Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 1328: Eel under the stone

   Chapter 1328 The eel under the stone

  After the Luneville peace treaty was signed, André Masséna was finally able to spare some time, and this time he was also among the guests attending the opening ceremony of the canal.

Pierre Francis Charles Augereau is now in charge of commanding the Dutch army, but he sent a gift-the original "Girl with a Pearl Earring", which is now hanging on the wall of the Louvre. At the same time, Napoleon returned a copy to the Netherlands.

In 1800, Jean Baptiste Bernadotte was assigned to command the Western Corps to prevent the landing of British warships. In June, it was discovered that it was nothing but the royalist party. The headquarters of the royalist party was on an island, La Roche. Shfuko Leoncourt was not so much suppressing the rebels as persuasive to surrender.

  The British pound has plummeted in Spain and Hamburg because of the defeat in the Portuguese war. Both nobles and businessmen are not in favor of raising income taxes. British gold and silver are rising in value.

  A British magazine once declared: Even if the humane and commendable policy of starving the French to death cannot be realized, it may be a good policy to try to make peace to prevent our people from starving to death.

  Without the financial support of the United Kingdom, the royalist party would not be able to form an army, and the remaining people would only carry out some terrorist activities.

  But what Lucien Bonaparte did not understand the most was why the British knew that Saint Cyr was the commander of the Orange War.

  Saint Cyr had left Paris in February and went to Madrid as a diplomat. No one knew the military mission he was carrying.

  The French Navy’s Eastern Fleet was destroyed, and there were other navies. What's more, the task of these navies was to bring the French army ashore and attack Lisbon.

Saint Cyr received the nickname "Uncooperative Bedmate" during his tenure in the Rhine Army. Godoy was so anxious that he wanted to attack, but the commander-in-chief, Saint Cyr, did not move. He issued an order without authorization and allowed the army to attack first.

  Unexpectedly, Godoy, who was originally feigning attack, turned into a real offense. Although the British Army had the same "famous" as the French Navy, it was unlikely to have no resistance at all.

When    hit Olivenza, Lucien was afraid that the enemy's trap would enter the hinterland and be besieged, so he stopped.

  Usually Lucien has a cynical temperament, with a smile of contempt at the corner of his mouth, and doing some seemingly ridiculous things. It is easy for people to think that he is the kind of dude who gained power through Napoleon's relationship.

In July 1799, he and Joseph used to support Bernadotte to become the Minister of War. The meticulous Bernadotte suspected that there was a conspiracy. After working for 2 months, he resigned and returned to the army in September 1799. On the eve of the Wuyue coup, Bernadotte rejected Napoleon’s wooing.

  If the Anglo-French peace talks are successful, then the Western Legion may be disbanded, and Bernadotte will be spared.

  Spain surrendered Louisiana, Portugal also surrendered a colony in the Americas. Napoleon was hesitant to send a general to the Americas. His preferred candidate was Bernadotte, but only if the peace talks were successful.

  Georgiana probably understood how the family gets along when making pies with canned cherries sent by Lucien.

  Now she wants to add something to this pie, for example, if it is not fatal, it will definitely make the Corsican dwarf uncomfortable for several days.

  The first lover is the mortal enemy of the mixed-blood Veeva. What good is it for her to look beautiful? She is still no better than a human girl.

But even if she was angry, she still didn't do that. After talking about his first love at the age of 16, the cadet boy who was hiding under the tree in the heavy rain took a thorny road. His hands were no longer clean, and goodbye to the pure life. Up.

She is a sympathetic person. After controlling her emotions, her brain starts to work fast. Corsicans have a strong family concept. Letting Bernadotte be the minister of war is like Lucien giving her canned cherries. Making a pie is like a temptation. Under the premise of maintaining the reign of the Bonaparte family, the brothers do not care about Napoleon, but it is impossible for them to be so close to the Weasley brothers.

  How did Letizia Bonaparte give birth to such a bunch of children.

  She was very upset, not only for the cherry pie, but also for the crisis that she didn't know where, and the problem of having children.

She definitely wouldn’t let herself be a fertility machine, but the question of Napoleon’s heir lay right before her eyes. A hen that couldn’t lay eggs would be killed and eaten. Montesquieu’s book wrote that she was unable to have children. Divorced wife exists in monogamy, and polygamy does not have this problem.

