomona smiled and did not express her point of view.

  Whether it is Voldemort or Albus, although they are all powerful wizards, they are still just mortals.

   is just one that looks like a monster and one that looks like a hero.

    In the class of the only teacher at Hogwarts who can use PPT, I was shocked to see the Vitruvian man in the shape of a werewolf



  (End of this chapter)