Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1230: Heavy pressure and light kneading

   Chapter 1230

  On December 24, 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte was assassinated on St. Niquet Street. Twenty-two people were killed and fifty-six injured, but Bonaparte was safe.

In the public opinion at the time, people generally believed that this was done by the king’s party. All the people who had participated in the decapitation of Louis XVI were "king-slayers." The Jacobins were among them, and Napoleon was also among them. Participating in the Jacobin faction became one of the "King Killers".

  But he is not a direct hand. Compared to other extremes, Louis XVIII in exile still has a bit of fantasy about him. The situation of the aristocrats in distress is often not so beautiful. Louis XVIII was very struggling, and Napoleon gave him allowances. Later, Louis XVIII wrote to the "King Killer", hoping that he would welcome him back, but Napoleon did not agree. At that time, some people in Baominyuan were already very dissatisfied with his special court.

  At the end of the old system, the Supreme Court after Maupe’s reform has lost its justice and has become obedient to the king’s words, and Napoleon’s special court is almost of this nature.

He was unwilling to accept the constraints of any principle or the constitution. The new celebrities favored the establishment of a strong government, but not an arbitrary government. The debate in the House of Representatives angered Napoleon’s "There is one in the House of Protection. Hit or fifteen metaphysicians who are only suitable to be thrown into the water. They are lice on my clothes. I am a soldier and the son of the Revolution. I will never tolerate the humiliation of me as a king."

  The assassination happened shortly afterwards.

He insisted on going to the theater to watch the show just after the assassination. On the third day, on December 26, 1800, Napoleon began the suppression. He shouted, "Those who corrupt the reputation of the Republic, and used all kinds of extreme methods, Anyone who destroys the cause of freedom by all means must be arrested."

  However, the object of his prosecution was not the royalist party, but the Jacobins, the organization representing the "revolutionary spring" that he had joined when he was desperate.

  The Jacobins indicted by him were either shot to death or sent to the guillotine. More importantly, the Jacobins were arrested on a large scale, and a large number of people were exiled without interrogation.

  Fouchet, who was in charge of the arrest, was an old chameleon. He attributed the blame for the murder to "British gold coins", which means that the British were behind the scenes.

  However, according to John Archer’s investigation, this assassination may have been planned by several priests.

  During the Italian War, Bonaparte had contact with the Pope. The Pope hoped that France would restore the status of the Catholic Church, but Napoleon did not accept this condition.

Because of the subsequent raids and exile by the Jacobins, the real culprit was covered up. French newspapers reacted strongly to this. Later, these "hostile newspapers" were shut down by Napoleon, but this did not prevent the underground printing plant from starting. There are a lot of ridicules in his publications, and some even frame him and his sister. Legend has it that Polina, the first beauty in Europe, has a relationship with him. Among them, Josephine’s love affairs during his outings are the most popular. The widest.

  Even the farmers outside the Marle Maison Manor know that there is a "little white face" sleeping in the manor's bedroom, and they are intimacy like a normal husband and wife.

  The police station is particularly terrifying. They can arrest arbitrarily, set up private courts, and in addition, use lunatic asylums to lock opponents in. One of the poets wrote a ridiculous poem "Yes, the great Napoleon, the great chameleon" and was arrested. Even a normal person would be mad in a lunatic asylum. This is how Napoleon reigned as if at all. Can't listen to other opinions.

The secret police is not a piece of iron barrels. Fouché and Dubois fought openly and secretly, so that they forgot what their original job was. When the rumors were spotted, they could not stop it. I heard that Napoleon gave a meal at the Tuileries Palace. In the fire, the two secret police chiefs were scolded bloody.

  Napoleon’s gentleness is for women, perhaps because he is eager to get the recognition and favor of women. However, he promoted a sense of morality through laws and public opinion, and people ridiculed him as "another victim of marriage." These upstarts from the Han ethnicity are not much noble than the Bourbon royal family, and their behavior and etiquette are not even as good as in the old days. , Napoleon then found the palace chief and the maid who had survived the old days.

  But these veterans who are proficient in court internal fighting will not enter the new court to mix with the muddy water. They have opened etiquette training courses on their own to recruit new celebrities who want to learn etiquette. Life is easy and stress-free. Napoleon saved himself, but was never stingy with Josephine. She costs 3,000 francs for an ordinary dress, and a custom-made dress from a specialized designer alone costs 140,000 francs a year. It is enough to make her a clothing manager. But Napoleon was not that easy to deceive. The former costume chief paid an extra 20,000 francs and was discovered by Napoleon. This person was naturally sentenced for corruption.

