Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1237: "The Castle of Thorns"

  Chapter 1237 "Thorn Castle"

  On the other side of the Seine River, opposite the Paris Botanical Garden is the Bastille.

  Pomona looked at the construction workers who were building the bridge with the stones of the Bastille in a daze.

  The French Revolution originated here, and it was full of confusion and misunderstandings.

  If they hadn’t met a vampire, Pomona’s knowledge of the French Revolution would be limited to what she knew in the books.

  The chaotic and chaotic scene is very terrifying. Now even if someone rectifies the name of Louis XVI, no one rectifies the name of a warden.

  The right to speak is very strange. When people don’t know what kind of person the Marquis de Thaad is, and when they hear him yelling in prison, they think he is an innocent prisoner, so they follow his instructions. If they knew what the Marquis was like, they would only feel ashamed of it, and would not bother him at all.

  Harry said before that Voldemort was back. No one believed him at all. Instead, he regarded him as a liar and Dumbledore was a fool.

  After the Hogwarts War, people believed what he said, including the rectification of Severus.

  If Mrs. Dubali says that the national hero is a corruption smuggler, the citizens will only regard her as crazy.

  But if Montesquieu said that these people are hungry wolves in sheep's clothing, the citizens will be suspicious.

A person’s identity and reputation determine her prestige. If Pomona commanded a villain to arrest everywhere as a mistress, others would think that this was another round of persecution, and Napoleon became incompetent and left a foreign woman. If you make trouble in France, you don't need to do anything from the kingly party, and the citizens will treat him as a rascal.

  Speaking of the monarchy, let others take care of the unpleasant things to avoid being scorned and hated. At the same time, he must maintain a great, lofty, brave, fearless, steady and strong image. The overall result is that after Pomona helped Napoleon get rid of those self-sustaining military exploits and mischievous generals, she is very likely to become a victim of venting the anger of the people, and will eventually be sent like Marie Antoinette and Madame Dubali. Go to the guillotine.

  It would be an ending full of great self-sacrifice, just like Bella willing to be imprisoned in Azkaban in order to express her loyalty, let her beauty disappear, become pale and thin, and look like a dry rose.

  The same goes for Mrs. Valevska, the Polish wife. She dedicated herself to Napoleon for the Polish people. Later, she fell in love with him and became one of the objects conquered by Napoleon.

  If she is really so patriotic, she must find a way to allow Napoleon to provide benefits to Poland, just like the concubine of Venice in the Sultan’s Palace, allowing Venice to occupy a diplomatic advantage in the competition with Genoa in the Mediterranean.

  Considering her 17-year-old age and a husband who is enough to be her grandfather, dedicating herself to the country is actually a fake and an excuse.

  Women’s thoughts Women know best that Pomona does not intend to dedicate her life to Britain like a Polish lady, no matter what.

  The kind of peace that is sacrificed by women will put the proud British to shame, and she needs to consider smarter methods.

The civilian generals in France are very interested in foreign products. They still retain the way of thinking of the civilian era. Things need to be bought with money, and to obtain money, they need to sell goods. The only things they produce are grains, alcohol, and silk fabrics. The products that need to be machined belong to the country, and they can't consider the impact of selling grains on the whole of France.

  They should also have experienced the great revolution. The cause of the great revolution is directly related to famine and skyrocketing prices, but those who are full of wars may not think of this.

But these are all Pomona’s imagination and reasoning. She doesn’t know the real situation of France. Through the "Arc de Triomphe" and "Ordinary City Gate", she understands one thing. Sometimes the gap between her imagination and reality can be very large. , The French will spend a lot of money to repair the Arc de Triomphe, but they are unwilling to spend money on the beautiful and practical city gate with tax function.

  Smart girls should not interfere in politics, at least not in the same way as those mistresses.

  But Napoleon really needs help, so his sisters don’t need to think about it. Josephine may be better by comparison.

  She will be jealous, which is a good phenomenon. She will be jealous only when she loves someone, although she may not love Napoleon so deeply, because she is not jealous to the point of madness.

  On the contrary, Otense’s hostility to Pomona was so amazing, her eyes were about to burst into golden flames like Hathor.

