Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1096: Queen of the South

  Chapter 1096 Queen of the South

  Each layer of the maze has its own style.

  The face mask in the outermost circle was replaced by the Malfoy family crest. The second floor only has water channels, and the third floor has many more sculptures.

  After entering the "Magic Circle", there are many pillars. They look like an Egyptian temple. The top of the pillars is a bronze bird. The fifth floor is the laurel forest, and there are various sculptures of crows everywhere in the forest. The wall on the sixth floor is covered with roses, and there are no sculptures or fountains except a crystal swan at the entrance.

  The dazzling number of sculptures on the third layer are not only myths, but also depicting heroes and human life, just like constellations in the sky.

  If Pomona came to this place first and then guessed, she might not use the Virgo Spica to represent this level.

  She can also guess that it is Capricorn or even Libra, anyway, there must be a reasonable explanation.

  It's like someone sees "magic" and desperately thinks about how a magician does it.

  Vega represents the queen of summer night, and some people regard women as representatives of mysterious ideas. The sense of mystery is like a veil, which hides the beauty of the beauty, revealing only a pair of beautiful eyes.

  These eyes may not be petrified like Medusa's eyes, but they are also deadly. She attracts curious people to follow her into the banshee’s lair.

  Curiosity may not necessarily be the driving force for progress, but may also be the source of trouble.

  Pandora did not control her curiosity and opened the magic box. The cat had nine lives and was killed by curiosity. The banshee would not let her prey go away after she heard "Sorry, I was wrong".

  You must pay the price of your life.

  The more banned, the more people think of trying. Adam and Eve are also curious about the taste of the forbidden fruit, and they are driven out of the Garden of Eden.

  Alchemists encrypt their files to prevent knowledge from falling into the hands of those who shouldn’t have them.

  Each of us has a light and a dark side, and there is no clear boundary between good people and bad people. What determines who we become is not our ability, but our choice.

  Female mystics did not pass school training. Schools in the Middle Ages were controlled by the church.

  They observe the world by "seeing" and understand the mystery of body, soul, perception, and pain. These methods are often unethical and even legal.

  The corpse is placed in full view as the protagonist in the opera house. It is not like a singer who can sing melodious music. But the onlookers still looked intently, even emotional. On the contrary, there are businessmen everywhere in the real opera house. Their business talk overwhelms the singer's voice, and no one cares what the singers sing.

  When boys learn how to use swords, girls must learn to smile.

  Because her face is unsightly, she can’t please people. Even if she is not happy at all, she still has to pretend that she is very happy.

  The Mona Lisa smiled in order to attract the attention of others, which is different from Maria who smiled while holding the corpse of the Son.

  To see through her smirk, understand that her true intentions cannot be done by ordinary people who judge people by appearance.

  Not only detectives, but also excellent artists have this ability. Da Vinci believes that a good artist should not be constrained to the specific position of the body, but should pay attention to what kind of action can be consistent with the mental state of the character in the scene.

  Even if an actor can memorize lines by heart, if his body language is too rigid, he will play a bad role.

  Perhaps this is the purpose of Mongoñez Hagrid.

  Spiders do not need to learn to weave webs, that is the memory that existed before they were born. A scholar who only stayed in the laboratory paid too much attention to the logic of the brain and ignored the body. On the contrary, people like mercenaries who often go through the test of life and death can use the body flexibly.

  Instinct is full of animality. In the ancient jungle, the animal ancestors of humans rely on instinct to continue to evolve and survive in the forest.

  He wants those who break through the barriers to find this innate memory stored in muscles, blood vessels and skin. Break through the shackles of the clauses and clauses, let your stiff body become flexible again, and regain your natural wildness.

  The mercenary does not mean simple-minded and greedy bloodthirsty, she should not underestimate them. Francisco Sforza is not just a mercenary, he is still an illegitimate child, but he just won the title of Duke of Milan from the dying Visconti family.

The Sforza family also has a foothold in Italy, where the power is intricate. At the same time, they sponsored Renaissance masters including Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, hired Leonardo da Vinci and allowed him and his apprentices to set up in Milan. The studio, although this family is not as famous as the Medici, it is also part of the Renaissance.