  In ancient China, the system of polygamy and multiple concubines was actually practiced. Tang Minghuang’s first wife, Wang Ling, was abolished because she was unable to have children. She shared the sorrow with Tang Minghuang. At that time, he wanted to make the niece Wu Hui, who gave birth to the longevity king Wu Zetian, as the queen, and was strongly opposed by the ministers. During the court debate, he even said that "the hatred of parents is not shared." In the end, he did not make a queen again, even when Yang Yuhuan was favored again, he did not make her a queen.

  Josephine has done too much. In the eyes of outsiders, she is also a French woman. It does not matter if Georgeanna, an English woman, is a "bed partner". They will not accept it as a queen.

  After a person understands his own position, some problems are naturally seen. Under the premise of not being a "queen", the wedding is useless if it is extravagant.

Mr. Martin is afraid that Georgiana will become the second Joan. She feels that she is a light-year away from becoming Joan. There is really a "saint" right now, the one who was rescued in prison with a glass of blood and wine with the remaining warmth. Miss Sombreuy from his father.

  It was the ugliest scene of the Great Revolution, and it was also the most sympathetic scene of the people. Those old nobles were deadly pitiful, but their old system really needed to be overthrown.

  The famous painting of the Raft of Medusa appeared in her mind. A helpless sailor was standing on a hill of corpses, waving a red cloth. She would never allow those nobles who left her soldiers and fled for their lives to regain power.

  They are such people. They don’t see the facts clearly, they just hope to regain power and enjoy the glory and wealth. They will not be so frugal in food and dress like Napoleon.

  She is a vying heart with Bonaparte who can hold on for longer, but she loses. Hefpaff likes food very much, but she can’t waste food during famine.

  Through the excuse of being a guest, she could finally not restrain herself so much and cook a more luxurious table, and other people in the kitchen did not look at her critically.

  The French do not eat freshwater fish in the river. Many people think that freshwater fish feed on corrupt food in the silt at the bottom, and the meat is not “pure” than sea fish. This point Georgiana does not want to change.

  French people will say "this woman is ugly than tuna" when teasing, or when they are surprised they describe "with a pair of cod-like surprised eyes."

  Life is not just for eating, but also for fun. Eating French cuisine requires a beautiful environment, and there is fish in the river to balance naturally.

  She sniffed the scent of food and began to recall the scene of the last picnic by the canal. She actually liked to see Napoleon wearing that gray coat.

   "Miss!" Sophie suddenly yelled behind her, almost frightening the spoon in her hand.

   "What is Chad doing in a surprise!" she said with a heartbeat.

  Sophie smiled slyly, "The guest is here, **** asked me to call you, what were you thinking about?"

  She didn't want to pay attention to the maid, who was not big or small, so she untied her apron and went back to the place where the "master" should stay.

Lucien was entertaining guests in the concert hall. There were not many guests. There were five people, including the uninvited Ubral. Although the two were dressed as rich men, they showed a kind of military temperament. Maybe a representative of the Royal Navy.

They were chatting, and when they saw Georgiana came, they immediately circled her to compliment her. In addition to her "admirable beauty" and "otherworldly wisdom", that unpublished pamphlet was used by many university libraries. Collected, it can be used as a reference material for emergency rescue during famine in the future.

  One of them has not said much. He looks more than 40 years old, with a thick beard and a light gray silk coat, but he feels like an elegant scholar.

The characteristic of British men is that they stand upright, and when they stare at a woman, they seem to be filled with affection, but they do not take the initiative to approach her, but maintain social distance. This is completely different from French men when they find opportunities to get close. of.

   "Introduce, this gentleman is Thomas Granit." Lucien introduced Georgiana.

   "Hello, Mr. Granit." She said in English, reaching out and letting the other person kiss the back of her hand.

  "It's an honor to meet you, Miss Giorgioanna." Granit said in fluent French.

  Granite means perseverance and granite in English. The city of Aberdeen where the Earl of Aberdeen is located happens to have the title of the city of granite.