  Pomona knew that Louis Bonaparte had someone she liked, but she did not expect that Otense would have a crush.

  The Marquis de Sade once lived with a mother and daughter, and it was a scandal even for his depraved swinger.

  If the stepfather plots wrongdoing with the stepdaughter, it will be a scandal enough to get politicians to step down in the 21st century.

  So whether or not Otense is obsessed with her stepfather because of the girl's adoration of heroes, she can't cross that line.

Women all over the world can have scandals with Napoleon, but Otense can’t. Anyway, as long as you marry someone you don’t like, it doesn’t matter if you marry anyone. Her burning anger and self-contradictory melancholy temperament are at the same time It's understandable by appearing on the body.

   "I really should be a novelist." Pomona smiled and shook her head, her imagination is really not normal.

   "What are you laughing at?" Otense looked at her hostilely.

  "Are you holding the injustice for your mother?" Pomona smiled and looked at Otense.

  "You shameless woman..."

  "A lady shouldn't swear like a shrew." Pomona corrected her with a cold face. "This city is already full of village girls who are adventurous from the countryside. I don't want to see one more."

"how dare you……"

  "I know that you are of aristocratic background, but a person's character and education are not determined by birth. Your parents are now entertaining guests. Don't make them feel embarrassed."

  Compared with those extremely vicious soldiers who can smash her corpse with a sword at any time, what is so terrible about a little girl?

   An incredible thought flashed through Pomona’s mind, why not let Otense become the “saint” who helped the poor?

  It’s just that she is going to marry Louis Bonaparte. With such a prestigious wife, could Louis become a threat to Napoleon?

  It is really easy for people who are imprisoned by the church to rule, but this is not conducive to the progress of the times.

  Those who took the lead in liberating their minds did not intend to serve the people. Those lawyers first thought of their own interests and regarded the country as a tool for their own profit.

  Napoleon’s special court does not require a lawyer to appear in court, and a defendant who does not understand the law at all can only be slaughtered in the trial.

But even if the judge agrees to the defendant to hire a lawyer, many people are unwilling or have no money to hire a lawyer. The rule of the government era has discredited the lawyers. They were portrayed by Napoleon as a malicious image. She did not believe that they had done nothing during the ruling period. Over.

   Once a person’s negative opinions are formed, it is difficult to eradicate. The identity of a "mistress" makes her gain convenience and loses her integrity. She is better suited to be behind the scenes rather than in front of the stage.

  Who would suspect the harassers accused by Pure Child? So children are supermen.

  Perhaps it was because Pomona ignored her, or Otansi was confused and didn't think about how to return her mouth, or she was a sensible child and didn't want to lose face in front of the guests, so she finally left.

  Educating the next generation is always a hassle.

  Pomona really envied those parents. She gave the child to the teacher and said "everything is up to you", and then they can live their lives happily.

  According to the Education Law, these children cannot be beaten or scolded for fear of hurting their fragile hearts.

  Beast tamers even have to whip twice. As expected, they can command blindly without teaching themselves. It is really a right decision to leave the school.

  But her mind was turbulent, a raft of Medusa was drifting on the surface, and she seemed to see a person holding the cloth towel in his hand waving at her.


  This is really a difficult question.

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"The masquerade was banned during the Revolution, and Versailles was often held before. However, the police chief Fouché abolished this ban, and the Paris Opera will hold four masquerades every year." John took out a drawing of the Paris Opera and Siff. Luss discusses "I heard that Napoleon will also attend next week's masquerade, yours... I think she should also attend."

   "The right to go with the mistress?" Severus smiled "kindly". "Sounds really Bourbon style."

   "She has a guardian, Edward Jenner, and Napoleon is very respectful to him." John suddenly smiled when he said this.

"why are you laughing?"

   "It's like returning to my youth, I also help my friend pursue his beloved girl." John wiped his face, "I didn't expect my job to be so interesting."

   "It's not interesting at all." Severus said coldly.

  "Have you ever met a competitor when you pursued her?" John continued to say with a smiley face.

   "One." Severus thought for a moment and said.

   "Only one?" John exclaimed in surprise.

"what's happenin?"

   "You lucky guy." John exclaimed, "You are so lucky."

  (End of this chapter)