   No matter how powerful creatures are, they can be weak, even Fenrir. When he first arrived in the garden of the gods, he was still a small furry dog. Who would have thought that he would become a sky-swallowing wolf.

  Da Vinci’s first fledgling work, "Doctors Come to Worship", describes three doctors who were guided by the stars to Bethlehem and presented gold, spices, and myrrh as gifts to the family of Jesus.

  This scene is one of the most popular themes of Florence in the 15th century. At that time, Da Vinci was in his twenties, and he was as impatient as all young people. After creating a creative idea, he tossed the painting aside. In order to urge him to complete the painting, his father Piero elaborated a contract with the abbot. He had to borrow money from the monastery to buy paint, and the monastery would pay him the bill after completion.

The problem occurred in less than three months. Leonardo did not finish the painting. Instead, he owed the monastery 150 golden florins and a barrel of wine. The 150 golden florins were for him to pay for a young woman. Used for dowry, but that is another story.

  Before he became famous, Da Vinci was also very unhappy and needed his father's help. If the cover letter he wrote to Sforza was not accepted, then Leonardo would also give up his dream because of his livelihood.

  People need to eat to live. “People live not only by food, but also on all the words of the Lord” is what **** said.

Da Vinci had never married or even had close contact with any woman in his life. He always kept secrets in private and declared that he hated physical relationships; he regarded the affairs of men and women as the most nasty behavior. Anything about women is disgusting, and if people don’t have a beautiful face and aesthetic qualities, they will die early.”

  So, what does Da Vinci want? Is he really a heresy?

The entrance from the third to the fourth floor of the labyrinth outside the manor is not made into a closed loop like a "magic circle", because there are still people in the manor who need to get in and out, but this entrance has been blindfolded, and it looks like a normal wall. the difference.

Its position is behind a group of sculptures, and the woman standing in the middle wears a crown on her head. Her posture is like Venus born from the sea, but she is not on the shore with a brocade woven of stars. Greet her spring **** Frona.

She has a long dress hanging down on the floor, so she doesn’t need to put on any cloth. The fairies around her have different postures, some of them are holding fruits and wheat ears in their hands, and the whole looks like they are worshiping. .

  Persephone is the daughter of the grain goddess. Before Demeter didn't see it, Hades rushed out of the cracked ground in a black chariot and forced Persephone to the Hades.

   After Demeter found out that his daughter was missing, he looked around anxiously to find out the whereabouts of her daughter. She has no intention of farming anymore, and the fields in the world are beginning to be barren.

Seeing that the situation was serious, Zeus sent the messenger Hermes to the Hades and asked Hades to release Persephone. However, before leaving the Hades, Persephone ate the three pomegranate seeds Hades gave her, so she had to live in the dark Hades for three months in a year. After three months of the Hades, these three Months are cold winter.

The Virgo    is to commemorate this story. Persephone was once a virgin, but after being forced to marry by Pluto, she was not.

  Bronze and gold are both golden and brilliant, and it is difficult to distinguish with the eyes. There is no difference between a virgin and a newly married woman, and a person with a hypocritical mask can not be distinguished by a good person.

  Her intuition tells her that the representative constellation of the third labyrinth is Virgo, and the fourth labyrinth has something to do with hallucinations.

  Although the old fool did not teach her the spell of the gargoyle, the bronze birds that appear to be decorative should be able to move like the stone statues, and coupled with the interference of illusions, it may not be so easy to pass this layer.

  Some hallucinations are so wonderful that even if they know they are fake, they don’t want to leave. Therefore, so many people are wasting their time in front of Eris's magic mirror.

  She looked at the person coming out of the entrance of the illusory maze, and for a moment she couldn't tell whether he was a fantasy or a real existence.

  He didn't wear a black jacket. After all, the weather got hot, but he still wore a cloak and still looked hot.

   "Let's go." Severus said, "Don't bother them both."

   "You just didn't want to force Draco and Fiona to eat at the same table to tell me that, right?" Pomona sneered and said, "There is no new house at all, right?"

   "You'll know soon." Severus curled his arm "Take me."

  She took his arm obediently and apparated with him.

  Anyway, she will follow him wherever he goes, so why ask so much?

  (End of this chapter)