The elder William Pitt was the Earl of Chatham. His eldest son John inherited the title and inheritance. His second son William Pitt Jr. could only get an income of 300 pounds per year. But when the old Pitt died, John was due to perform missions overseas. , Little Pete assumed the responsibility of the main bereavement.

  Little Pete entered politics in 1781, advocating for reconciliation with the United States.

  He is proficient in finances. After taking office, he adjusted the commodity tax rate and national debt, and rectified government corruption. Within a few years, he made up for the deficit of the British during the War of Independence.

   When he became prime minister at the age of 24, there was a popular short poem that satirized Pete's appointment as prime minister as "entrusting the country to a schoolboy."

  Napoleon became a general at the age of 27, and was once questioned about his ability, but he used his record to make all doubts disappear.

  After taking office, Pete carried out administrative reforms, reduced government expenditures, and signed a free trade treaty with France. At the same time, in order to reduce France's influence, he entered into alliances with various countries on the European continent.

  Thomas Pitt hid a diamond from India and Pakistan in the thigh of a slave and smuggled it out of the diamond mine. Later, the slave revealed this secret to a British captain and offered to split the money for selling the diamond.

  During the journey, the captain called the slave and asked him to take out the diamond to have a look. The slave did so, and then the captain pushed him into the deep sea while the slave was not paying attention.

  After the ship docked, the captain sold it to the businessman Jem Cinder for 20,000 marks. After getting the money, the captain quickly squandered it and owed a debt. In the end, he was forced to hang himself and died.

The British governor of Madras, Thomas Pitt, bought the diamond from Jem Village for 320,000 francs and named it the "Pitt" diamond, because the governor of this giant diamond became the "Diamond Pete" "The Diamond Pete became the first person in the Pete family to become famous.

  In 1702, Thomas Pitt hid the diamond in the heel of his eldest son Robert, and followed the merchant ship "Bedford" to London, where it was cut by jeweler Joseph Cooper.

  Due to the high price of diamonds, many European royal families were discouraged. After the death of Louis XIV, his five-year-old great-grandson ascended to the throne of France, with Ishak Abendana, Duke of Orleans, as the regent. In order to declare his authority, Abendana bought the diamond for 135,000 francs, and named it the "Regent" diamond. At that time, because the diamond was too large to sell, Joseph performed a second cut. One piece looks like a shield, which is the King Regent’s diamond, and the other small diamonds were purchased by Peter the Great. At the coronation of Louis XV, the "Regent" diamond was set on his crown.

  During the French Revolution, the "Regent" diamond was stolen along with other French jewels and has not been seen for a long time.

Paris uncovered a criminal gang that made counterfeit coins. One of them explained that he had participated in the theft of "Regent" jewelry. Later, he wrote a letter. The Paris police found the diamond and other jewelry according to his description. Hiding place.

  Due to financial constraints, the supervising government mortgaged the "King Regent" to Treslav, a wealthy businessman in Berlin. Napoleon redeemed it after he took office and mounted it on the hilt of his sword.

Normally Napoleon would not carry the sword inlaid with gems. The "Regency" pompom was not tied to anyone but he dared to tie it. Georgiana lent it to Ubral as a token, but the pompom is not there now. In his hand, Ubral did not return Georgian.

  Although the battle for hegemony between Britain and France began in the early 18th century, this war has lasted for 15 years, and the free trade treaty was of course invalidated during the war.

  For talented men, she has an almost keen intuition.

  After retracting her hand, she tried to avoid making eye contact with this Mr. Granit, and walked to Lucien.

   "Lunch is ready, gentlemen." She said to them like the hostess, "Or do you want to talk a little longer?"

   "I'm starving to death." Lucien bluntly said to the British representatives, "Are you hungry?"

   "Thank you for your hospitality. Can I ask what is today's main course?" Granit asked gracefully.

   "Steak." Georgiana said enthusiastically, "I made this with English cooking. I miss my hometown taste."

   "How about we eat fish next time?" Lucien said to everyone, "I think you will definitely want to try French cuisine in a foreign country."

  The British kept smiling, but did not speak, but they should have realized what the "main course" is.

   "Come with me." Georgiana said happily, leading the group of "big men" to the restaurant.

  (End of this chapter)