So it’s very difficult to work in his house-a confused wife, a shrewd husband, it’s easy to be greedy for money, and easy to get caught, and may be exiled or returned to prison for a few years, or be guillotined just like during the reign of terror. .

  Such high-quality requirements make many people who want to rely on the same as before, rely on good service to become favorites, and then they are in power, are discouraged. Therefore, the servants of Napoleon's house are not as many as the Bourbon royal family.

  He lived a very simple life, but the rewarding heroes and those who depended on him have never been stingy, and even the officers’ clothes are more gorgeous than him. This is a common problem of many political upstarts.

His biggest weakness is women, but he does not have many mistresses like Louis XIV and XV. The opera actresses who have been in contact with him will not enter the court like Madame Dubari. They go back in the middle of the night and start all over again. They wear cloaks to their feet, so that people can only tell their true identities from the carriage.

   Josephine never regarded them as opponents, except for the new "British woman". At first she called herself a "woman in red", but Napoleon later named her Giorgioanna, and she soon became Napoleon's chief mistress.

  He arranged her in the king's suite in St. Luke, which he should have avoided. The Tuileries also have a room where the king lived, and as a "son of the revolution", she should not be staying.

Early in the morning after the turmoil of last night, he took her away from St. Luke’s Palace and went to the Grand Tria Palace, where the chief mistress of King Louis XIV used to live, but more importantly, Louis XIV was in After his death, Mary Theresa secretly married his mistress Mante Farmer. Although she was not canonized as a queen, she always had the love and favor of Louis XIV and became a real and unknown queen.

  The Grand Tria Palace is adjacent to the Palace of Versailles. Although it appears to be abandoned, there are still garrisons in it. The degree of security is no less than that of Malemason.

  The secret police did not know why they arrested Edward Jenner, and then sent him to the Grand Tria Palace. Since February 1801, France has been vaccinating cowpox, but the results were not satisfactory. Even if Napoleon himself proved that it was all right, no one dared to try.

Smallpox will leave acne marks after it emerges. If it stays on the face, it will be ugly. Between death and beauty, mankind has chosen to love beauty. Anyway, the smallpox pandemic is not always encountered, but this face has to be met every day. Used to go out.

  It is so difficult to promote by the government, not to mention that Edward Jenner relied on his own savings to promote the effect more slowly in the private sector. Napoleon was a person who experienced the Black Death in Egypt. His ambition may not only be smallpox, but the Black Death can also be treated by similar vaccination.

  John, who originally didn't believe Napoleon's plan to negotiate a peace talk, began to be suspicious, but he didn't know the situation in the UK. He was a dispatched intelligence agent, whose main job was to spy on intelligence and prepare for "special missions."

  Although John was suspicious of the trap that Severus said Napoleon had gone to Fontainebleau to catch him, he still gave him a pocket of gold coins as the cost of purchasing intelligence.

  Severus didn't care about the bag of money, he used the bag of gold coins to buy the previous information from John, and then he left.

  After he left, the Liverpool man asked John "Is there a wizard by Napoleon?"

   "Of course there are, and there are also around the King of France, but they were caught by a group of mercenaries, and then they were sent to the guillotine by Jacobin. Now those mercenaries should be working for Napoleon."

   "Don't you need to remind him?" The Liverpool man asked, pointing to the door where Severus had just walked out.

   "I think he should know." John sneered and said, "Another love victim."


  The Corsican dictator, who was sitting in the carriage again, twisted his fingers.

  The considerate Fouché immediately smiled and leaned forward, "Still thinking about the woman just now?"

   Bonaparte ignored him.

"I heard scholars say that after the new lion has defeated the original lion king, it needs to kill the cubs of the old lion king, and then it can be with the lioness who lost the child." Fouché said "After her husband dies, she becomes a widow..."

   "She is not married at all, where did her husband come from?" The first ruling took back his finger and looked out the window.

  "Should we bring his head back to her and let her confirm it with her own eyes?" Foucher asked again.

   "No." Napoleon said, "I can also exile him, as long as he wants to never return to Paris."

  "You are so kind," Fouché said flatly.

  "Are you not worried that Dubois will please her to deal with you?" Napoleon said with a graceful smile.

   "Isn't she a woman like Madame Dubali?" Foucher asked, "she won't be fooled by gifts so easily."

  "What would a serious woman like?" Napoleon asked humbly.

   "Irregular man." Fu Xie spread his hands, grinning and said, "Men are not bad and women don't love them."

  Napoleon burst out laughing.

  'S appearance is not as gentle and elegant as when he treated scholars just now, nor as justice and awe-inspiring as a hero, but like a badass.

  (End of this chapter)